Laridae CIC and Liverpool Charity and Voluntary Services

Job Description

Job Title: /

Healthwatch Informationand Project Officer

Hours / 35 hours per week
Accountable to: / Laridae Chief Officer

Main Purpose(s) of Post

  • Provide information and signposting to people about health and care services in Liverpool. This is the main focus of this post.
  • Gather patient feedback and undertake relevant projects and activities which evidence local peoples’ views and experiences, providers, commissioners and public bodies to improve health and social care services in Liverpool

Main Duties and Responsibilities

Information service

  1. To listen to people contacting the service face-to-face, via the telephone, post, email, or other electronic means
  2. To gain an understanding of the concern and/or issue and then assist the individual in exploring the options that could be available (including providing self-help guidance; signposting / referring to an appropriate service; facilitating and negotiating access to services
  3. To provide this information to enquirers in the manner that best meets their needs.
  4. To assist in the collection, maintenance and updating of information on local resources for online directories.
  5. To familiarise yourself with these resources in order to guide people to the services, support or activities that are most appropriate to their needs and circumstances.
  6. To collate feedback from enquirers / the public and to use this to influence the improvement of health and care services
  7. To assist the public to understand how the Care Act might affect them and the people they care for.
  8. To maintain up-to-date records of enquiries received, information provided and action taken

Engagement, representation and project activities

  1. To represent and promote Healthwatch across the city, including organising and attending outreach events, giving talks and presentations etc
  2. To carry out engagement activities and outreach work with community groups and anchor organisations, volunteers, the public and private sectors to capture patient experience
  3. To encourage and support participation from seldom heard groups
  4. To undertake activities such as attending events, research, surveys, focus groups and/or citizens’ panels with Healthwatch volunteers and the general public to capture views and patient experience
  5. To help in the promotion of the service and the spreading of health messages to local communities and organisations and collect patient feedback, through engagement, outreach and promotional activities
  6. To facilitate (and lead where appropriate) working groups / meetings around specific projects / themes, including taking responsibility for notes and actions
  7. Preparing and / or contributing to reports, briefing papers and other accessible articles for a range of media/social media on projects or issues being worked on.
  8. To contribute to the evaluation of NHS Trust performance, quality and equality.
  9. Ensure that the views and interests of local people are captured, represented and amplified within Health and Social Care planning and governance


  1. To collect information that will be subsequently utilised for monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of Healthwatch, and in ensuring it is reaching the fullest range of people from the city’s diverse communities
  2. To keep abreast of health and care policy developments and services, and share these in an accessible way with colleagues, volunteers, patients and the public
  3. To be aware of the issues facing people who find themselves socially excluded, disadvantaged and / or unaware of the range of support which could potentially assist them
  4. To work collaboratively with partners who share our commitment to improving the public’s experience of services, health and wellbeing.
  5. As appropriate, to liaise with, raise awareness of and signpost to the Healthwatch Advocacy service
  6. To work as part of the team with other Healthwatch staff
  7. Implementing and following Healthwatch policies and procedures, particularly in respect to health and safety, confidentiality, safeguarding and data protection
  8. To manage workload and time in accordance with the priorities set by your Manager and agreed in your workplan
  9. Undertaking any training necessary and participate in the organisation’s supervision and appraisal system, and identifying further training and personal development needs.
  10. The post holder is expected to be flexible in the performance of duties and to undertake any other duties and tasks identified as appropriate to the post in line with the aims and principles of Healthwatch.