Survey Computations HW#8 Subdivision Street Curves and Right of Way Lines, Predetermined Area


1. Do the following COGO problem "by hand" on computation paper showing formulas used and substitutions..

2. Also make a "COGO work sheet", a hand drawn scaled drawing of the subdivision with COGO points. Label each point with a point #. This hand drawing will accumulate the results of HW7, HW8, HW9, and HW10. Mark the coordinates of each point on your drawing something like this:

P2 12,445.23N


3. Enter your coordinate values in the supplied "COGO Data Spreadsheet" (found on the website). In the spreadsheet, enter your hand calculated data by point, curve, or line number.

4. (Optional) In addition to the hand computations, you may solve the problem a second way as a check – make and use an Excel COGO Calculator similar to lecture, use a COGO/CAD software that you may have access to. However, this is not required, but the hand computations are.

Problem: We are going to add curves to the road centerlines and create a "Right of Way" within the five-sided "parcel" of HW#6. For this HW, do the following

1. Add a horizontal curve to the street centerline with a PI at P7. The incoming TTL tangent is from P6 to P7. The outgoing TTL tangent is from P7 to P8. Use a radius R of 800 ft. Enter the computed curve data for this curve into the COGO Data Sheet.

2. Create Right of Way R/W lines on each side of the centerline, with a total R/W width of 80 ft (40 ft each side). You may do this by TRAVERSING from the PC and PT 40 ft perpendicular with the centerline to establish the PCs and PTs on the R/W. Then BB INTERSECT parallel lines with the line from P5 to P1. Also BB Intersect these parallel lines to find the PIs of the R/W lines. Use the point numbers listed on the "COGO Data Sheet" and calculate coordinates to each point at the ends of the shown arrows.

North R/W PI


p7 p8

p6 PI PT


South R/W


3. Calculate curve data for the North and South R/W curves: R (centerline +/- 40), T, L, Chord, Delta (same as centerline). Enter your curve data in the COGO Data Sheet.

4. Someone wants to make the tract exactly 12 acres. Hold point P3 as the "swing" point, swing line P3-P4 to create exactly 12 acres in the original tract.


4 4'


Compute the coordinates of P4', azimuth and distance P3-P4', azimuth and distance P4'-P5. Verify that the new acreage equals 12.

Submit: Your updated Excel COGO Data Sheet spreadsheet attached to your assignment upload using WebCT. Insert an image of your hand solutions and your updated hand drawing. Upload a single file.