To be completed by overseas schools seeking sister school partnerships with a Victorian school. Please email it in MSWord format to .
The information you provide here will help Victorian schools to get to know your school and form a decision if they wish to start the conversation of a sister school partnership. Please answer each question in full. Please type your responses.
School Name TheSchoolNo.1
School Sector Government Non-Government
School Type Primary SecondaryX Prep-Year 12 Other ______
EnrolmentNumber of students 2200 Number of teachers 76
School registration number ______
Name of registration authority ______
School AddressTheSchoolNo.1, SeoulstreetC1,Sukhbaatardistrict,
City Ulaanbaatar State/Province______
Country Mongolia
School Phone Number+97611323721 Fax No______
School Website
Name of PrincipalGurragchaaTsevegsuren
Name of Contact PersonTserenkhuuTserennadmid (TrainingManagerofPrimarySchool)
Position of Contact Person ______
Email of Contact
1.Please provide a brief explanation outlining why you wish to establish a sister school relationship with a school in Victoria:
Wearea veryfirstschool of Mongolia,keeping ourlongstandingwellrespected reputationfor morethan90 years andstill considered as one of thebestschool inthecountry,andlocatedheart of capital Ulaanbaatar city.
Australia andMongolia haveastrongandgrowingrelationshipbased onalonghistory of engagement andthe remarkablesimilaritiesbetween our countries.
Thenature of sister school relationships means staffandstudentscandevelopstrongfriendships andlinks. Throughtheseconnections, participantscanimprovetheir knowledgeandunderstandingof Australian and Mongoliancultures. Alsothis earlyrelationshipwill enhance our studentsdesiretogeta higherandquality educationin Australia.
2.What does your school hope to achieve from a sister school relationship?
Strengthen relationships, understandingandappreciationbetweenpeoples inMongoliaandAustralia.
Increaseculturalawarenessand respectfor each other’s cultures.
Provide opportunitiesfor students,teachersand managerstodevelopskills whichenhance
Supportthe teachingof Englishlanguagein Mongolia.
3.What activities does your school propose to undertake to implement the program?
Exchange of informationaboutcurriculum, school policyandschool events.
Exchangeteachingresources,course materials andteachingstrategies.
Exchangestudent work,emails, letters, photos, student newspapers,etctopromotemutual understanding.
Maintainstudent, teacher andadministrator exchangeprograms toprovidethe opportunity tostudy, work andliveinthesisterschool community.
Investigatebestpracticeinthe sisterschool’s areas of expertisee.g. Maths, Science
4.What financial and other resources is the school prepared to commit to this program?
Asapublicschoolinthedevelopingcountry,it’salwaysdifficulttogeta full supportfrom thegovernment. We dohaveagoodrelationshipwithalocal businessesand international development agencies,whichtheyare willingtosupportusincertain way.
5.How do you anticipate the program will be sustained by the school?
Webelieveboth partneringschools’ willingnesstocooperate with eachother;belief,activeparticipationand effectivecommunicationwillbethe key tosuccess andmaketheprogramsustainable.We alsobelieve our studentsand their parent’s vision;as theyseeAustralia is one of thedestinationstogeta goodtertiary educationinthefuture.
6.How does your school intend to evaluate the effectiveness and benefits of the program to the school?
Theschool means our teachersandstudents. Wecan adoptfrom them.Thereforewebelieve our: Teachersget to:
learnaboutandexperiencea different educationsystems firsthand
exchangeideas,informationandcourse materials with teachers from other cultures
improvetheir proficiencyin languages other thanEnglish.
Studentsget to:
learnaboutandexperience other culturesandcountries
access travel opportunities
talktonativespeakers of different languages
broaden their understanding, acceptance andtolerance of other cultures
makeconnections with families throughhome-hostingandhomestays.
Principal’s endorsement:
(Signature and print name here)
For more information, please contact:
Sister School Coordinator
International Education Division
T: +61 3 9637 3947
F: +61 3 9637 2184
Visit our website for more information on Sister School Program: