Mrs. Smith's Class Policies

In order to have a successful year, it is imperative that the class (teacher and students) create an inviting atmosphere so that everyone feels comfortable enough to learn in the room. The following policies are in place so that everyone in the room can contribute to a healthy learning environment. Violations are handled on an individual basis.

1.  NO PASSES (including going to your locker. See school policy)

2.  Students will act in a respectful, cordial manner at all times.

a.  Raise your hand and wait to be called on - do not shout out answers.

b.  Treat your classmates and teacher the way you want to be treated.

c.  Use appropriate language.

d.  T. F. South wear is unacceptable because it creates an antagonistic atmosphere in the classroom.

3.  Students are to be in their seats at the bell.

a.  Enter classroom quietly and appropriately.

b.  Materials on desk at the bell to begin the hour – check the board

c.  Pencils are sharpened.

d.  Work on bell ringer to prepare mentally for class.

e.  You are tardy if you are not in your seat at the bell.

f.  The bell does not dismiss students, the teacher does. Do not leave the room until you are dismissed by me (lining up at the door is not an option).

4.  Students are to have all their supplies, everyday.

a.  Work due each day, including pre-labs (lockers are not accessible - see rule #1)

b.  Chemistry book

c.  Scientific calculator

d.  Composition Notebook (designated for Chemistry only)

e.  Folder

f.  Loose leaf paper

g.  Pen & pencil (no purple pens allowed; pencil is preferred)

h.  Earbuds

i.  Assignment notebook or app (cell phones may be used to enter HW, not to text your bff)

5.  Students will check Edmodo to continue their learning when not in the room.

a.  If you are excused, you have the number of days you were out plus one to make up your work.

b.  If you are in ISS or otherwise disciplined and not in the room, alternative assignments may be given for equivalent credit.

c.  If you are truant, you earn a 0 for any work for the day, including quizzes, labs and tests.

6.  Written assignments must be labeled appropriately:

a.  Name is in the upper, right-hand corner.

b.  Period is below.

c.  Assignment label is below.

d.  Date is below.

7.  Students will do their own work.

a.  Homework is a part of learning. It allows you to practice what you’ve learned in the classroom to solidify your knowledge. Expect to have homework/prep work on a daily basis.

b.  Copying = 0 for both parties involved.

c.  Cell phone alerts and/or using cell phone during assessments = 0

d.  Searching for answers on iPad when taking an assessment = 0

8.  Late work is NOT accepted.

a.  If you do not have your pre-lab completed AND in the classroom with you, you will earn a 0 on any lab.

i.  Your locker is NOT accessible. See rules #1 & #4.

ii. Excused absences and large projects are not included. Late projects = letter grade deductions.

9.  Students will use computers and iPads for chemistry use only.

a.  You may check your grades after obtaining permission.

b.  You are responsible for checking your iPad daily for damage and/or inappropriate data.

10.  Cell phone usage is NOT allowed.

a.  Phones must be turned off for assessments.

b.  Phones must be put away. A paper bag, teacher detention, and Dean's referral may be administered for students who have a problem with using their phone during class.

c.  There is a clock on the wall, you do not need to check the time on your phone.

11.  Students are to adhere to the district mandated lab safety rules at all times while in the lab (separate list).

12.  Students are to stop work/conversations and come to attention when I raise my hand.

13.  Students are to be on their best behavior when a substitute teacher is in the room.

a.  Up to 5 morning detentions will be earned for offensive behavior. If gross misconduct, Dean's Office will be involved.

Mrs. Smith’s Instructional Policy:

You will be learning chemistry using a modeling strategy, which completely correlates with the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). We will discuss a problem and hypothesize how to solve the problem. Your group will carry out investigations and create presentations on your findings via whiteboards and/or iPads. Presentations are required and are part of your grade. Sometimes additional information is needed and lectures either will occur in class or via the internet (i.e. flipped classroom). You will read from your textbook, articles or conduct internet research when necessary as well. Writing is also heavily relied upon in the modeling strategy. You will write up your labs to demonstrate your learning. Regular homework will be assigned as well, and your grade will be based on completion, correction, and/or presentation of problems. Homework quizzes are also possible. Because direct instruction is not the focal point of this learning strategy, students can sometimes become frustrated. Embrace this method and learn to enjoy learning again!

We will also work cooperatively together to learn chemistry. Kagan, CRISS, PhET, and POGIL strategies will be implemented on a regular basis to help you build your communication skills while also strengthening what you are learning in the classroom. Additionally, we will incorporate the use of technology into the classroom and homework to help you learn chemistry.

I may assess your work in various ways: grading your work, asking you questions about your learning, observing your behavior in lab, assessments, etc. Your grade is calculated in the following way: 50% Assessments, 35% Labs, 15% Homework/Class work.

Obtaining pictures of completed work to "get your homework done" is considered academic dishonesty/cheating and will result in zero credit for both the person sending their completed work and the person(s) copying the completed work. This kind of work ethic hurts all students taking chemistry. The reason why is because I cannot assess where students are truly struggling until the test. This does not give me the opportunity to correct student misconceptions or re-teach to ensure all students understand a concept. It also does not give students the opportunity to learn a concept. You are not helping another student by giving them your work - they learn nothing in the process. You are not learning if you simply copy someone else's work - this is not part of the learning process. You must work on a problem, attempt a solution, and discuss your solution with others to come to a consensus on a final or "correct" solution. This is learning. Bringing attempted solutions to class allows me the teacher, to truly see where you are and how to get you to where you need to be if necessary. Bringing in a blank page and telling me you "don't get it" is unacceptable as well. You don’t know what you know until you try. Bringing in a copy of someone else's work makes me believe you understand the concept being worked on and that we can move forward as a class. Do not lie about your learning progress by copying others' homework.

As a student in this class, you must be active and take risks. Do not be afraid of raising your hand and contributing to class discussions, of making mistakes, or of getting an incorrect answer. At times, chemistry class can move at a fairly quick pace, but if you need help, know that this classroom is a safe environment where you can freely ask for help or have a topic further explained to you. Keep in mind however, if you are too busy to learn, I will be too busy helping others. Each student receives the grade he or she earns. If you complete the assigned work on time, study for tests, and use your time wisely during class, you will be well on your way to success. If you are missing assignments for this class, YOU are the one at fault; not your parents or Mrs. Smith. If you do not like the grade you are earning, YOU are the only one who can fix it. You may want to set aside more time to study at home, perhaps not participate in as many extra-curricular activities, go to Homework Center, or come in for morning tutoring. The only way to improve your grade is if you choose to take charge of your education. I challenge you to go beyond what is expected of you this year, not only in my class, but in all of your classes!

Office Hours:

·  I am available for morning tutoring most mornings. You need to make an appointment and ask for a pass before/after class. Some students may be "invited" for morning tutoring.

Getting Help:

·  Form a study group with friends. Get the cell phone number of at least 3-5 people who have Honors Chemistry and utilize them as you work to solve problems or study. Chemistry is best learned while discussing problems with others.

·  See me during my office hours

o  Please note, if your are too busy to learn during your alloted class time, then I will not be able to help you outside of class. My office hours are to be used only by students who are working in class and need additional instruction.

·  Go to Homework Center

·  Consult the internet

Mrs. Smith’s Honors Chemistry/Chemistry Class Agreement

I, ______, have gone to Moodle and read through Mrs. Smith’s class policies and agree to work in the manner required for me to be successful in chemistry. I will abide by the classroom policies to help create a safe learning environment for myself and for the other students in the room. I understand that there will be consequences if I infringe on any of the policies set by Mrs. Smith.


Student Signature Date

I, ______, the parent/guardian of ______, have gone to Moodle with my child and read Mrs. Smith’s policies and understand what is expected of my child in chemistry class. I will do whatever it takes to help my child be successful in chemistry class.


Parent Signature Date

I, Mrs. Smith, pledge to provide your child the best opportunities for learning chemistry possible. I will work with your child to help him/her learn chemistry to the best of my ability.

______Mrs. Smith______Aug. 21, 2017____

Teacher Signature Date