August 18, 2014

Dear Parents and Community Members:

We are pleased to present you with the Annual Education Report (AER), which provides key information on the 2013-2014educational progress for East Elementary School. The AER addresses the complex reporting information required by federal and state laws. The school’s report contains a variety of information, but for more detailed information including Teacher Quality, Student Assessment and Accountability Scorecard in one convenient place, please visit Please take time to explore the data, if you have any questions about the AER, please contact Jeff Owen for assistance.

The AER is available for you to review electronically by visiting the following web site or you may review a copy from the office at your child’s school.

The state has identified some schools with the status of Reward, Focus or Priority. A Reward school is one that is outperforming other schools in achievement, growth, or is performing better than other schools with a similar student population. A Focus school is one that has a large achievement gap in 30% of its student achievement scores. A priority school is one whose achievement and growth is in the lowest 5% of all schools in the state. East Elementary School has not been given one of these labels.

The data contained in the AER Report list achievement data from several years ago involving 4th grade students, which no longer attend this school. East Elementary is the district’s K-1 building. Achievement data is based on district created assessments and is summarized below:

·  83% of Kindergarten students are at or above grade level in reading based on the A-Z assessment.

·  60% of Kindergarten students are at or above grade level in math based on the ASPENS Number Sense Assessment.

·  56.2 % of 1st grade students are at or above grade level in reading based on the A-Z assessment.

·  39.6% of 1st grade students are at or above grade level in math based on the ASPENS Number Sense Assessment.

As a result of this data, the following initiatives will be in place for the 2014-15 school year:

·  Direct phonics instruction using the materials found with the A-Z Program.

·  Direct instruction in vocabulary by the creation of a common list of academic vocabulary words and the use of “Text-Talk” which is a method for teaching vocabulary.

·  Increased use of math manipulatives designed to help students get a firm foundation in math concepts.

State law requires that we also report additional information. Below you will find information on the process of assigning pupils, status of our school improvement plan, how to access the core curriculum, student achievement data and participation rate at parent-teacher conferences.

Process for Pupil Assignment To School

Kelloggsville Board of Education Policy #5120 states that “the assignment of students to schools within this District (will) be consistent with the best interests of students and the best use of resources of this District.” Embedded in this statement are the following values: efficiency, equity, and customer service. With those values in mind, placement within grade level schools is the primary focus at the elementary level. Beginning with the 2012-13 academic year, the elementary buildings within Kelloggsville Public Schools were reconfigured from neighborhood schools to grade level schools. The following grade level configurations are now in place at Kelloggsville Public Schools; East Elementary K-1st, West Elementary 2nd -3rd, and Southeast Elementary 4th-5th. At all academic levels, the Board and Superintendent shall annually review and recommend changes as may be justified by:

1.) Considerations of safe student transportation and travel;

2.) Convenience of access to schools;

3.) Financial and administrative efficiency;

4.) The need to maintain racial or ethnic balance;

5.) The effectiveness of the instructional program;

6.) A wholesome and educational sound balance of student populations.

No assignment to schools or attendance schedules shall discriminate against students on the basis of gender, race, religion, disability, or national origin. The principal shall assign students in his/her school to appropriate grades, classes, or groups. This action shall be based on consideration of the needs of the student as well as the administration of the school. In addition, the district will allow nonresident students to enroll through a Schools of Choice program and will not discriminate on the basis as described in Board of Education Policy #5113.

Status of 3-5 Year School Improvement Plan

To view East Kelloggsville’s school improvement plan please visit

Specialized Schools

Students with disabilities are provided a full continuum of services in the least restrictive environment as determined by an Individualized Educational Planning Committee. Most students receive their instruction within the Kelloggsville Public School system. If a specialized program is deemed appropriate, specialized programs are available throughout the county. Students with disabilities are provided a full continuum of services in the least restrictive environment as determined by an Individualized Educational Planning committee. Finally, the Rocket Learning Lab, an alternative blended learning environment was included in the Kelloggsville Public School district during the 2013-14 school year.

This program will transfer to a new alternative program, 54th Street Academy, beginning in the fall of 2014 which will provide students with a blended/digital learning environment.

Core Curriculum

In June 2010, the State Board of Education adopted the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) as the new standards for K-12 Mathematics and English Language Arts. These standards improved upon Michigan's current standards (the Grade Level Content Expectations and the High School Content Expectations) by establishing clear and consistent goals for learning, and allow Michigan to work collaboratively with other states to provide curricular support to schools and educators.

In addition to the Math and ELA standards above, science and social studies core

curriculum activities continue to meet and exceed the requirements in accordance

with Public Act 25. Further details about curriculum can be accessed at the following links:,4615,7-140-28753_64839_64848---,00.html;,1607,7-140-38924---,00.html;,4615,7-140-28753_64839_65510---,00.html

or at

Student Achievement

The scores below reflect the percentage of students achieving satisfactory performance on district created assessments for the 2012-13 school year:

·  70% of Kindergarten students are at or above grade level in reading based on the A-Z assessment.

·  50% of Kindergarten students are at or above grade level in math based on the ASPENS Number Sense Assessment.

·  40% of 1st grade students are at or above grade level in reading based on the A-Z assessment.

·  29% of 1st grade students are at or above grade level in math based on the ASPENS Number Sense Assessment.

The scores below reflect the percentage of students achieving satisfactory performance on district created assessments for the 2013-14 school year:

·  83% of Kindergarten students are at or above grade level in reading based on the A-Z assessment.

·  60% of Kindergarten students are at or above grade level in math based on the ASPENS Number Sense Assessment.

·  56.2 % of 1st grade students are at or above grade level in reading based on the A-Z assessment.

·  39.6% of 1st grade students are at or above grade level in math based on the ASPENS Number Sense Assessment.

For detailed assessment information for all students please visit

Parent-Teacher Conference Participation Rates

Parent/guardian attendance at parent-teacher conferences is a crucial component in student success. The following number/percent of parents participated in parent-teacher conferences for 2012-13 and 2013-14:


345 Students represented= 89%


327 Students represented= 91%

Providing all students with a solid foundation for lifelong success continues to be the mission of Kelloggsville Public Schools. We thank you for being an important part of our school family and community. Your ongoing support and role in the success of East Kelloggsville School is appreciated.


Jeff Owen , Principal