It is a pleasure to welcome back Dr Alan Thomson who was previously with us in 2009 and has re-joined us as our Registrar. Congratulations are also due to Dr Thomson who has recently gained his MRCGP qualification with flying colours.

We are also pleased to welcome Dr Adam Hay who joined us in February and will be training with us for the next 6 months.

Our Health Visitor, Gail Wintersgill, has been moved to another practice in Stirling. Gail has been with us for 3 years and in that time has been a great asset to the practice and her friendly and helpful manner will be missed.

We look forward to working with our new Health Visitors who are Marion MacIntyre and Jennifer Bell, who can be contacted on 01360 551553

Marian will be the main contact for families living in Killearn and Jennifer for families in the other villages.

Finally we extend a warm welcome to Gwen Ritchie who has joined us as District Nurse.


We continue to offer either early morning or evening appointments every week. In addition to the GP appointments we offer evening appointments with Christine, our Practice Nurse. Please ask for details at reception.


Our website offers not only news, information and links but has the online prescription ordering facility- open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You can also comment on our service, contact us and change your address or phone number on line,

IMPLANON (A Long Lasting Contraceptive Service)

The Practice is now offering Implanon. This is a contraceptive which lasts up to 3 years. It consists of a small, flexible rod which is inserted just under the skin on the inside of the upper arm. It releases a small amount of progestogen hormone each day. The benefits of Implanon are :

-It is extremely effective

-It is quick and easy to fit and remove

-No daily action is required

-It does not interfere with your sex life

-Fertility returns to normal quickly after removal

Should you wish more information please make an appointment with Dr Simms


Our patient group meets on a regular basis.

We thank all the members for their valuable contributions at these meetings. The next meeting is planned for May 2011 If you are interested in joining us please contact reception.


Please note we are closed on the following days from 12.30pm –

Thursday 12th May 2011

Tuesday 14th June 2011


We will be closed on the following dates:-

Good Friday 22nd April 2011

Easter Monday 25th April 2011

Royal Wedding Friday 29th April 2011


Please note that due to changes implemented by Forth Valley Health Board our Health Visitors are no longer carrying out the Childhood Immunisation Programme. Responsibility for this now lies directly with the practice. Christine, our Practice Nurse, will give all vaccines, schedule below

Aged 2 Months

- Dipheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, Polio, Hib

- Pneumococcal

Aged 3 Months

- Dipheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, Polio, Hib

- Meningitis C

Aged 4 Months

- Dipheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, Polio, Hib

- Pneumococcal

- Meningitis C

Aged 12 Months

- Hib/Meningitis C


- Pneumococcal

Aged 3 years 4 months

- Diptheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, Polio



Protection (immunity) can fade over time, and immunity to mumps, measles and rubella may not develop after a single dose of MMR. The immunisations offered at 3 years 4 months, often called pre-school boosters, will top up your childs levels of anti-bodies.


Again due to recent changes implemented throughout Forth Valley there have been some changes to the Treatment Room Service offered by our District Nurses. The Treatment Room will now be available three days a week and will be organised directly by our District Nursing Team. Should you require an appointment for dressings, ear syringing, suture removal or any other treatment room service then please telephone 01360 550554 to arrange a suitable appointment. All calls received before 4.00pm will be responded to on the same day


The Practice is currently involved in the Safety Improvement in Primary Care Programme. The aim of the programme is to look at various aspects of the care we provide, focussing specifically on improving safety. This year all practices taking part in Forth Valley are concentrating on Heart Disease. This involves reviewing patients who have heart disease to ensure they are on the optimum medical therapy and have written information about their condition. We will be running a heart function clinic over the next few months and patients meeting the criteria will be invited to this clinic


We would like to thank you all for the patience shown when we moved onto a completely new computer system just before Christmas. While we are still learning how to get the best out of the system we do feel we are past the most difficult time and normal service has been resumed.