22nd to 24th June, Norwegian Police University College, Stavern Conference Centre, Norway

Registration Form

Please complete in block letters and return with payment details to

First Name: / Last Name:
Gender: /
Male/Female* Title:
Telephone: / Fax:
Affiliation to Appear on Conference Badge

Conference Fees

iIIRG Members

Please tick
Whole conference (inclusive of en-suite accommodation on the nights of 21st, 22nd & 23rd of June 2010; Breakfast and lunch on the 22nd, 23rd 24th of June 2010; Conference dinner on the 22nd of June 2010; Organised boat trip, followed a ‘mid-summer feast’ with seafood platter; Coffee, tea and other refreshments throughout the conference; Conference pack; Transport (on the 18th of June 2010) from the EAPL Conference taking place the previous week in Sweden (if required by delegates attending both conferences); Transport to conference centre from Sandefjord Lufthavn Torp on the 21st of June 2010 / Early - £300
(before 5th March 2010)
Late - £350
(after 5th March 2010)
Tuesday 22nd June 2010 (inclusive of conference day pack, presentations, drinks/refreshments and lunches at the conference centre throughout the day including the conference dinner) / £140
Wednesday 23rd June 2010 (inclusive of conference day pack, presentations, drinks/refreshments and lunches at the conference centre throughout the day including the ‘mid-summer feast’) / £140
Thursday 24th June 2010 (inclusive of conference day pack, presentations, drinks/refreshments and lunches at the conference centre throughout the day) / £120
Sub Total Conference Fee / £

Non-iIIRG Members

Whole conference (inclusive of en-suite accommodation on the nights of 21st, 22nd & 23rd of June 2010; Breakfast and lunch on the 22nd, 23rd 24th of June 2010; Conference dinner on the 22nd of June 2010; Organised boat trip, followed a ‘mid-summer feast’ with seafood platter; Coffee, tea and other refreshments throughout the conference; Conference pack; Transport (on the 18th of June 2010) from the EAPL Conference taking place the previous week in Sweden (if required by delegates attending both conferences); Transport to conference centre from Sandefjord Lufthavn Torp on the 21st of June 2010 / Early - £350
(before 5th March 2010)
Late - £400
(after 5th March 2010)
Tuesday 22nd June 2010 (inclusive of conference day pack, presentations, drinks/refreshments and lunches at the conference centre throughout the day including the conference dinner) / £140
Wednesday 23rd June 2010 (inclusive of conference day pack, presentations, drinks/refreshments and lunches at the conference centre throughout the day including the ‘mid-summer feast’) / £140
Thursday 24th June 2010 (inclusive of conference day pack, presentations, drinks/refreshments and lunches at the conference centre throughout the day) / £120
Sub Total Conference Fee / £


Whole conference (inclusive of en-suite accommodation on the nights of 21st, 22nd & 23rd of June 2010; Breakfast and lunch on the 22nd, 23rd 24th of June 2010; Conference dinner on the 22nd of June 2010; Organised boat trip, followed a ‘mid-summer feast’ with seafood platter; Coffee, tea and other refreshments throughout the conference; Conference pack; Transport (on the 18th of June 2010) from the EAPL Conference taking place the previous week in Sweden (if required by delegates attending both conferences); Transport to conference centre from Sandefjord Lufthavn Torp on the 21st of June 2010 / Early - £150
(before 5th March 2010)
Late - £200
(after 5th March 2010)
Tuesday 22nd June 2010 (inclusive of conference day pack, presentations, drinks/refreshments and lunches at the conference centre throughout the day including the conference dinner) / £70
Wednesday 23rd June 2010 (inclusive of conference day pack, presentations, drinks/refreshments and lunches at the conference centre throughout the day including the ‘mid-summer feast’) / £70
Thursday 24th June 2010 (inclusive of conference day pack, presentations, drinks/refreshments and lunches at the conference centre throughout the day) / £70
Sub Total Conference Fee / £


Information Regarding Accommodation, Meals and Transport

Regarding accommodation for the 3rd International Investigative Interviewing Research Group (iIIRG) Conference, for those attending the Masterclass (on the 20th and 21st of June 2010), the nights of the 19th to the 21st of June is included for the 20 delegates. However, it is also possible to book accommodation in a limited number of rooms before and after the Masterclass/Conference – the breakdown is as follows:

Delegates arriving Saturday (19th of June) and attending the Masterclass and Conference:

-  Nights of Saturday the 19th and Sunday the 20th are covered.

-  Nights of Monday the 21st to Wednesday the 23rd are covered.

-  All meals from Sunday the 20th to Thursday 24th (lunchtime) are provided.

-  Transportation from Torp Airport on Saturday the 19th is provided (at some point in the day).

-  Transportation to Torp Airport on Thursday the 24th is provided (after 4pm).

-  Transportation to Torp Airport on Friday the 25th is provided (at some point in the day).

Delegates arriving Monday (21st of June) and attending the Conference only (NO Masterclass):

-  Nights of Monday the 21st to Wednesday the 23rd are covered.

-  Meals from Tuesday the 22nd to Thursday the 24th (lunchtime) are provided.

-  Transportation from Torp Airport on Monday the 21st is provided (at some point in the day).

-  Transportation to Torp Airport on Thursday the 24th is provided (after 4pm).

-  Transportation to Torp Airport on Friday the 25th is provided (at some point in the day).

Delegates coming from EAPL Conference - Arriving Friday night (18th of June) and attending the Masterclass AND Conference:

-  The same as delegates arriving Saturday (19th of June) and attending Masterclass and Conference.

-  Friday night accommodation (18thof June) will cost £50 per person (including brunch on the morning of the 19th of June), however, no other meals are provided on the Friday (18th of June) or Saturday (19th of June). There are several restaurants available next to the conference centre.

-  Meals on Sunday the 20th to Thursday the 24th (lunchtime) are provided.

-  Transportation from Torp Airport on Saturday the 19th is provided (at some point in the day).

-  Transportation to Torp Airport on Thursday the 24th is provided (after 4pm).

-  Transportation to Torp Airport on Friday the 25th is provided (at some point in the day).

Delegates coming from EAPL Conference arriving Friday night but NOT attending the Masterclass:

-  Must pay £50 per person for each night from Friday the 18th to/including Sunday the 20th (3 nights). This includes accommodation and brunch at the conference centre, however, no other meals are provided. There are several restaurants available next to the conference centre.

-  Nights of Monday the 21st to Wednesday the 23rd are covered.

-  Meals on Tuesday the 22nd to Thursday the 24th (lunchtime) are provided .

-  Transportation to Torp Airport on Thursday the 24th is provided (after 4pm).

-  Transportation to Torp Airport on Friday the 25th is provided (at some point in the day).

Delegates NOT coming from EAPL Conference, but want to arrive earlier than Saturday evening (2oth of June) and ARE attending Masterclass

-  Must pay £50 per person for each night before Saturday 19th (Thursday to Saturday). This includes accommodation and brunch at the conference centre.

Delegates NOT coming from EAPL Conference, but want to arrive earlier than ANY night before Monday 21st of June and are NOT attending the Masterclass:

-  The earliest arrival date is Thursday the 17thof June.

-  Must pay £50 per person for each night before Monday 21st. This includes accommodation and brunch at the conference centre.

-  Nights of Monday the 21st to Wednesday the 23rd are covered

-  Meals from Tuesday the 22nd to Thursday the 24th (lunchtime) are provided

-  Transportation to Torp Airport on Thursday the 24th provided (after 4pm)

-  Transportation to Torp Airport on Friday the 25th provided (at some point in the day).

Delegates staying AFTER the conference closure (4pm Thursday 24th) to Friday 25th June:

-  Must pay £50 per person for the Thursday night. This includes accommodation and brunch on the Friday morning.

Delegates that want to stay after Friday 25th June:

Please contact the Norwegian Police University Conference Centre directly (remember advising them that you are from iIIRG): . Phone: (+47) 33 13 43 00.

Please fill in the additional accommodation registration and tick of the boxes for your booking:

Accommodation Registration Form

I would like to book accommodation the following nights (Please indicate by ticking of the actual boxes). Costs are PER PERSON

Night of Thursday 17th of June

£50 This includes single bed accommodation and brunch Friday

Night of Friday 18th of June

£50 This includes single bed accommodation and brunch Saturday

Night of Saturday 19th of June

Free I am attending the iIIRG Masterclass (single bed accommodation and brunch Sunday).

£50 This includes single bed accommodation and brunch Sunday.

Night of Sunday 20th of June

Free I am attending the iIIRG Masterclass (single bed accommodation and brunch Monday)

£50 This includes single bed accommodation and brunch Monday

Nights of Monday 21th of June to Wednesday the 23rd of June are included in the conference fee.

Night of Thursday 24th of June

£50 This includes single bed accommodation and brunch Friday.

Sub Total Accomodation for delegate / £

If you are going to bring additional guest, the fee for accommodation (including meals) is the same as for the conference delegate.

Please tick this box and fill in his/her name if you are bringing an additional guest

Mrs/Miss / First Name: / Last Name:
Sub Total accompanying accommodation / £

If you have any questions regarding the accommodation please contact us at before submitting the form.

Special Dietary Requirements:



TOTAL (conference fee and additional accommodation) / £

Payment Details

I enclose a cheque for £______made payable to Teesside University OR:
Please invoice £______to ______at ______
I hereby authorise Teesside University to charge my credit/debit card £______
Card type (e.g. Visa,/ Mastercard/ Switch)______(AMEX not accepted)
Card number: |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| Valid from: |_|_| / |_|_| Expires end: |_|_| / |_|_|
Security No. (last 3 digits on signature strip)……… Issue No. (Switch only):………………
Billing address: ______
Name as it appears on card: ______(this needs to be exact)

Cancellation/Refund Policy (this will be strictly enforced):

Before the 28th of February - 75% refund

Between the 1st of March and the 31st of March - 50% refund

After the 1st of April - nil refund

The information provided above (your full name, title, organisation and e-mail address) will be used to complete a list of delegates to be distributed at the conference. If you DO NOT want your details to be distributed, please tick the box

For up-to-date information about the conference, please visit the iIIRG website at

Return this form electronically to:

2 / iIIRG Conference 2010 – Registration Form