Local Authorities Members' Allowances (England) Regulations, 2003 require the Council to publish details of the actual allowances paid to its elected Councillors and Co-opted Members of Council Committees and Sub-Committees each financial year. There is an explanatory note at the foot of this table.
Elected Members of the Council
Councillor / Basic Allowance (£)(Basic 6,649 plus Incidental Costs 566) / Special Responsibility Allowance (£) / Carers’ Allowance (£) / Subsistence Allowance (£) / Travel Allowance (£) /
Harriet / 7,215.00 / 1,312.00 / - / - / -
John Anthony / 7,215.00 / - / - / - / -
BALL Sharon Grace / 7,215.00 / - / - / - / 3.40
BALL Timothy Mark / 7,215.00 / 3,798.96 / - / - / 14.10
BARRETT Brian Colin / 7,215.00 / - / - / - / 140.76
BARRETT Colin Vincent / 7,215.00 / 1,059.96 / - / - / 305.10
BELLOTTI David Frank / 7,215.00 / 9,498.00 / - / 39.77 / 1,380.07
BEVAN Sarah Frances / 7,215.00 / 1,059.96 / 819.00 / - / 329.64
BREWER Marie / 7,215.00 / - / - / - / -
BRINKHURST Loraine / 7,215.00 / 6,956.30 / - / 105.00 / 345.80
BULLAMORE Timothy John / 7,215.00 / 300.00 / 258.00 / - / 22.39
CHALKER Bryan / 7,215.00 / 428.91 / - / - / -
COLESHILL Gail Marie / 7,215.00 / 1,059.96 / - / - / 245.99
COX William Anthony / 7,215.00 / 3,798.96 / - / - / 106.89
CRAY Christopher John / 7,215.00 / 3,906.23 / - / - / 551.78
CROSSLEY Paul Nigel / 7,215.00 / 28,523.04 / - / 6.80 / 385.44
CURRAN Gerard Francis / 7,215.00 / 22,818.96 / - / - / -
DANDO Christopher John / 7,215.00 / - / - / - / -
DARRACOTT / 7,215.00 / 22,818.96 / - / - / -
DAVIS Matthew Neal / 7,215.00 / 2,373.96 / - / - / -
DAVIS Sally / 7,215.00 / - / - / - / -
DAWSON Brigitte / 7,215.00 / 3,798.96 / - / - / -
DEWEY Ian Charles / 7,215.00 / 1,684.60 / - / - / 101.28
DIXON David / 7,215.00 / 9,498.00 / - / - / 108.61
EDWARDS Peter Michael / 7,215.00 / - / - / - / 337.42
FRASER Hilary / 7,215.00 / - / - / - / -
FURSE Andrew John / 7,215.00 / 9,498.00 / 50.00 / 11.38 / 51.48
GAY Jonathan Jeffrey / 7,215.00 / 25,353.00 / - / - / 2,619.10
GAY Phyllis / 7,215.00 / 5,070.88 / - / - / 1,015.18
GERRISH Charles Daniel / 7,215.00 / 12,032.04 / - / - / 73.28
GRIFFITHS Ruth / 7,215.00 / - / - / - / 6.05
HAEBERLING Francine / 7,215.00 / 22,818.96 / - / - / -
HANNEY Malcolm Charles / 7,215.00 / 22,818.96 / - / 15.95 / 2,296.71
HAWKINS David James / 7,215.00 / - / - / - / -
HEDGES Lynda Marie / 7,215.00 / - / - / - / -
HEDGES Stephen Paul / 7,215.00 / 9,498.00 / - / - / -
INKER Adrian William / 7,215.00 / - / - / - / 324.10
JENKINS OBE / 7,215.00 / 22,818.96 / - / 173.29 / 1,915.68
KELLEHER Michael James / 7,215.00 / 2,634 / - / - / 36.54
KEW Leslie John / 7,215.00 / 3,768.32 / - / 30.55 / 1,088.27
KIRWAN Keith Richard / 7,215.00 / 3,798.96 / - / 99.08 / 456.40
LEWIS Jane Margaret / 7,215.00 / - / - / -
MCGALL Shaun Andrew / 7,215.00 / 800.04 / - / 23.80 / 84.04
MCNEIR Marian / 7,215.00 / 1,059.96 / - / - / 1,573.52
METCALFE Peter John / 7,215.00 / 1,059.96 / - / 284.62 / 1,456.53
O'FLAHERTY Nicole Mauricette / 7,215.00 / 22,818.96 / - / - / -
ORGAN Bryan Saxby / 7,215.00 / 1,059.96 / - / - / -
PARADISE Carol Anne / 7,215.00 / - / - / - / 79.22
PERRY Betty May / 7,215.00 / - / - / - / 570.90
PRITCHARD Victor Lewis / 7,215.00 / 22,818.96 / - / 80.00 / 2,669.73
RINGHAM Michael John / 7,215.00 / - / - / -
ROBERTS Margaret Louise / 7,215.00 / 1,059.96 / - / - / 55.78
ROBERTS Nigel John / 7,215.00 / 799.92 / - / - / -
ROMERO Undine Marguarethe / 7,215.00 / 4,098.96 / 29.37 / - / -
STEEL Shirley June / 7,215.00 / - / - / - / 497.33
SYMONDS Roger Alan / 7,215.00 / - / - / 2.35 / 600.05
TODD Rosemary Rea / 7,215.00 / - / - / - / -
VEAL Martin John / 7,215.00 / 9,498.00 / - / - / 426.39
WARREN Tim / 7,215.00 / - / - / - / 71.55
WATT Christopher / 7,215.00 / 9,498.00 / - / - / 91.78
WEBB Sarah Elizabeth / 7,215.00 / 1,059.96 / - / 16.00 / 216.25
Webber Brian John / - / - / - / - / -
WILLCOX Stephen Jeffrey / 7,215.00 / - / - / - / 237.05
WISHART Leila Margaret / 7,215.00 / - / - / - / 193.66
WOOD Gordon John / 7,215.00 / 3,594 / - / - / -
Co-opted Members of Council Committees and Sub-Committees
Co-optee / Travel Allowance £ / Subsistence Allowance £ / Carers’ Allowance £Mr Alun Morgan –
Independent Member; Standards Committee / - / - / -
Mr Richard Darch –
Independent Member; Standards Committee / - / - / -
Mr Derek de Val –
Independent Member; Standards Committee / - / - / -
Ms Susan Toland –
Independent Reserve Member; Standards Committee / - / - / -
Mr Brian Simmons –
Parish Representative; Standards Committee / - / - / -
Mr Axel Palmer –
Parish Representative; Standards Committee / - / - / -
Mr Mike Brownbill – Bath & Wells Diocese Representative; Education, Youth, Community & Leisure Panel / - / - / -
Mrs Tess Daly – Clifton Diocese Representative; Education, Youth, Community & Leisure Panel / - / - / -
Mr Paul Grant – School Governors Representative (Primary Schools); Education, Youth, Community & Leisure Panel / - / - / -
Mr Robert Henderson – School Governors Representative (Special Schools); Education, Youth, Community & Leisure Panel / - / - / -
Ms Erica Draisey – Head Teachers Representative; Education, Youth, Community & Leisure Panel / - / - / -
Mr Andrew Pera, DAFBY Representative, Education, Youth, Community & Leisure Panel / - / - / -
Miss Rachel Hale, , DAFBY Representative, Education, Youth, Community & Leisure Panel / 65.39 / - / -
Explanatory Notes:
1. The Basic Allowance has to be paid to every Councillor and at the same level for each Councillor. It recognises the expenses incurred in being a Councillor for Ward work and domestic costs. Special Responsibility Allowances are paid to recognise the additional roles some Councillors perform beyond the role of a local Councillor.
2. The travel allowances shown above are the amounts reclaimed for car mileage, parking or public transport fares. They do not include travel costs paid direct by the Council through rail warrants for journeys on official business.
3. When a number of Members travel to the same event and share the use of a car, only the driver can claim a mileage allowance.
4. The Subsistence allowances shown above are the amounts reclaimed for meals and hotel accommodation whilst on official business. They do not include hotel costs paid direct by the Council.
5. Co-opted Members cannot be paid Basic or Special Responsibility Allowances. However they can claim Travel, Subsistence and (where appropriate) Carers’ Allowances.
Further information on the allowances arrangements may be obtained from Lola Thomas, Members’ Support Officer, Democratic Services, Council Offices, Riverside, Temple Street, Keynsham (Tel: 01225 394417).