Mehmet Baki DenizUpdated August 2014

Curriculum Vitae


Curriculum Vitae


01.01.1985 / Istanbul


ADRESS : K. Camlica Mah. Adil Bey Sok. Sari Konaklar Sitesi B/16 Uskudar./Istanbul



Ph.D candidate, sociology, SUNY Binghamton University, 2012-present

MA, Ataturk Modern Turkis History, Istanbul Bogazici University, 2010

Thesis: Grassroots Action Against Gecekondu[1] Renewal Projects in Turkey: The Case of Istanbul Başıbüyük and Ankara Dikmen Vadi. Thesis Supervisor: Prof. Ayşe Buğra

BA, Computer Science and Engineering, Mathematics Minor, Sabancı University, 2008


Adjunct Professor, Istanbul Kültür Universitesi International Relations, 2015 February

Adjunct Professor, SUNY Binghamton University Sociology Department, 2014 September- 2015 January.

Teaching Assistant, SUNY Binghamton University, 2012 January-2014 May.

Research Assistant, Istanbul Bogazici University Social Policy Forum, 2010-2012

Courses Taught

History of Civilizations II, Istanbul Kültür Universitesi International Relations as Adjunct


Political Sociology, SUNY Binghamton University Sociology Department, Fall 2014 as

Adjunct Professor.

Introduction to Sociology, SUNY Binghamton University Sociology Department, Spring

2014 as Teaching Assistant

Social Research Method, SUNY Binghamton University Sociology Department, Fall 2013 as

Teaching Assistant

Introduction to Sociology, SUNY Binghamton University Sociology Department, spring 2013

as Teaching Assistant


Political Sociology (Elites and the State, Politics of Economic Reform). Worlds System Analysis, Historical Sociology.


Free Lunch at School,

Bogazici University Social Policy Forum

The project entitled Free Lunch at School is a policy-oriented study aiming to situate the implementation of universal free lunch programs at primary schools within the social policy domain in Turkey. The framework of the proposed project would be constructed via review and analysis of the existing literature covering the design, justification and funding issues surrounding the school feeding programs around the world, which have been prioritized in the policy agendas of several countries mostly after the 2000s. A detailed examination of the literature dealing with the impact of different school feeding projects launched under different models on variables such as hunger at school, enrolment rates and achievement at school would be presented. These desk reviews would be complemented by in-depth interviews with the social actors so as to collect extensive information to help constructing school feeding programs for Turkey.

Currently, we are conducting the in-depth interviews with teachers at different schools.

Project Team: Prof. Ayşe Buğra (Bogazici University Ataturk Instiute and Social Policy Forum) – project consultant, Assist. Prof. Ayşen Candaş (Bogazici University Department of Political Science and International Relations), Başak Ekim Akkan (Bogazici University Social Policy Forum), and Mehmet Baki Deniz (Ph.D. Student, Bogazici University Ataturk Institute)

Project Period: 5 months (01.11.2010-01.04.2011)

Building Integral Social Policies for Roma Population In Turkey.

Bogazici University Social Policy Forum

This research project mainly concerned with the social exclusion and poverty of Roma Population in Turkey. Utilizing the questions of Social exclusion and poverty literature, we made field work in six cities of Turkey in neighbourhoods which predominantly inhabits Roma population. We adopted the term “Roma” not solely as an ethnic category which the people are born into regardless of class and status positions of their community but as a status which the people attained through chronicle exclusion from formal employment opportunities and related stigmatization they experienced in the society. We kept track the roots of their social exclusion and poverty especially as a variable of their spatial stigmatization in providing their livelihood through employment opportunities and various welfare benefits. Currently, I am co-editing the results of the research together with two other colleagues.

Project Team: Başak Ekim Akkan (Bogazici University Social Policy Forum), Mehmet Baki Deniz (Ph.D. Student, Bogazici University Ataturk Institute), Mehmet Ertan (Ph.D. Student, Bogazici University Ataturk Institute).

Project Period: 5 months (01.06.2010-01.04.2011)



Deniz, M. B. (2011). Contemporary Urban Movements and Formation of Working Class in Turkey: The Case of Two Neighbourhoods in Istanbul and Ankara. Saarbrücken: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing.


Work in Progress. With Gates L. A theoretical Framework for Business Politics in World-

Systems Analysis.

In review Process: Deniz, Mehmet B. Ertan and M. Akkan, B ‘Romanization of Poverty’:

Spatial Stigmatization and Social Exclusion of Roma in Turkey’. Ethnic and Racial Studies.

Book Chapter

Deniz, M. B., Akkan, B. E., & Ertan, M. (2014). Yoksulluğun ve Sosyal Dışlanmanın Romanlaşması. In Sosyal Hizmetlerde Değişim Eğilimleri ve Dezavantajlı Gruplar. Ankara: Nobel.

Book Review

Global Capitalism and the Crisis of Humanity by William I. Robinson. (Cambridge University Press, 2014) Journal of World System Research 21.1 (2015)


Deniz, M. B., Akkan, B. E., & Ertan, M. (2010). The Poverty and Social Exclusion of Roma Population In Turkey. Istanbul: Social Policy Forum.

Deniz, M. B., Bilgen, A. C., Günseli, S., & Akkan, B. E. (2011). Free Lunch at School. Istanbul: Social Policy Forum.


-with Gates L. 2015 The Case for Business Politics in World-Systems Analysis. Berlin: The Political Economy of the World-System Section, American Sociological Association.

-2014. Analyzing AKP-Cemaat Political Crisis in Turkey through Poulantzas’ Internationalization Thesis. Toronto: Historical Materialism.

-2013. Understanding Business and State relations in Contemporary Turkey Through the Construction of Hydro Electric Power Plants. New Orleans: Middle East Studies Association.

-2011a. Grassroots Action Against Gecekondu Renewal Projects: The Case of Istanbul Başıbüyük and Ankara Dikmen Vadi. Ankara: Turkish Social Science Association.

-2011b. The Contemporary Urban Movements and the Formation of the Working Class Identities in Turkey. Amsterdam: RC21 Sociology of Urban and Regional Development, International Sociological Association.


Turkish and English (fluent in reading, writing and speaking)

Spanish (advanced in reading, writing and speaking)

Leslie Gates.Associate Profesor, Sociology. Binghamton University.


William G. Martin. Profesor, Sociology.Binghamton University.

[1] Slum in Turkish.