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Residency Interview Questions (Examples)

Academic (Academic major, Breadth of coursework,Advanced work research)

  1. What is the most significant academicaccomplishment?
  2. What unusual or especially excitingacademic opportunities have you enjoyed?

Intellectual (Ability to think independently,Ability to draw conclusions; Ability to see beyond the surface, Enjoys “learning for learning’s sake”)

  1. Think of a person whom you considerwell educated. What are the qualitiesthis person has that you admire?
  2. Tell us about the role of art in society as you see it?
  3. If you had to name one work of literature that has made a real impact on you, what would it be?How has it influenced you?

Personal Qualities (Self-awareness, Relations with others, Ethical foundation, Warmth and empathy, Creativeness

  1. Describe your talents and special interests.
  2. What isthe most difficult ethical situation you may have faced while in medical school?
  3. What do you consider yourmost significant personal achievement?

Leadership (Extracurricular, Community, Individual)

  1. Think of someone you would describe as a goodleader.
  2. What are the qualities that make a leader? How does a leader motivate?
  3. Do you consider yourself a leader? In what sense must every physician be a leader?
  4. When are you comfortable being a follower?

Social Awareness (Attitude toward social issues, Awareness of social issues)

  1. If you had an audience and a soapbox, what would be your topic?
  2. What are the most pressing issues facing our health care society today?
  3. What is the greatest challenge facing the field of medicine today?


  1. What was your most meaningful setback?
  2. What would you change about your educational journey if you could?
  3. What is your favorite quote/book and why.
  4. What is your most altruistic moment?
  5. What was your most successful failure?