Minutes of Annual General Meeting

Held on Wednesday 22 October 2014


Women’s Health East, Heimat Centre, Doncaster East

PRESENT: Jackie Kelly (Chair), Yvette Pethebridge, Sarah Kleinitz, Judy Flanagan, Tricia Malowney, Annette Rudd, Wendy Roberts, Cr Micaela Drieberg, Hon. Mary Wooldridge MP, Danielle Green MP, Cr Samantha Dunn, Cr Maria McCarthy, Mientje Bramham (for Hon. Bruce Atkinson MP), Annette Worthing (Dept. of Health), Jan Young (Life Member), Brooke Collins, Megan Dunstone, Nelly Thomas, Marg D’Arcy, Adele Murdolo, Alex Mills, Amanda May, Angela Palmer, Anissa Gracie, Ann Elkins, Anna Goldstein, Anna Stewart, Anne McCaig, Anthea Alexander, Barb Ryan, Bec Dawson, Beena Jimmy, Bridget Ruff, Carol Barber, Catherine Ivinson, Cathi Walker, Chris Potter, Debbie Neill, Denise Budge, Denise Whitelaw, Dimity Paul, Doreen Stoves, Grace Roy, Hayley McKenzie, Helen Jurcevic, Hong Ling Tan, Isha Scott, Jan Loughman, Jane Torney, Jelena Djurdjevic, Jessica Smith, Jill Wild, Jo van Dort, Kerry Hollier, Laura Newstead, Lisa Michelle Silvers, Lynne Jordan, Maggie Scott, Melissa Graham, Michael Smith, Michelle James, Natashjia, Nicole Hunter, Nilima Pelz, Olive Aumann, Paulina Campos, Rachel Messer, Robyn Gregory, Rose Solomon, Saara Sabbagh, Sally Missing, Sharon Granek, Sharon Morgan, Shek Kho, Sue Carlile, Tracey Egan, Trish Morris, Kristine Olaris (CEO), Sue Rosenhain, Deanna Imbriano, Melissa Tully, Kate Gibson, Sue Sharrock, Vanessa Czerniawski, Belinda Haydon, Jill Exon, Bree Morison, Colleen Russell.


Tricia Ong, Hon. Bruce Atkinson MP, Steve Herbert MP, Hon. Heidi Victoria MP, Hon. Kim Wells MP, Hon. Richard Della Riva MP, Cr Meg Downie, Sandy Austin (Dept. of Health), Brian McDowell (Dept. of Health), Phil Storer, Ronda Jacobs, Denise Harisiou, Karyn McPeake, Patty Kinnersly, Helen Riseborough, Magda Jackson, Roz Parry, Leenie Fabri, Liezl Shnookal, Pamela McConchie, Helen Campbell, Natalie Hakman, Janene Evans, Brenda Ammann, Bronwyn Upston, Linda Beilharz.


Women’s Health East acknowledges that we are meeting today on the land of the Wurundjeri people and pay respects to their elders past and present.


Jackie Kelly, Chair, welcomed all members, guests and staff to the 2013- 2014 Annual General Meeting.

A special welcome was extended to:

Hon. Mary Wooldridge MP – Minister for Community Services, Mental Health and Disability Services and Reform.

Danielle Green MP – Shadow Minister for Health Promotion, Women and Prevention of Family Violence

Cr Samantha Dunn – Yarra Ranges Council and Greens candidate for Eastern Metropolitan Melbourne

Mientje Bramham – representing Hon. Bruce Atkinson MLC

Jan Young – Life Member, Women’s Health East

Cr Micaela Drieberg – Monash Council

Cr Maria McCarthy – Yarra Ranges Council

Annette Worthing – Dept. of Health (Eastern Metropolitan Region)

Women's Health East Board of Governance

CEOs from regional and statewide organisations

Candidates for the forthcoming state election.


Jackie Kelly introduced Brooke Collins (Healesville Indigenous Community Services Association), who is a proud Wurundjeri woman and niece of Auntie Joy Murphy.

Brooke welcomed all attendees to Wurundjeri Country. As part of the Welcome to Country, Brooke outlined the traditional purpose of Welcome to Country and the meaning behind the ceremony.


The minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting held on 27 November 2013 were circulated.

MOTION: “That the Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Women’s Health East Inc. held on Wednesday 27 November 2013 be confirmed”.

Moved: Annette Rudd

Seconded: Marg D’Arcy


4. CHAIR’S REPORT – from Annual Report 2013-14

Jackie Kelly presented the Chair’s Report as detailed in the Women’s Health East (WHE) Annual Report 2013-14.

2013-14 was a year of renewal for WHE – our first year in the new Doncaster East offices, a refreshed WHE logo, a new four year strategic plan with an updated vision, purpose and strategic directions, and a comprehensive review and update of our Constitution in line with legislative changes.

Jackie acknowledged the commitment, skills and focus of the CEO and staff, and the high level of governance skills and knowledge provided by members of the Board, all contributing to an impressive set of achievements and quality work over the year.

Jackie extended special thanks to Marg D’Arcy, who retired from the Board during the year after six years of service. Marg’s dedication to improving women’s health and wellbeing was particularly noted.

5. CEO’S REPORT – from Annual Report 2013 – 2014

Kristine Olaris presented an overview of WHE’s strategic directions, priorities and achievements of the past year, which included:

·  Together for Equality and Respect: A Strategy to Prevent Violence Against Women in Melbourne’s East 2013-17 – working closely with partner organisations to develop a draft action plan, shared regional objectives and an evaluation plan.

·  Eastern Media Advocacy Program – 22 public speaking and media opportunities during the year, advocate input to other consultation forums; independent evaluation of the program indicated positive outcomes for advocates and media reporting.

·  Listening to and Learning from Women – a poster and video campaign during the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence highlighting messages from women who have experienced violence.

·  Gender Equity Training – six training sessions delivered within the region.

·  Support for WHE staff member Sue Sharrock’s research into women as primary carers of an adult with intellectual disability.

·  International Women’s Day event

·  Involvement with other women’s health services in the development and dissemination of the Priorities for Victorian Women’s Health 2014-18 document.

·  Development of a regional Sexual & Reproductive Health needs analysis plan.

·  Continued work in leading the development of a Quality Framework for women’s health services across Victoria.

Kristine thanked the many WHE partners and supporters, the Dept. of Health, the WHE Chair and Board of Governance, and all staff of WHE for their strong commitment to and support of the work of WHE throughout the year.


Yvette Pethebridge (Treasurer) tabled the audited financial report for the year ended 30 June 2014.

WHE‘s income for 2013-14 totalled $633,940 and expenditure was $590,493 – resulting in a surplus of $43,447 for the year. WHE’s net asset balance at 30 June 2014 was $425,330.

MOTION: That the audited financial statements for the year to 30 June 2014 be accepted.

Moved: Yvette Pethebridge

Seconded: Sarah Kleinitz



The Chair formally tabled the 2013-14 Annual Report.

MOTION: That the Annual Report for 2013-2014 be received.

Moved: Jackie Kelly

Seconded: Wendy Roberts



The Chair introduced Nelly Thomas as MC for the Women in Leadership Panel Q&A.

Nelly then introduced the Panel members:

·  Hon. Mary Wooldridge MP – Minister for Community Services, Mental Health, and Disability Services and Reform

·  Brooke Collins - Wurundjeri woman, Healesville Indigenous Community Services Association Program Coordinator and co-director of the Coranderrk Festival

·  Cr Samantha Dunn – Yarra Ranges Council and Greens candidate for Eastern Metropolitan Melbourne

·  Megan Dunstone - Media Advocate for the Prevention of Violence Against Women

·  Danielle Green MP – Shadow Minister for Health Promotion, Women and Prevention of Family Violence.

Nelly gave an overview of the topic for the Panel Q&A – Women in Leadership: Links to Gender Equality and Women’s Health – and put a number of questions to Panel members, including the following:

·  Who is a woman in leadership who inspires you, and why?

·  Why did you take on a leadership role? What were the drivers?

·  How can we encourage and promote diversity in leadership?

·  How could workplaces better support women in leadership roles?

·  If you were Minister for Communications, what would you do to improve media promotion of women in leadership?

·  Tell us about a barrier to leadership you’ve faced and how you overcame it?

·  If you had a magic wand and could make one change - no matter how fanciful or improbable - to support and promote women in leadership, what would it be?

At the conclusion of the lively and inspiring Q&A discussion, all Panel members and MC were thanked by the Chair for their participation on the Panel and for their personal leadership contributions.


The CEO advised that the following members were elected unopposed to the Board of Women’s Health East for a two year term:

Tricia Ong (re-elected)

Yvette Pethebridge (re-elected)

Annette Rudd (re-elected)

Wendy Roberts (re-elected)

Micaela Drieberg (newly elected)

All Board Members from 22 October 2014:

Jackie Kelly Judy Flanagan Tricia Malowney

Tricia Ong Annette Rudd Sarah Kleinitz

Wendy Roberts Yvette Pethebridge Micaela Drieberg

The Chair congratulated all newly elected and re-elected Board members.


The Chair thanked members, guests and staff for attending the 2013-2014 AGM and invited all present to stay for refreshments.

Meeting closed at 4.40pm.

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