
Texas School Health Advisory Committee

Regular Meeting

Brown-Heatly Building, Suite 1420

4900 North Lamar

Austin, TX 78754

Monday, June 18, 2007

9:30 a.m.-2:45 p.m.

Members Present:

Kimberly Avila-Edwards – Austin (Assistant Presiding Ofcr.) Jan Hungate – West

Teri Balog-TDA Marissa Rathbone – TEA

Tracy Biediger – Boerne Dora Rivas – Dallas

Rhonda Carr – Midland Linda Seewald – San Antonio

Bob Conlon – Sugarland Jane Tustin – Lubbock (Presiding Ofcr.)

Cathy Harris – Midland Anita Wheeler – DSHS

Robin Harvel- San Antonio

Members Absent:

Dian Cooper – Waxahachie Kelly Reed-Hirsch – Houston

Carey Dabney – Austin Yolanda Taylor – Argyle

Courtney Felder-Dodd – Corpus Christi


Natalie Clifton Celeste Windham

Barbara Keir Janna Zumbrun

Jerri Ward

Support Staff:

Ellen Kelsey Laurie Anderson

Agenda Item #1: Welcome and Opening Remarks: The meeting was called to order by the assistant presiding officer, Dr. Kimberly Avila-Edwards. There was an introduction of guests. The agenda was presented for review. The minutes from the April 23, 2007 meeting were presented for approval.

Action Taken:

The agenda was adopted.

The April 23, 2007 meeting minutes were approved as corrected.

Agenda Item # 2: Report on the School Physical Activity and Nutrition (SPAN) Project: Jerri Ward provided a review of the science behind SPAN, a review of the two year comparison of the 2001-02 and 2002-03 studies, and an overview of next steps for the SPAN project. A summary of the study titled, School Physical Activity and Nutrition Survey (SPAN), was handed out to the TSHAC (addendum to these minutes).

Action Taken:

Ellen Kelsey will obtain from Jerri Ward a copy of the SPAN PowerPoint presentation to disseminate to the TSHAC.

Ellen Kelsey will obtain from Jerri Ward the Robert Woods Johnson questionnaire to disseminate.

Agenda Item # 3: Report on the Partnership for a Healthy Texas: A written report (an addendum to these minutes) was reviewed by the TSHAC and discussed.

Action Taken:

None taken.

Agenda Item # 4: Agency Updates

Department of State Health Services: Anita Wheeler provided an update on the outcomes of school health related legislation, including the recently passed immunization bills. A DSHS committee is working to compile information on all mandated school requirements (including those passed into law this legislative session) onto one website to provide school districts easy access to the information. The target for completion is mid-July. Next, a first draft handout that lists high -quality child health websites was reviewed by the TSHAC (an addendum to these minutes). This list is a working document and as new websites come available they will be added and posted to the school health program webpage. Ms. Wheeler notified the TSHAC that an update on the DSHS school health regional assessment was not available for this meeting and would be provided at the September 17, 2007 meeting. Next, the TSHAC was presented with a draft version of the official logo and letterhead for the group’s formal communications. The TSHAC reviewed the new logo and provided suggestions. Applications for the TSHAC physical educator/parent member position have been reviewed. The selection has been routed to HHSC for approval. As a final note, Ms. Wheeler discussed the TSHAC annual report that goes to the DSHS council. The report is complete and will be presented to the DSHS council at their August 6, 2007 meeting by Jane Tustin and Dr. Kim Avila-Edwards.

Action Taken:

Ellen Kelsey will track and compile all suggestions from the TSHAC for the child health website list and the TSHAC logo/letterhead.

Jane Tustin and Dr. Kim Avila-Edwards will present the TSHAC annual report to the DSHS council at their August 6, 2007 meeting.

Texas Education Agency: Marissa Rathbone provided an update on coordinated school health (CSH) programs. Ms. Rathbone and Jeffrey Kloster collected information regarding CSH programs and SB 530 at a conference for district level PE and Health administrators. This information will be used in future decision making processes in regards to CSH. Next, an update on SB530 was given. The bill was passed and a copy of the final version of the law was distributed to the TSHAC. In the final version, grades 6-8 must have 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity. School districts will be able to decide how this will be accomplished. TEA is developing rules to address exemptions and off campus activities. Another component of SB530 is the fitness assessment. TEA’s first order of business will be to address the fitness assessment. SB530 also outlines that the TEA will consult with the TSHAC regarding all of these matters before TEA reports to the legislature next year. The TSHAC discussed the fitness assessment (such as the fitness gram) and the dangers that it may present to obese or physically inactive children. Last, Ms. Rathbone completed her report on CSH with an update on the 3 approved CSH programs; HealthyWise/Spark, Bienestar, and CATCH. Upon completion, Ms. Rathbone will share with the TSHAC, the work that Great Body Shop has done on the TEA template to make it user friendly. Finally, Ms. Rathbone reported that Jeff Kloster and she will be presenting school health updates at an upcoming TASA meeting and TASA/TASB conference.

Action Taken:

Marissa Rathbone will provide Ellen Kelsey the CSH article in NASB so that it can be distributed to the TSHAC.

Texas Department of Agriculture: Teri Balog provided an update on the integration of HHSC’s Special Nutrition’s program with TDA. Next, Ms. Balog provided an overview of TDA’s Coordinated Review Effort (CRE). The CRE Critical Review Areas handout (an addendum to these minutes) was provided to the TSHAC to examine. The Coordinated Review Effort (CRE) is a USDA standardized, on-site review process that: 1) ensures compliance with National School Lunch and Breakfast Programs 2) is required to focus on Lunch (TDA will review some breakfast programs) 3) is required to focus on Lunch, Breakfast and Snack Programs on Follow-up Review. The CRE is required once every five years. Currently, schools are being reviewed ahead of schedule. The current CRE schedule is posted on the TDA website at www.squaremeals.org/fn/render/parent/channel/0,1253,2348_2380_15027_0,00.html#15027.

Agenda Item # 4: Pandemic Flu Statewide Model Guidelines for Schools-Subcommittee and TASB Report: Anita Wheeler reported that hopefully by the next meeting that Cindy Morgan would be available to provide more information on pandemic flu issues in Texas. She and a colleague were unexpectedly called away for a live infectious disease exercise. Ms. Wheeler reported that the regional health departments are engaged in working with school districts for a mock drill. In August, more information will be available to share with the TSHAC in regards to lessons learned and the types of drills conducted. After the Ms. Wheeler’s report, the TSHAC discussed the 1918 Pandemic Influenza and the lessons to be learned from that outbreak.

Action Taken:

Anita Wheeler will invite Cindy Morgan, the state level pandemic flu expert, to the next scheduled TSHAC meeting.

Anita Wheeler will provide more information about the mock drills that the regional health departments are conducting.

Agenda Item # 5: Mental Health Subcommittee Report: Bob Conlon reported that the Mental Health (MH) Subcommittee will formally meet for the first time after the TSHAC meeting. Informal meetings of the group have been via internet where some resources and ideas have been shared. An article on school connectedness and engagement was distributed to the TSHAC. A presentation by Robin Harvel and Bob Conlon to the Texas PTA is scheduled for July. The TSHAC discussed how the MH subcommittee can contribute to the TSHAC’s overall mission.

Action Taken:

Bob Conlon will provide the MH subcommittee report at the next TSHAC meeting.

Agenda Item # 6: Strategic Planning: Anita Wheeler distributed the TSHAC strategic plan for FY2007. Objectives 1, 3, 4, and 6 were not worked on at the last meeting. The TSHAC gave input specific to each of these objectives.

Action Taken:

Anita Wheeler will update the FY2007 Strategic Plan and present it at the next meeting.

Agenda Item # 7: A Review of TSHAC Annual Report: Jane Tustin presented the TSHAC annual report for review. Discussion followed the read and review period.

Action Taken:

Ellen Kelsey will edit the TSHAC annual report to reflect the changes made by the TSHAC.

Presiding officer, Jane Tustin and assistant presiding officer, Dr. Kim Avila-Edwards, will present the FY2007 TSHAC annual report to the DSHS Council at the August 6, 2007 meeting.

Agenda Item # 8: Set Future Meeting Dates/Call for Agenda Topics: The next meeting date was set for Monday, September 17, 2007. The presiding officer, Jane Tustin, reviewed the next meetings agenda topics and called for suggestions.

Agenda Topics for Next Meeting:

Mental Health subcommittee report and assessment tools—Bob Conlon

Regional Assessment update—Anita Wheeler

State Pan Flu template—Cindy Morgan /Anita Wheeler

SB530 Update—Marissa Rathbone

Federal/State updates—various presenters

San Antonio School Health Leadership Institute--Mike Hill

FY2007 Strategic Plan review—Anita Wheeler

Agenda Item # 9: Public Comment: There was no public comment given

Agenda Item # 10: Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 3:15 p.m.

(approved by Assistant Presiding Chair) 11-10-07

Jane Tustin, R.N., Presiding Officer Date Approved by Committee

11/15/2007 1

TSHAC Meeting Minutes