The President opened the meeting at 8.01pm.

Present:As per Attendance Book (scanned copy attached).

Apologies:As per Attendance Book.

Peter Hallgarten moved that the apologies be accepted. Seconded Jenny Wohlgemuth. Carried.

The president Brian Bushell welcomed everyone to the 2012 Annual General Meeting, he requested that anyone who had any apologies please make sure that these were in the attendance book and that everyone signed in this evening.

Minutes of Annual General Meeting held 19th September 2011:

Minutes from the Annual General Meeting held 19th September 2011 were distributed prior to the meeting for verification. Jeanette Buckley moved that the minutes were a true and correct record of the previous meeting and be accepted. Seconded: Colleen Bushell Carried.

President’s Report:

The President, Brian Bushell, read the President’s Report out to the general members.

Tilly Williams moved that the President’s report be accepted. Seconded: Heather Taylor. Carried.

Treasurer’s Report and Auditors Report for the twelve months ending 30th June 2012:

Merle Sinclair read the Treasurer’s Report below and tabled the Auditors Report for the year ending 30th June 2012. Merle Sinclair moved that the Auditors Report be accepted. Seconded: Jeanette Buckley. Carried.

Report:The past year has been a very busy and sometimes frustrating year, due tolearning the operations of the Club and a new accounting system, alsowith the extension of the clubrooms now opened. We have shown adeficit for the year of $2204.99 as per the Auditor's report, due to severalaccounts not being paid in the previous year, this has now been rectifiedand all accounts have been paid to date.

Over the year we have had many new members come to join us and wehope there stay will be a long and happy one. Come and have a look atour equipment cupboard which has a range of leads and collars to suit all breeds of dogs. Also our well stocked canteen has a variety of pies,quiches, pasties, chocs and drinks for everybody at very reasonable prices.

Everybody is welcome to come sit and enjoy a cold or hot drink in theClubrooms they are there for your use,please come and join us.

Appointment of Returning Officer and two Scrutineers:

This was not needed.

Nominations received for Committee positions 2012/2013:

PresidentFrank Valastro

Vice President No nominations

SecretarySue Hounslow

Assistant SecretaryPeter Hallgarten

TreasurerMerle Sinclair

Assistant TreasurerJenny Wohlgemuth

General CommitteeKenneth Buckley

Kathleen Hallgarten

Colin McInnes

Tilly Williams

Ray Ashman

Nominations for Vice President were called for from the floor:

Jenny Wohlgemuthnominated Peter Hallgartenfor Vice President, seconded Jeanette Buckley.

Dee Moore nominated Ray Ashman for Vice President, but Ray Ashmandeclined this nomination.

Peter Hallgarten accepted the position of Vice President.Carried.

As Peter Hallgarten cannot be named in two positions:

Nominations for Assistant Secretary were called for from the floor:

Colleen Bushell nominated Jeanette Buckley for Assistant Secretary, seconded Sharyn Stephens.

Jeanette Buckley accepted the position of Assistant Secretary.Carried.

Nominations for General Committee- 5 places were called for from the floor:

Ray Ashman nominated Graeme Moore. This nomination cannot be accepted as Graeme does not fit the criteria to nominate or be nominated for a position on committee. There is a further procedure to be followed and Graeme has been made aware of this procedure and it will be followed after this meeting.

Appointment of Auditor for 2012/2013:

Merle Sinclair moved to appoint Lynn Klecka as Auditor for 2012/2013. Seconded Jeff Taylor Carried.

Closure of 2012 Annual General Meeting:

Frank Valastrothanked everyone for attending and outlined some changes that may have to be made so everyone who comes to the clubto train their dog, enjoys the social side of things as well. The meeting was officially closed at 8.20pm.