Phase 3 Intervention planning sheet

Week: week 2lesson 1 / Phonics phase: 3 / Adult:
Learning Intention:
To know the letter sound y / Success Criteria:
To recognise the letter y
To know words beginning with y
To have a go at writing the letter y / Resources:
*Flash cards h b f l y
* individual white boards
* Picture cards- yes, yo-yo, yap, yell
*word cards- hop, lip, bin, fan
Revise and revisit
Flash cards- h b f l
Practice reading using sound buttons- hop, bin, lip, fan / Teach
Teach the letter ‘y’ say the letter name and take a mental picture.
What words can you think of beginning with y?
Show picture cards- yes, yo-yo, yap, yell / Practise and apply
Practise the letter formation of ‘y’. Can you write it big in the air? Small on your hand? Now have a go on your whiteboard.
Quick write: yum, yuck, yet, yes
Write sentence: The dog can yap.
Name: / Name: / Name:
Name: / Name: / Name:
Evaluation: / Next step:
Week: week 2 lesson 2 / Phonics phase: 3 / Adult:
Learning Intention:
To know the letter sound z / Success Criteria:
To recognise the letter z
To know words beginning with z
To have a go at writing the letter z / Resources:
*Flash cards ff ll ss
* individual white boards
*sentence- The zebra has zigzags.
*word cards- kiss, pill, huff
*picture cards- zip, zebra, zigzag, zit
Revise and revisit
Flash cards- ff ll ss
Practice reading using sound buttons- kiss, pill, huff / Teach
Teach the letter ‘z’ say the letter name and take a mental picture.
What words can you think of beginning with z?
Show picture cards- zigzag, zebra, zip, zit / Practise and apply
Practise the letter formation of ‘z’. Can you write it big in the air? Small on your hand? Now have a go on your whiteboard.
Quick write: zip, zebra, zag, zig
Read sentence: The zebra has zigzags
Name: / Name: / Name:
Name: / Name: / Name:
Evaluation: / Next step:
Week: week 2lesson 3 / Phonics phase: 3 / Adult:
Learning Intention:
To know the digraph zz / Success Criteria:
To recognise the letters zz
To know words beginning with zz
To have a go at writing the letter zz / Resources:
*Flash cards j v w x zz
* individual white boards
*word cards- web, box, van, jam
*picture cards- jazz, buzz, fuzz, fizz
Revise and revisit
Flash cards- j v w x
Practice reading using sound buttons- web, box, van, jam / Teach
Teach the letter ‘zz’ say the letter name and take a mental picture.
What words can you think of ending with zz?
Show picture cards- jazz, buzz, fuzz, fizz / Practise and apply
Practise the letter formation of ‘zz’. Can you write it big in the air? Small on your hand? Now have a go on your whiteboard.
Quick write: fuzz, buzz, fizz,
Write sentence: It can fizz.
Name: / Name: / Name:
Name: / Name: / Name:
Evaluation: / Next step:
Week: week 2 lesson 4 / Phonics phase: 3 / Adult:
Learning Intention:
To know the digraph qu / Success Criteria:
To recognise the letter qu
To know words beginning with qu
To have a go at writing the letter qu / Resources:
*Flash cards y z zz qu
* individual white boards
*sentence- The duck can quack.
*word cards- yes, zip, buzz
*picture cards- quick, quiz, quilt, quack
Revise and revisit
Flash cards- y z zz
Practice reading using sound buttons- yes, zip, buzz / Teach
Teach the letter ‘qu’ say the letter name and take a mental picture.
What words can you think of ending with qu?
Show picture cards- quick, quack, quiz, quilt / Practise and apply
Practise the letter formation of ‘qu’. Can you write it big in the air? Small on your hand? Now have a go on your whiteboard.
Quick write: quit, quick, quack.
Read sentence: The duck can quack.
Name: / Name: / Name:
Name: / Name: / Name:
Evaluation: / Next step:
Week: week 2 lesson 5 / Phonics phase: 3 / Adult:
Learning Intention:
To read and write some tricky words. / Success Criteria:
To recognise some letters.
To write recognisable letters.
To recognise at least one of the following- he, she / Resources:
*Flash cards j v w x y z zz qu
* Flash card- he she
*Individual white bards
*sentence- He is quick to run. She can yell.
Revise and revisit
Flash cards- j v w x y z zz qu
Now sing the alphabet song / Teach
Teach tricky words: he she
(Take a mental photograph of the tricky word)
Say a sentence with the tricky word in e.g. He is feeling sad. / Practise and apply
Quick write tricky word- he she
Practice reading sentences:
He is quick to run.
She can yell.
Name: / Name: / Name:
Name: / Name: / Name:
Evaluation: / Next step: