The Regional Workshop "Strengthening the Collaboration between the AASA Clean Water Programme and the IAP Water Programme" was hosted by the Institute for Water and Environmental Problems, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IWEP SB RAS), in Barnaul, Russia, on October 20-23, 2009. The workshop was financially supported by TWAS, AASA and the Presidium of SB RAS, having assembled experts and scientists from 11 Asian countries including Armenia, Bangladesh, China, Israel, Japan, Jordan, Korea, Kyrgyz Republic, Pakistan, Russia, and Thailand and from Brazil.

The main goals and objectives of the Workshop were to integrate two international programs, i.e. the AASA Clean Water Programme and the IAP Water Programme for increasing efficiency in scientific-organizational activity on revealing, studying and solving water problems in the Asian region, and to discuss how to improve the exchange of information and experience among experts and researchers, how to improve social role of Academies of Sciences in Asia in solution of water problems as well as how to provide active participation of the Academies in training specialists in water management .

The main topics of the workshop were as follows:

·  Prospects of water resource use in Asia and the world

·  The Status of the AASA Clean Water Programme and IAP Water Programme

·  Capacity building of the AASA Clean Water Programme in revealing, studying and solving water problems in the Asian region

·  Perspective trends in scientific and organization collaboration between the AASA Clean Water Programme and the IAP Water Programme

·  AASA Clean Water Programme prospects in elaboration and realization (jointly with the IAP Water Programme) of actions on water problems solution in Asia for 2010-2012.

Other crucial issues were also discussed:

·  elaboration of approaches for solving water-ecological problems in transboundary basins. (typical example: the problems of water use and water management at Amur and Irtysh rivers can be solved solely with the involvement of representatives from the contiguous countries);

·  enhancement of studying the problems of anthropogenic pollution in water bodies; improvement of mountainous water resources monitoring;

·  development of the foundations for inland water resources monitoring;

·  exchange of experience in preparation of projects on reclamation of irrigation systems, the use of advanced technologies for water treatment, the assessment of water resources quality, the recreation;

·  training of water resources managers based on the world experience and practices of some Asian countries in water management;

·  establishment of Training Center for water resources management in the Asian Region.

During the Workshop the participants highlighted the interrelated problems of water use and water resources conservation, as well as water resources management and their redistribution with due regard for economic and political interests of neighboring countries.

The creation of "Asian Water Resources" Atlas using the basin approach was suggested as a joint consolidating project. The first step of its realization is to construct Atlas of Asia as a whole; the second step is to cover individual Asian countries. To do that, a working group of involved countries should be set up. The significance and possibility of joint field studies on water quality of transboundary water bodies and streams, including joint works aimed at the development of criteria for surface water quality, was also discussed.

The participants noted a specific characteristic of the Workshop: each participant represented the program and the Academy of Sciences of his/her country. Each Asian sub-region is distinguished by its specific water problems that demands specific decision making and problem-solving approach. The participants believe that the collaboration of both international water programs can increase the synergy for the implementation of capacity building, strengthening the joint work of researchers and managers dealing with water- related problems.

To cope with the critical water challenges in Asia, it is important that the IAP and AASA Water Programmes identify experiences and methods that have proven to be successful in a global, regional or local scale and that can be adopted to cope with specific subregional problems. The identification and discussion of these issues can be stimulated by a specialized international publication, which would be of high importance for the promotion of a stronger linkage between water research and management. It would be necessary to identify regional institutions and/or organizations/programmes that could be interested in launching this publication.

Based on the high level debate held at the workshop, the participants concluded that the development of scientific and organizational collaboration among researchers and experts from the Science Academies in the region, under the framework of the AASA Clean Water Programme and the IAP Water Programme (on a continuing basis), can be of great importance for efficient solving of the urgent water problems in the Asian region. Moreover, the establishment of joint working groups focusing in different water problems, the organization of regional meetings and conferences, the cooperative use of research stations and joint field trips can contribute greatly as well. All of this can be stimulated via the integration and joint work of the IAP and AASA water programmes.

In conclusion, participants agreed to report back to their Academies and to proceed with an electronic debate to set an action plan that will be presented and discussed in the coming meeting of the two programmes in Beijing on 2010.