Plymouth University
Photography Policy
Author: / Emma Wainman
Date: / 13/9/2016
Security Level:
Version: / PUBLIC
Review Date: / 2 years



2.Data Protection Act 1998

3.The Photography team



6.General photos

7.Group photos

8.Individual photos

9.Personal Use

10.Individuals under 18

11.External Photographers


13.Related Documents

14.Monitoring and Review of the Policy


1.1This policy is to inform staff, students and visitors of the University’s approach to film and images taken within its facilities and at its events.

Data Protection Act 1998

2.1The Data Protection Act 1998 applies if an individual can be identified from their image and certain measures should therefore be taken to ensure the rights of those individuals are respected in the collection and use of visual images. Individuals should be told the following that their image may or has been taken, what that image has been used for and their consent obtained.

The Photography team

3.1The University Photography team creates images for Plymouth University and supports recruitment, marketing and communications, photographing campaigns, research, people, places and events.

3.2Photographs are used by the University in promotional material to provide information about the University, its programmes of study and research to a wide audience. These materials can range from leaflets, brochures and posters as well as newspapers and web-based publications.


4.1The University will, where appropriate, inform attendees that photographs will be taken at an event through the event’s webpages, booking forms/sites and the registration desk. Signage will also be in place at the event itself.


5.1Best practice is to obtain written consent from an individual through the University’s Model Release Form. There will, however, be occasions when this is impractical in which case verbal consent should be obtained.

5.2The Model Release Form provides information to an individual so they can make an informed decision about providing their consent. The form is available here.

5.3There is no time limit on consent but an individual can withdraw their consent at any time.

5.4Should an individual change their mind about the use of their image they should contact . Their wishes should be respected and whilst the University cannot withdraw images which have already been published the images should not be used further.

General photos

6.1If individuals are not identifiable from the photograph there is no requirement to obtain consent to take, display or publish the photo. Individuals in the foreground of photos should be warned and given the opportunity to move away.

Group photos

7.1If practical, individuals within group photos should be asked to provide written consent. However, in large groups this will not be possible but the group will be verbally informed that their image will be taken and the purpose for which it will be used.

7.2 If photos are to be taken during a group activity it should be announced in advance so that individuals have the chance to move out of the shot.

Individual photos

8.1When individuals are featured in photos their written consent should be obtained in order for the University to use that shot in publicity and marketing materials.

Personal Use

9.1Photographs taken for personal use only do not require consent of individuals.

Individuals under 18

10.1Parental or guardian consent is required to take photographs of individuals under 18.

External Photographers

11.1External photographers invited to attend University events must be made aware of this policy and the University’s obligations under the Data Protection Act 1998.


12.1In accordance with the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998 the photos will be securely stored.

12.2The majority of images will be used for 5 years after which they are moved in to the University’s image archive for future use as a historical record.

Related Documents

13.1This policy should be read in conjunction with the following University documents

Data Protection Policy

Records Retention Schedule

Monitoring and Review of the Policy

14.1This policy is subject to review by the Data Quality Committee every 2 years

Document Control
Version / Contributors / Details / Date / Approved by / Position / Date
1.0 / EW / Draft / 27/5/2016 / - / - / -
2.0 / EW/PJ / Minor amendments / 21/7/2016 / Data Quality Committee / 13/9/2016