East Aurora Middle School Orchestra

2017-18 Student Handbook

Welcome to orchestra! We have a great year of music ahead of us! The following pages include our Orchestra goals and expectations. Please read over the following with your parents and have the final page signed and returned to your orchestra teacher by Friday, September 15th.

Goals and Expectations

Each orchestra member will aim to:

1.)  Perform and understand various pieces and styles of music.

2.)  Work as an ensemble to achieve the best possible level of performance.

3.)  Spend time individually practicing orchestra pieces and lesson assignments.

4.)  Attend and participate in all required performances.

5.)  Work towards improving good technique, phrasing, tone and overall musical understanding.

Rehearsal Rules

1.)  Orchestra members are to attend orchestra rehearsal on time and prepared.

2.)  When the second bell rings, students must be in the orchestra room getting ready to tune.

3.)  Stay focused during rehearsal. Pay attention to your music and director.

4.)  Only play your instrument on cue. Do not play while your director is working with other sections of the orchestra.

5.)  Be kind and respectful to any guests we may have, or to any substitute teachers who take over.

Materials Needed (for each lesson and rehearsal)

¯Instrument – School instruments are limited and reserved for families with financial need. Cello and string bass players may use a school instrument for lessons/rehearsals, but need to rent from a music store for an instrument to keep home. All violin and viola players must rent from a music store and take their instrument back and forth to school. See end of packet for list of instrument vendors.

¯Shoulder rest (violins and violas) or endpin stop (cellos and basses)

¯1 inch 3 ring black binder – to be used for our orchestra music

¯Pencil – pen is not allowed for writing on music


Music Lessons

Participation in music lessons is required. Lessons will be given once a week or cycle in small groups on a rotating schedule. Students are expected to practice and prepare for lessons and rehearsal. Your grade for music lessons will be included in your orchestra grade. Missed music lessons will drastically affect your grade! See your teacher immediately to schedule make-ups if you miss any. Make-up lessons can often take place during study hall or ELT.


Students will be given a practice chart to be completed weekly and signed by a parent. This will be included in your grade. Practicing is your homework. 5/6 Orchestra students should be practicing a minimum of 120 minutes per week, and 7/8 Orchestra students a minimum of 150 minutes per week.


Student participation in our school concerts is required and part of the class work. The scheduled school concert dates are:

¯  Winter Concert: Tuesday 12/5 at 7pm (EAHS auditorium)

¯  Spring Concert: Tuesday 5/8, at 7pm (EAHS auditorium)

¯  Theme Park Music Festival: May/June 2018, Date TBA

*Orchestra students are required to attend all school concerts. Students with an unexcused absence from a concert will be required to complete written work to make up for it for partial credit. Failure to do so will result in a larger deduction from their grade.

Concert Dress

Boys: White or black dress shirt, tie, black pants, black socks and black shoes (no sneakers).

Girls: Black dress, or black or white top and long black skirt or black pants, black dress shoes (no sneakers). Please keep all dresses and skirts at the knee or below the knee (this includes tops worn over leggings.)


Your report card grade will be a combination of your lesson grade and orchestra rehearsal grade. Students should prepare to be tested on their music at least once per quarter.

Lesson Grade

Each weekly lesson is worth a total of 20 points. Points are based on the following criteria:

Prepared with materials: 3 points

Practice chart (completed with required minutes and parent signature): 5 points

Preparation of scales: 3 points

Preparation of assigned solo: 4 points

Preparation of orchestra music: 5 points

Orchestra Rehearsal Grade

Each student will automatically receive 100 points at the beginning of each quarter. When a student chooses to achieve and maintain proper Rehearsal Skills, he/she will keep all 100 points. BUT if a student chooses not to apply him/herself towards musical excellence, points will be deducted:

-1 for no pencil in class (pens are not acceptable)

-2 for not being seated and ready to tune on time

-2 for no music in class

-3 for no instrument in class

-5 for repeated misbehavior and disruption of rehearsal

-5 for not preparing assigned rehearsal spots

-20 for an unexcused absence from a school concert

Students may also ADD points onto their grade for the following:

+3 for every non-EAMS orchestra concert attended (bring in program please)

+5 for playing your instrument in the talent show

+5 for performing in a non-school related recital or concert (bring in program)

+10 for auditioning for music groups outside of school

+10 for participation in ECMEA or NYSSMA Solo & Ensemble Festivals

*additional extra credit may be given upon approval of teacher

Questions regarding the course information may be directed to:

Mrs. Nanna-Iorio: Mrs. Schaffer:

Phone 687-2491 Ex.1078 Phone 687-2491 Ex.8140

E-mail: E-mail:

String instruments may be rented through any of the following music dealers:

Limelite Music

706 Main Street

East Aurora, NY 14052


Monaco’s Violin Shop

55 Crosspoint Pkwy

Amherst, NY 14086


Twin Village Music

44 Central Ave.

Lancaster, NY 14086


Al Hemer Music Corp.

4190 North Buffalo Road

Orchard Park, NY 14127


Hamburg Music Center

4433 Southwestern Blvd

Hamburg, NY 14075


Wrona’s House of Violins

907 Escarpment Dr.

Lewiston, NY 14092


Paul Strelau - Student String Shop (String basses are rented here!)

52 North Main Street

Fairport, NY

(585) 377-9560

Please sign below and return to Mrs. Iorio or Mrs. Schaffer by Friday, September 15th

I have read through and I understand the information included in the orchestra guidelines, including student expectations for this class, grading policies and concert information.


Parent/Guardian Signature Date

______Student Signature Date

Parent Contact Information:

