Softball Conditioning Routine

Below is a list of strength and conditioning exercise everyone can do over the winter break. You don’t need any special equipment (other than a jump rope) to do any of these routines. You just need a little bit of drive. The workouts were put together so you can get through them in about 10-15 minutes with short breaks (no more than 30 sec. to 1 min.) between exercises. Don’t take long breaks. Part of the benefit of shorts breaks is you keep your heart rate up and you’re burning calories. You should work out at least four times a week.

I highly recommend you get a jump rope if you don’t already have one. A cheap one from the store will do. This is a great exercise over the winter because you get your heart rate up, burn fat, and build muscle. Plus, you can do it inside or in the garage and it’s kind of fun. You can follow the routine below or create one of your own, just try to jump without stopping for about 3 minutes at first (it’s harder than it sounds), and work your way up as your endurance increases.

If the reps. and intervals are too intensive, scale them back to meet your present condition. There’s nothing wrong with setting realistic goals to get stronger and fit. Whatever you do, don’t overdo it and injure yourself.

Skipping (Jump Rope)

3 sets:

Double bounce, feet together – 1 min.
Left leg hop – 1 min.
Right leg hop – 1 min.

Double bounce, feet together – 2 min.

Upper Body Plyometric Exercises (Moderate Intensity)

1.  Plyometric Push-Ups – 3 sets of 15
a. Start by getting into a push-up position.
b. Lower yourself to the ground and then explosively push up so that your hands leave

the ground.
c. Catch your fall with your hands and immediately lower yourself into a push-up again

and repeat.

2.  Crunches (sit ups) 4 sets of 15

3.  Planks 3 sets – 60 secs., 90 secs., 2 minutes (1 min. rest between intervals)

Lower Body Plyometric Exercises (Moderate Intensity)

1. Tuck Jumps – 4 sets of 10
a. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, with arms at sides.
b. Jump up bringing knees up to chest.

c. Land on balls of feet and repeat immediately.
d. Remember to reduce ground contact time by landing soft on feet and springing

into air.

2. Split Squat Jumps – 4 sets of 10
a. Stand with feet hip width apart. Take left leg and step back approximately 2

feet standing on the ball of back foot.
b. Feet should be positioned at a staggered stance with head and back erect and

straight in a neutral position.
c. Lower body by bending at right hip and knee until thigh is parallel to floor then

immediately explode vertically.
d. Switch feet in the air so that the back foot lands forward and vice versa. Prior to

takeoff extend the ankles to their maximum range (full plantar flexion) ensure proper


3.  Isometric Calf Raises
a. Standing next to a sturdy chair (or any fixed objective) stand on just your right leg.
b. Rest your left foot on the back of your right calf and stand up on to your toes holding

on to the chair for balance.
c. Hold the position for 10-30 seconds and repeat 2-3 times. Now repeat for the left leg.

4.  Isometric Squats
a. Place your back against a wall and lower yourself until your upper legs are parallel to

the floor
b. Shuffle your feet until your lower legs are parallel to the wall behind you. Your knees

should be bent to 90 degrees.
c. Hold your arms out in front of you and hold the position for 10-30 seconds. Repeat 2-3



For those of you that have a treadmill, use the following routine if your treadmill permits user-defined programs. This is a great speed drill for the treadmill. As with any new workout, modify it to suit your present condition, and work toward getting faster.

If you don’t have a treadmill, run outside. Yes, you can run outside in the winter. I’ve actually seen people doing it!

Treadmill Routine / Time / Speed / RPE* [5]
Warm up / 0:00-5:00 / 5.0 / 3
Sprint / 5:00-6:00 / 8.0 / 7-8.5
Recover / 6:00-7:00 / 5.0 / 3-5
Sprint / 7:00-8:00 / 8.0 / 7-8.5
Recover / 8:00-9:00 / 5.0 / 3-5
Sprint / 9:00-10:00 / 8.0 / 7-8.5
Recover / 10:00-11:00 / 5.0 / 3-5
Sprint / 11:00-11:45 / 9.0 / 7.0-8.5
Recover / 11:45-12:45 / 5.0 / 3-4
Sprint / 12:45-13:30 / 9.0 / 7-8.5
Recover / 13:30-14:30 / 5.0 / 3-4
Sprint / 14:30-15:15 / 9.0 / 7-8.5
Recover / 15:15-16:15 / 5.0 / 3-4
Sprint / 16:15-16:45 / 10.0 / 7-8.5
Recover / 16:45-17:45 / 5.0 / 3-4
Sprint / 17:45-18:15 / 10.0 / 7-8.5
Recover / 18:15-19:15 / 5.0 / 3-4
Sprint / 19:15-19:45 / 10.0 / 7-8.5
Recover / 19:45-20:45 / 5.0 / 3-4
Cool down / 20:45-25:45 / 3.5 / 2-3