January 23, 2011

Worship Center: Holy Spirit Catholic Church 201 44th St. South, Holy Family Chapel, 2800 Central Ave.

Parish Offices – 201 44th St. South Great Falls, MT 59405 Phone: 452-6491

Fax: 452-6495 Email: web: www.holyspiritgf.org

Parish Office hours: Monday – Thursday 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., Friday 8:30 a.m. – Noon

School Office – 2820 Central Avenue Phone: 761-5775

Email: web: www.holyspiritcs.org

WE, the people of Holy Spirit Catholic Parish of Great Falls, Montana, created by God, centered in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, are sharing our journey of faith,

WE are committed to upholding our faith, strengthening our families, and being a joyful people of prayer.

WE strive to be the Lord’s presence on earth by ministering to all people with compassion and hope. Rev. January 5, 1999

“We are called to collaborate with God in continuing the task of creation, to exercise stewardship of our own lives and of the unfinished world. We are God’s guests, invited to make the most of the divine hospitality and to mediate it to one another and to the rest of creation.” Monika K. Hellwig

In the coming months our Pastoral Council members will be initiating a new process called “Appreciative Inquiry.” Basically this is a way to interview parish members at random for their opinions on what is working well in the parish and any ideas they might have to make matters even better. Each of the twelve Council members will try to interview one person a month, so it will take them awhile to make the rounds in the parish. What is more important is that they do not want this to seem like a threatening or invasive process. Rather it is their attempt to meet different folks in the parish and talk over how the various areas of parish live touch their lives, affirm the spirit of community and permits all to touch our Lord’s life. If you are called by a Council member, who will identify him or herself as such, please share honestly with that person your experience in the hopes for our parish of the Holy Spirit.

DON’T FORGET to sign up for Online Giving! We are now offering an online option that complements our offering envelope use. By signing up to give your weekly offertory and special collections online, you will help the parish more accurately forecast our finances and plan more strategically. Online Giving is a safe, secure, and dependable means of income for the parish. It cuts down on office “busy work” so we can focus more on the mission of the church. Go to www.holyspiritgf.org and click on “Online Giving” for more information or to sign up. If you already give electronically you may continue to do so or you can update to the online system by calling Mark at the parish office (452-6491).

Third Sunday of Ordinary Time – January 23, 2011

Holy Spirit Parish Weekend Mass Schedule

Saturday – 4:30 p.m.

Sunday – 8:30 & 11:00 a.m.

Daily Mass Schedule

Holy Spirit Day Chapel:

Tues. – 5:15 p.m. & Thurs. – 8:30 a.m.

Park Place: Wed. – 2:30 p.m. – 3200 15th Ave. S

Holy Family Chapel: Fri.: 8:30 a.m. – 2800 Central Avenue

Mass Intentions:

Tuesday, January 25th – +Robert Fouhy

Wednesday, January 26th – Park Place – Justiniano

Thursday, January 27th – +Sr. Ann Kinsella

Friday, January 28th – Holy Family – 8:30 - +Dugan Family

Saturday, January 29th – 4:30 p.m. – +Dora Jean Mizenko

Sunday, January 30th –

8:30 a.m. – +Doug Lowney

11:00 a.m. – Parishioners

Reconciliation: Sat. at 4 p.m. at Holy Spirit

Readings for next week – 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time

·  Zephaniah 2:3; 3:12-13

·  1 Corinthians 1:26-31

·  Matthew 5:1-12a

Coffee & Rolls Schedule

January 23rd – Clarke ReNew Group / V Adkins, Lucero

January 30th – Holy Spirit School

8:30 – Schaefer, Horne, Horner, Bickel, Voeller

11:00 – Konesky, Vega, Nunez, Hansen, Wilson

February 6th – Kuka ReNew Group / Parish Families

Bus Schedule:

January 29th – Triplett/Stukey

January 30th – Martin/Walczak

What’s Happening This Week….

Everything is at Holy Spirit unless noted.

Saturday & Sunday: Stewardship Fair after all Masses

Sunday: High School Youth Group – 12:30, Sts. P&P

Monday: JustMatters – 6:30 p.m.

Wednesday: Elementary & Middle School Formation

6:45 p.m. – Sts. P&P

Choir Rehearsal – 7:00 p.m.

Thursday: RCIA – 7:00 p.m. – Sts. P&P

Saturday: JustFaith Dinner: After 4:30 Mass

Sunday: RCIC – 12:30 – Sts. P&P

Baptism Schedule for 2011

Call Fr. Dick at the Parish Office to schedule a date & time. Dates are flexible and can be adjusted to family schedules.

Remember in your prayers the recently deceased members of Holy Spirit Parish: Larry Stimac, Gerri Labunetz, Richard Budde, and Margaret Walsh.

Funeral Liturgy for Fr. Harold Urbanas will be on Tuesday, January 25th at Noon at St. Ann Cathedral.


Fr. Dick Schlosser Pastor

Mark Meyer Parish Administrator

Mary Dupuis Worship

Larry Guilbault RCIA/Adult Formation

Sr. Catherine Kinsella, O.P. Pastoral Associate

Nick Wingerter Youth Minister

Amy Volf Elementary Coordinator

Karyn Jenkins Secretary

Chuck Osterman Maintenance

Liturgical Ministers for January 29, 30

4:30 p.m. / 8:30 a.m. / 11:00 a.m.
Bread Baker / I Kelley
Sub requested
Holy Wash / S. Mohler
Sacristan / A. Klundt
S. Mayernik
F. Talbot / M. Davis / L. Romanchuk
J. Witham
Greeters / D. Lesmeister
I. Lesmeister
J. Woolsey / J. Culliton
B. Culliton
K. Lakner / J. Houghton
H. Houghton
G. Saunders
Usher / D. Hogan
B. McDonald / CMunsterteiger
J. Pierce / R. Martin
M Sitzmann
Cross / M. Friman / R. Erickson / Rachel Ryan
Servers / T. Dodge
S. Mindt / Z. Buhler
Melissa Nickol / C. Good
A. Good
C. L. W. / Team Munsterteiger / P. Nicholson
A. Lucero
Lector / D. Maronick
T. Grau / Brenda Chafin
B. Doughty / J. Bennett
H. Jackson
Gifts / A. Gray
K. Leggett
R. Olmstead / Donnelly Family / Ryan Family
E. M. / B. Hogan
K. Reed
F. Schultz
A. Cereck
J. Cereck
C. Grau
S. C. Kinsella
R. Maronick
L. Mindt
Donna Painter
Dennis Painter / P. Ford
Monique Nickol
J. Schwanke
D. Schwanke
J. Bomgardner
Bill Chafin
B. Culliton
T. Drake
L. Erickson
K. Lakner
J. Moore
Megan Nickol
K. Prinzing / A. Bulger
J. Schulte
M. Schulte
E. Smithson
H. Boysun
G. Boysun
C. Christiaens
R. Dunn
J. Eayrs
H. Houghton
K. Jackson
M. McFadden
J. O'Connell

We have a number of items in the lost and found in the parish office. If you are missing a key, hat, missal, bracelet, rosary, sun glasses, etc. check at the parish office, 452-6491.

The next Just Faith dinner will be on Saturday Jan. 29 following the 4:30 mass. The menu includes several hearty soups and stews, breads, and desserts.

Come take the winter chill off with some great food and great company!

Adult Formation – RCIA

Larry Guilbault 452-6491ex. 205

Are you planning a Wedding? A booklet on Wedding

guidelines for Holy Spirit Parish is available in the magazine rack between the double entrance doors of the Church. Call or email Larry Guilbault for more information.

Scripture Study: with input from the fall participants we have selected the Little Rock Scripture Study “St. Paul’s letter to the Hebrews” This is a 7 session study that will be completed by the 1st week of Lent if we begin the week of January 31st and February 1st and 2nd. The Study called A Biblical Walk through the Mass has not received an Imprimatur so it is not available. Please register at the Stewardship fair this weekend or email or call Larry at the office with your name and phone #

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is a process to invite and prepare people to enter the Catholic Church. Congratulations to Elise Sago and Andrew Hellyer who were initiated in the Church and to Molly Schlute and Val Christiaens who were accepted into the Catechumenate. We meet on Thursdays at 7pm in the Adult room of Sts. Peter & Paul Center.

The next session of RCIA for Children has been rescheduled for Sunday, January 30th after the 11am Mass. We will meet in the church conference room.

Youth & Young Adults

Holy Spirit Young Adult Group

Young Singles, Couples and Families

We meet every other Sunday 9:45am - 10:45

for fellowship at Sts Peter andPaul.

Join us for a short video and discussion

Childcare is provided! Next meeting: Sunday Jan. 30th.

Junior High: Faith Factor – Class resumes January 5th.

High School: YAHWEH – Class resumes January 9th.

Elementary Formation

Amy Volf 452-6491 ext. 208

*PreK -6th grade meets 6:45pm to 7:45pm ON WED. NIGHTS

Kindergarten teacher needed!! 4th grade aide too.

*5 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED PLEASE!!! We are growing VERY Fast and need more hands to help. If you are looking for a way to minister your faith please consider our Wed. night program. We have over 120 kids and growing!! The Holy Spirit is at work here!!

Jan. 19 regular session, Jan 26 regular session

SACRAMENT PREPARATION BEGAN IN OCTOBER!!! This is a parent Participation program it is SEPARATE from Wed. night formation.

**Next session is SUNDAY FEB. 13, 12:30-2pm in the Peter and Paul building. Thank you!

* You must attend this AND either the Wed. night program or a Catholic school.

* IF YOU are registered and have not attended any SUNDAY sessions you will need to call me ASAP!! Remember this is SEPARATE from the Wed. night program. Thank you!


*If you are Elementary age Call Amy.

Sessions will start Feb. 13 9:30am

PLEASE REGISTER before Feb 13.

So we can have materials ready for you. J

·  If you are an Adult Please Call Larry at the parish office.

Holy Spirit School

Roger Robbins – Principal

Helen Boysun/Anna Beckman, Secretaries 761-5775

Please join the Holy Spirit School students, parents, faculty & staff at Mass on Fridays at 8:30 in the Holy Family Chapel, 2800 Central Ave.

Holy Spirit Bonus Bucks…a major fundraiser for the school! Give Mary a call at the school—761-5775—and find out more information about this fantastic opportunity to support the school while you shop at your favorite stores and restaurants!

With the help from our parishioners, we had a profit of $1,970 in December! Thank you so much for your support! We are excited to announce that TARGET has joined the Bonus Bucks program! We have gift cards in $25 and $100 at 2% earnings. If you are interested in getting Target gift cards, please call Mary at the school.

Holy Spirit Catholic School will join with all the Catholic schools in the nation to celebrate Catholic Schools Week January 30th – February 5th. We will kick off our celebration with a school mass at the 11:00 Mass on January 30th. Please join us as we celebrate Catholic Schools.

Our annual Dare to Dream Campaign is in full swing. If you didn’t receive a campaign packet, please call Mary at the school. We have plenty of extras!

Holy Spirit Parish Members!

Please help us celebrate the end of Catholic Schools Week with our 13th Annual Spaghetti Feed. Bring the whole family for dinner and dessert to Sts. Peter & Paul Gym after the 4:30 Mass on February 5th. Proceeds to the Titans Athletic Program.

Christian Service

Sr. Catherine Kinsella, O.P. 452-6491ex. 204

January 18-25, 2011 is the annual observance of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. The theme chosen for 2011 is “One in the apostles’ teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread and prayer” (Acts 2:42). Throughout 2011, join Christians everywhere in praying “that they may all be one” joining our prayer with that of the Lord Jesus Christ. You are invited to take time to familiarize yourselves with the work that is done in our community to promote understanding and cooperation among Christians and others in our community. You are invited to stop by our Stewardship Fair in the Parish Hall this weekend and see how you might share your gifts with others.

St. Vincent de Paul’s Food Pantry

Your food contributions to St. Vincent’s Food Pantry are sincerely appreciated by those who collect and distribute food to needy families of our community. They collected 22 bags from our donation box which amounted to 200 lbs. THANKS!

Senior Luncheon:

Time once again to mark your calendars for our Senior Luncheon on Tuesday, February 1st at noon in the Parish Hall. We look forward to gathering together to enjoy some of Baker Bob’s delicious soap, rolls, and dessert. Come by yourself or call a friend to join you for a delightful hour of fun and relaxation. Free will offering. Hope to see you there!

Parish Relief Fund

Thanks to all who continue to support our Parish Relief Fund. We disbursed $972.00 during December and received $635.00 from parishioners. Your contributions assist families with utilities, rental needs, gas assistance, and those who have families in medical emergencies. We work with other local assistance programs who at times will contact us with requests for families they have met with and discussed their situations. Your thoughtfulness is appreciated.

The Kids & Kans Collection had 215 lbs. of canned goods donated to St. Martin de Porres. Great job! Thanks to the Marvin Thompson and the Knights of Columbus for transporting it.