Inspirational Quote
-Find a quote that you find inspiring, something that you can use as a motivational tool to keep you focused on what you want to accomplish this year. (If you don’t have one in mind, google inspirational quotes!)
-Type out the quote with the author. If no author, use “Anonymous”. Pick the font of your choice, but make sure you choose a big enough size to fill the page!
-Tomorrow you will present your quotes: Who is the author? What does the quote say? Why did you select this quote? How will this quote help you succeed this school year?
Inspirational Quote
-Find a quote that you find inspiring, something that you can use as a motivational tool to keep you focused on what you want to accomplish this year. (If you don’t have one in mind, google inspirational quotes!)
-Type out the quote with the author. If no author, use “Anonymous”. Pick the font of your choice, but make sure you choose a big enough size to fill the page!
-Tomorrow you will present your quotes: Who is the author? What does the quote say? Why did you select this quote? How will this quote help you succeed this school year?
Inspirational Quote
-Find a quote that you find inspiring, something that you can use as a motivational tool to keep you focused on what you want to accomplish this year. (If you don’t have one in mind, google inspirational quotes!)
-Type out the quote with the author. If no author, use “Anonymous”. Pick the font of your choice, but make sure you choose a big enough size to fill the page!
-Tomorrow you will present your quotes: Who is the author? What does the quote say? Why did you select this quote? How will this quote help you succeed this school year?