Out of School Care Survey 2015
The purpose of this note is to let you know about the arrangements for the out of school care survey for parents and carers.
The survey is live from Monday 27 April and closes on Wednesday 27 May 2015.
We would like to hear the views of as many parents and carers of school age pupils as possible.
The link to the survey is:
Please find attached a PDF version of the survey which can go out to parents/carers as a paper copy. This should be circulated if possible to parents and carers who would not be able to access it online. Where parents and carers are able to complete the survey online this is the preferred method.
Paper copies can be returned to the school (or for providers, to the school you deliver your service in/to) and then sent in the internal mail to:
Christine McKechnie
Early Years Team
Business Centre 1.1
Waverley Court
East Market Street
We have also attached a Polish translation of the survey. Please let us know if you need the survey translated into other languages.
We will use the responses to the survey to help plan future services. In the short term this will include identifying specific issues for further exploration in focus groups with parents and carers.
Background information
The City of Edinburgh Council is committed to supporting the development of childcare services including Breakfast Clubs, Afterschool Clubs and Holiday Provision across the Authority. As a requirement of the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014, the Council also has a duty to consult, plan and publish these plans in relation to Out of School Care provision in the city.
We have carried out a mapping of current Out of School Care provision and have developed a Survey Monkey in order to consult with as many parents and carers as possible. We are very keen to canvas everyone’s views for whom Out of School Care is of relevance. The systematic gathering of data will help us to establish existing barriers, identify where challenges are presented and help us to plan for future Out of School Services for all of our families.
If you need any further information on the survey, please contact Christine McKechnie on 0131 529 2412 or