Meeting of Takeley Parish Council

held on Wednesday, 6th February 2013, at 7.30pm at Takeley Station House.

Present: / Clr Carol Pratt
Clr Pat Burnett
Clr Linda Steer
Clr Tricia Barber
Clr Geoff Bagnall
Cllr Brian Baldwin
Clr Tina Domigan / Clr David Daykin
Cllr Trevor Allen
Clr Richard Cheetham
Cllr Sue Sprules
Clr John Green
Clerk Jane Heskey
Apologies: / Clr John Gregory
Visitors: / District Cllr Jackie Cheetham, Mr. John Altham (resident), Adam of ACM Group
13/21 / Welcome and apologies
Chairman Clr. Carol Pratt opened the meeting, welcomed members and received apologies as above.
TPC members were saddened to hear that Mrs. Margaret Underwood had recently died. A letter of condolence has been sent to her family. / All note
13/22 /

Declarations of Interest:


Members were reminded that they should declare relevant interests at each meeting for items on the agenda and to request a replacement form if their circumstances have changed and their register needs amending.

/ All note
13/23 / Minutes
(previously circulated)
The minutes of the Council meeting 9th January 2013, which had been circulated previously, were approved as a true record and signed by the Chairman. / All note
13/24 / Open Forum
Adam (ACM Group) presented proposals for a new skate park.
It was agreed that these should be combined with ideas from Takeley Primary School ideally with pictures/photos of each piece of equipment.
It was concluded that a new skate park would require a larger area of the Sports Field than currently occupied.
It was suggested that an application for funding should be submitted to Stansted Community Trust before the end of February (TPC cannot apply. Applications must come from community groups).
DC Jackie Cheetham reported:
§  She had fought Takeley's case when UDC recently agreed proposal for new warding arrangements as part of the Boundary Commission review of electoral wards. In the end UDC agreed that Takeley & Lt. Canfield should be kept within the same ward. A 3 member ward was proposed that includes Takeley, Lt. Canfield, Broxted, & part of bush End.
§  UDC Council Tax 2013/14 proposal = -1%
Govt grant has reduced by 42% in the past 3 years. This has been compensated by New Homes Bonus money.
Essex County Council proposes a freeze, Essex Fire Service proposes a freeze, Essex Police have proposed an increase of 3.5%
§ UDC intend to put more money into enforcement
§ Clrs Derek Jones & Jackie Cheetham have £4k each to allocate to community projects - applications please. / All note/
March mtg.
13/25 / January 2013 Financial Report
(previously circulated)
Financial transactions for January 2013 were tabled & agreed.
TPC noted a completed bank reconciliation. / All note
13/26 / Uttlesford Homestart
(previously circulated)
Request for funding following decision by one of the statutory funders, Essex County Council, to discontinue funding in 2013/14 (£41k).
TPC approved a grant of £500. / All note/
13/27 / Youth Facilities in Takeley
(previously circulated)
TPC agreed an advert that will be published in the next Grapevine & TPC Newsletter summarising the feedback from the recent survey & asking adult volunteers to come forward to supervise groups/activities.
TPC agreed to fund CRB checks for suitable volunteers.
Clr Linda Steer is also working with Takeley Primary School to ask if they will publish the above in the school newsletter.
Clr Linda Steer reported that the Uttlesford Sports Development Team currently runs a football session (13-19yrs old) on Tuesdays at Priors Green Community Hall. Clr Linda Steer is contacting Gaynor Bradley at UDC to request additional sessions. TPC understands that UDC cannot fund hall hire charges & this is something that TPC may need to consider further if a coach is available. / All note/
March mtg
13/28 / Four Ashes Bus Shelters (B1256 eastbound & westbound)
Following continuous vandalism of the bus shelter this year, TPC has previously agreed to seek quotes to replace one or both of the bus shelters.
The Clerk has sought quotes from a contractor recommended by ECC Transport Dept.
The quote: to remove both shelters, make good the ground, install refurbished '3 bay shelters' with end panels & seats is approximately £10500.
TPC agreed that this amount was excessive and agreed to gather quotes from alternative suppliers. / All note/
March mtg
13/29 / Bench at Roseacres
This was originally a bench commemorating the Millennium.
Following vandalism of the bench TPC has had it inspected & concluded it is uneconomical to repair.
TPC reviewed quotes for a wood and wood/metal bench ranging from £400 to £450 to supply & fit. TPC agreed that none of these seemed appropriate or sufficiently robust. TPC has requested quotes for a metal or recycled plastic/ composite bench. / All note/
March mtg
13/30 / Planning Committee meeting 23rd Jan. 2013
Report & Recommendations
(previously circulated)
TPC approved the report & recommendations:
Stansted Airport Pedestrian Access
In response to TPCs complaint regarding the lack of safe pedestrian access into the airport, TPC has received details of a proposed footpath improvement scheme.
In response members agreed to respond as follows:
- The problem has not been fully addressed by the proposal. This effects both staff & customers.
- In the spirit of localism we would have hoped to be involved.
- How can TPC assist you?
-The proposal does not address the problem of crossing busy roads. TPC would recommend a controlled crossing point or footbridge to cross Terminal Road.
UTT/12/6120/OP Sunny View, School Lane, Molehill Green
Brief Description: Outline permission for erection of one & a half storey dwelling.
Recommendation: Support
UTT/12/6172/REN Former Canfield Service Station, Little Canfield.
Brief Description: Renewal of Planning Application UTT/1264/09/OP for the erection of 4 dwellings & cart lodges with some matters reserved.
Recommendation: Objection
In principle TPC supports the development of this site however TPC does not support the current proposed layout & access.
/ All note
13/31 / Pedestrian access to rail & bus station, and the terminal at Stansted Following submission of comments agreed at the Planning Committee mtg 23/1/13 further comment has been received from Stansted Airport:
' The project group have looked at demand and it would not justify the provision of a controlled crossing/footbridge. The group is specifically looking at resolving a problem where cyclists come to the end of the footpath & then have to join traffic on the road. The scheme is a simple extension of the footpath and provides safe crossing of Terminal Road South'
TPC agreed further comments:
- It is illegal to cycle on pavements (over 11 yrs of age)
-This scheme does not achieve anything.
-TPC agreed to write to the new airport owners offering TPCs help/support to work together to resolve the problem of safe pedestrian access to the public railway station & airport.
The Clerk will write to Stansted Airport & the new owners. / All note/
13/32 / Essex Replacement Minerals Local Plan Consultation
Pre Submission consultation open until 28th Feb. 2013
(previously circulated)
TPC received a report & recommendations from TPC Planning Committee:
At this stage the engagement period is to provide an opportunity to consider the soundness of the plan ahead of its submission for independent examination by a Planning Inspector. The document sets out the strategy & policies for how Essex will approach minerals development until 2029.
1.  The plan-period covers 18 years between the 1 Jan 2012 - 31 Dec 2029 inclusive.
2.  Flood Risk Assessment & Habit Regulation Assessment complete
3.  Consistent with NPPF
4.  The Plan’s overarching strategic ambition is to deliver the mineral supply hierarchy in Essex. This aims firstly to reduce as far as practicable the quantity of mineral used and waste generated, then to use as much secondary and recycled mineral as possible, before finally securing the remainder of mineral needed through new primary extraction and safeguarding appropriate mineral facilities and resources. The rationale behind the minerals supply hierarchy has underpinned all plan preparation work undertaken since 2005, and continues to provide a coherent and sound foundation for this Plan.
The Plan is applicable to all mineral development in the County.
Minerals & waste Sites near Takeley
Run by Edviron
Permissions until 2042
Non hazardous landfill, In vessel Composting, Open windrow composting
Run by Viridor
Permissions until 2030
Non hazardous landfill, C&D Inert & Non Inert, Open windrow
ESS/06/11/UTT granted 4/5/11
Continuation of restoration of the site previously used as a barrow pit without compliance to cond. 2 ESS/06/01/UTT to allow an alternative restoration scheme of the site at land to north of A120.
Run by Sewells Reservoir Construction
Cessation date = 14yrs from commencement
Planning application submitted Jan. 2013 for bagging operation.
No operator
Inert landfill, CD&E Inert & Non Inert
Run by GE & AF Silvester Ltd
C&D Recycling
Having reviewed operations near to/in Takeley the focus of TPCs concern is vehicle movements to & from these sites.
In Policy S11 Access & Transport it claims:
3.172 The transportation of minerals and associated traffic is one of the most significant impacts relating to minerals development and it is what usually causes most concern to communities. It is of utmost importance when permitting new minerals related development (including new extraction sites, extensions to existing sites and transhipment sites) that lorries use appropriate routes.
3.176 Whilst this Plan must ensure economic viability, it must also direct lorries onto suitable routes, optimise the efficient use of the main road network and apply the route hierarchy. The route hierarchy catalogues roads by capacity, and mineral traffic will be expected to use those roads in the upper tiers, defined as trunk roads (including motorways), strategic routes and main distributors, and in some circumstances appropriate suitable secondary distributors.
3.178 This third tier involving the use of roads outside the main road network will also only be acceptable if there is no adverse impact on road safety and the environment, including local amenity.
3.182 It is important to ensure that the effects of traffic on any local community, the environment and the local road network are carefully considered, including the cumulative impacts of these. Where Preferred Sites are extensions to existing quarries, these areas should be worked consecutively in order that mineral extraction in the existing quarry be completed prior to mineral extraction commencing in the new "extension area". This is to ensure that there is no cumulative increase in associated vehicle movements (such as by having two areas operational), and that workings are progressive. Furthermore the new extension areas should not involve an increase in vehicle movements at that site, when compared to vehicle movements under existing permissions.
TPC expects this policy to be implemented/enforced in full. As an example TPC is currently in discussion with ECC re signage on the B1256 to Highwood Quarry. The designated route is however along the A120. Apparently the Highways Agency will not permit any directional signage on the A120. As a result lorry traffic is travelling through the heart of our community using the B1256.
TPC would also recommend that if operations are intended at the site at Little Easton Airfield it should merge/share access (onto the A120) with Highwood Quarry.
TPC approved the response. / All note/
13/33 / Priors Green Community Hall
(previously circulated)
UDC has confirmed transfer of S106 monies.
TPC agreed that the 3 previously nominated councillors should sign the transfer documentation.
In addition, TPC agreed that the start up fund for the PGCH Management Committee should be £7360.13 (to provide equipment) plus £45k. The Clerk should arrange a meeting with members of the working group & PGCH Mgmt Committee to finalise terms of the lease & start up fund. / All note/
13/34 / Clerks Report
(previously circulated)
TPC noted the report.
§ Clr Trevor Allen confirmed that the Felix Cobson memorial tree in Holy Trinity Churchyard has been replaced.
§ TPC agreed that the Annual Parish Assembly will be held on Wed. 17th April 2013.
§ TPC agreed to write to Essex Police Commissioner re the impact of restructuring on availability of the local Police Team (NAP meetings stopped, no Beat surgeries from Sept 2012 - Feb. 2013)
§ TPC agreed that following completion of interviews for the Asst Clerk post the interview panel should conclude the selection & appointment process.
§ TPC requested a copy of the EA report for South Road ditch
§ Crumps Farm liaison meeting 5/3/13 @ 2pm - Clr John Green to attend / All note/
13/35 / Sports Field & Recreation Ground Inspection Report
Clr John Green has completed inspections of the Recreation Ground & Sports Field which was approved by TPC.
Sports Field Skate Park - more of the concrete edging has been damaged. / All note
13/36 / Non Agenda Report
TPC noted the report. / All note
13/37 / Highways & Footpaths
TPC noted a number of locations where potholes are particularly bad:
- The pothole at the end of Warish hall Rd/Smiths Green has not been repaired.
-B1256 south side between the 2 Priors Green r'abouts
-Cranwellian, Takeley Street to M11 r'about
-Warish Hall Road. / Clerk to report to ECC Highway

The meeting finished at 10.10pm.

THE NEXT MEETING: of Takeley Parish Council will be held on

Wednesday, 6th March 2013 at Takeley Station House at 7.30pm.

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