Welcome to Junior League of The Woodlands, Inc. (JLTW) and thank you for expressing an interest in becoming a Provisional Member for 2017-2018.

Our provisional course is designed to provide the education and training necessary to become an effective Junior League volunteer in our community. It will also increase your knowledge of the Association of Junior Leagues International Inc. (AJLI), JLTW, and the community programs supported by our League volunteers.

We consider it a privilege to be a member of JLTW. Junior League has given us skills that we have been able to apply as a wife, mother, friend and active member of the community. Most importantly, Junior League has provided us with the ability and avenue to give back ‒ to volunteer, to lead, and to serve.

This packet of information is being made available to you to review and understand the commitments that JLTW makes to the community and the commitments that are required for membership into our League. In August, we will hold a Provisional Tea for you to meet your Provisional class and your Provisional advisors. At the end of August, we will begin the League year with a full day training and provisional meeting. The League year will be filled with trainings, meetings, socials and community service.

We look forward to meeting you in the near future and hope this will only be the beginning of a lifetime involvement with Junior League and all it represents. Please contact either of us if you have any questions regarding this paperwork. We can be reached at or you can contact the JLTW office directly at 281-376-5754 or . Again, thank you for expressing your interest in serving our community through JLTW.


2017-2018JLTW Provisional Co-Chairs

Dena Beaver & Amber Niemeyer

Obligations of Provisional New Members


Attendance Requirements:

  1. Provisional Member Tea – August 20th from 2-4pm
  2. Provisional Member Workshop – August26th (“Super Saturday” 8:30am-4:30pm)
  3. Provisional Class Meetings – From August 29, 2017 to May, 8th2018,Provisional members meet two Tuesday evenings per month. 10 of the 18meetings offered must be attended.
  4. In addition to Tuesday evening meetings:
  5. Work three 3 hour shifts (9 hours) at Holiday Market in November 2017(November 16-19th)
  6. Attend a minimum of 3 General Meetings (typically Tuesday evenings) during the League year
  7. Volunteer at five 3 hour JLTW community shifts of your choosing
  8. Involvement in planning the Provisional Class Project (Giving Gown Foundation event in April 2018)
  9. Work a minimum of 9 hours on the Provisional Class Project during the Giving Gown Boutique Days

Financial Obligations:

  1. 2017-2018New Member Dues: $120.00 due August 26, 2017(non-refundable)
  2. 2017-2018Provisional Course Fee: $35.00 due August 26, 2017 (non-refundable)
  3. 2018-2019Membership Dues: $120.00 due March 1, 2018

Fundraising Obligations:

  1. Obtain two “Fundraising Credits” related to JLTW fundraisers. These may be obtained through sponsorships, donations, or volunteering at or attending various fundraising events. Each credit opportunity is valued at $100.00.
  2. Holiday Market Ticketobligation of $180.00 (purchase/sell tickets).
  3. JLTW Cookbook (Texas Tables): Purchase a total of 9 cookbooks over the next 3 years - 5 during the first year, 3 the second, and 1 the third.

Provisional Member Acceptance

*Online submission available:

I, , understand the obligations of Provisional Membership in Junior League. I am aware that all obligations for Provisional Members must be completed before I am made an Active member of the Junior League of The Woodlands. I can and will assume this commitment for the program year 2017-2018.

In signing this Provisional Member Acceptance, I commit to becoming a Provisional Member of Junior League of The Woodlands and completing all requirements of the Provisional Member Program.


Prospective Provisional Information: (please type or print legibly)

Circle one: Miss Mrs. Ms.

Last NameFirst NameMaidenHusband

Street AddressCityStateZip

Day Telephone Evening TelephoneSubdivision

Email:Date of Birth (DD/MM/YY)

Resident Candidate Non-Resident Candidate

Current residence in Greater Houston area from______to ______

Former residence in Greater Houston area fromto ______

Please return the Provisional Member Acceptance Form and remit paymentin the amount of $155.00 ($120 New Member dues & $35 Provisional Course fee) to online or by mail by August 26, 2017.

Please be aware that membership acceptance will be capped due to capacity restrictions at JLTW Headquarters. We encourage you to submit paperwork and payment well in advance of the August 26 deadline to ensure your spot in our 2017-2018 New Member class.


Form and Payment links available at:


Form and check payable to Junior League of The Woodlands, Inc. to:


Attention: Admissions and Provisional Chairs
2219 Sawdust Rd., Suite 1403
The Woodlands, TX 77380

Provisional Member Acceptance Form and Dues must be received by August 26, 2017.
If declining Membership, submit attached “Decline Form” by August 26, 2017.

Prospective Provisional’s Name:

Provisional Sponsor Form

I Have a Sponsor - Please have your prospective sponsor complete the following:

Letter of Introduction: on a separate sheet of paper, please describe the prospective member’s character, personality, and interests relating to, but not limited to, voluntarism and community service. Describe how she can best contribute as a representative of Junior League of The Woodlands. (Please type or print legibly.)

Please return the Provisional Sponsor Form with attached Letter of Introduction to Headquarters.

I understand the requirements of a Sponsor and I will support, aid and advise my Provisional member during her Provisional Year as necessary.

Signature of Sponsor

Printed Name of Sponsor

Telephone Number

I Do Not Have a Sponsor – A current member of JLTW will contact you regarding becoming your sponsor. After speaking with her please have her complete the following:

Letter of Introduction: on a separate sheet of paper, please describe the prospective member’s character, personality, and interests relating to, but not limited to, voluntarism and community service. Describe how she can best contribute as a representative of Junior League of The Woodlands. (Please type or print legibly.)

Please return the Provisional Sponsor Form with attached Letter of Introduction to Headquarters.

I understand the requirements of a Sponsor and I will support, aid and advise my Provisional member during her Provisional Year as necessary.

Signature of Sponsor

Printed Name of Sponsor

Telephone Number

Declination Form

I, ______, have chosen to decline the invitation for Provisional Membership for the 2017-2018year. By returning the Declination Form by August 13, 2017, I have kept myself in “Good Standing” with Junior League of The Woodlands, Inc. The title “Good Standing” will allow for my possible membership at a later date.

Please Check One of the Following Indicators.

Please ask me again next year.

Email address: ______

Not interested in being asked next year.


Please Return By August 13, 1017 to:


Attention: Admissions and Provisional Chairs
2219 Sawdust Rd., Suite 1403
The Woodlands, TX 77380

Junior League of The Woodlands, Inc. Phone: 281.376.5754

2219 Sawdust Rd., Suite 1403Fax: 281.251.8200

The Woodlands, TX 7738Email: