Doc. Ref. No. / Issue Version / Date
UoN-STC-T&A / 1 / June 2009


1. College : Arts and Science

2. Department : Biological Sciences and Chemistry

3. Semester : Fall- 2015

4. Course Code : CHEM: 265


6. Timetable : Day Time Class Room

Monday / 12:30– 1:45 pm / Room No. 9-1
Wednesday / 12:30– 1:45 pm / Room No. 9-1

7. Faculty Name : Dr. Ghulam Abbas

8. Office No. : 32-18

9. Telephone Ext. : 727

10. E-mail :

11. Office hours :

Days Time

Sunday / 9:00 – 10:00 AM
Monday / 10:00 – 11:00 AM
Tuesday / 1:00 – 2:00 PM
Wednesday / 10:00 – 11:00 AM

12. Text Book & References:

Text Book / References
Organic Chemistry / John McMurry, 7th Edition, Brooks/Cole 2008

13. Course Description

This course covers A review of common and trivial names; systematic naming of organic compounds by IUPAC rules, structure, basic concepts in organic chemistry stereochemistry: geometrical isomers, Z, E, configurationsl isomerism: chirality and optical activity, racemisation ad resolution of racemic mixture, R, S notation, diasteroisomers, classification, synthesis, properties, nomenclature of alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, cyclcoalkanes, alkyl halides, aliphatic nucleophilic substitution, elimination reactions and Grignard reagents

14. Learning Outcomes

1. / Accurately name and draw representative molecules of the major classes of organic and biochemical compounds
2. / Understand the nature of bonds formed by carbon, and the shape of simple organic molecules and understand why and how organic reactions occur
3 / Be able to name / recognize the functional groups associated with organic compounds; apply the rules of organic nomenclature, synthesis and reactions of cyclic compounds
4. / Recognize conformational, configurationally and optical isomers.
5. / Understand structure and bonding in organic compounds, including the concepts of molecular hybridization theory, resonance, inductive and steric effect and
6. / Design simple synthesis involving functional groups interconversion
7. / Learn the basic reaction mechanisms: addition, elimination, substitution and rearrangement
8 / Apply knowledge of reaction mechanism, including kinetics/thermodynamics to predict/explain reactivity
9 / Acquire basic laboratory skills in Organic Chemistry

15. Assessment Policy

Assessment process takes direct and indirect measurements to ensure that learning outcomes and program objectives have been achieved. The assessment includes assignments, quizzes, tests, projects and discussions. The type of assessment is indicated in the weekly plan table and the assessment details are as follows:

Assessment Details (for example):

Assessment / Percentage % / Due
Quizzes / 10 % / Quiz 1: 4th week
Quiz 2: 11th week
Mid-term exam -1 / 12.5 % / Mid.Test 1: 6/7th week
Mid-term exam-2 / 12.5 % / Mid. Test 2: 14/15th week
Laboratory Experiment /Examination / 25 % / Will be notified later
Final Exam / 40% / Will be notified later

16. Plagiarism Policy:

As per the University Policy UoN-STC-CR-1-2009, the following actions (not limited to), without proper attribution (quoting and/or referencing), will attract stringent penalties:
1.  To copy the work of another student;
2.  To directly copy any part of another person’s work;
3.  To summarize another person’s work;
4.  To use or develop an idea or thesis derived from another person’s work;
5.  To use experimental results or data obtained or gathered by another person;
6.  To demonstrate academic misconduct during an exam.

17. Attendance Policy

As per the University Absentee Regulations, Absentee warning notice will be issued to the student according to:
1- “Absentee Warning 1”: for unexcused absence of 5% of course's contact hours.
2- “Absentee Warning 2”: for unexcused absence of 10% of course's contact hours.
3- “Drop one Grade and Absence Warning 3”: for unexcused absence of 15% of course's contact hours.
4- “Barred from the final exam”: for unexcused absence of 25% of course's contact hours.
5- If a student’s unexcused absence is below 25% but his/her totalabsence reaches 25% or more of all contact hours of the course, he/she shall be required to withdraw from the course with a “W” grade.

18. Weekly Teaching & Assessment Plan

Week No / Topic / Course Outcome / Assessment of Outcomes
1  / Nomenclature of Organic Compounds. Major classes of organic compounds and their nomenclature rules.
A Review of Common and trivial names. / Accurately name and draw representative molecules of the major classes of organic and biochemical compounds. / Quizze-1 and final examination.
2  / Systematic naming of organic compounds (mono-and bi-functional) by IUPAC rules. Hydrocarbons:
Open Chain:
Preparation of alkanes,
properties and reactions of alkanes / By applying IUPAC rules accurately name and draw representative molecules of the major classes of organic and biochemical compounds. / Quizze-1 and final examination.
3  / Eid Al-Adha Holidays
4  / Various methods used to prepare alkenes,
physical properties of alkenes
Cis/trans alkenes rules and examples / Understand the nature of bonds formed by carbon, and the structure of simple organic molecules and understand why and how alkanes reactions occur. / Midterm-1 and final examination.
5  / E and z alkenes rules and examples
Different types of alkenes reactions.
Preparation of alkynes. / Understand the types of bonds formed by carbon, and the geometry of simple organic molecules and understand properties of alkenes and alkynes reactions. / Midterm-1 and final examination.
6  / Physical properties of alkynes,
Various reactions of alkynes.
Closed Chain Hydrocarbons / Be able to name / recognize the alkyne functional groups associated with organic compounds. To identify closed chain system. / Midterm-1 and final examination..
7  / Nomenclature and Synthesis of cycloalkanes , reactions and relative stability of small and medium sized cycloalkanes. diasteroisomers. Geometrical isomerism: / Apply the rules of organic nomenclature, synthesis and reactions of cyclic compounds. / Midterm-1 and final examination.
8  / Stereochemistry, isomers
Structural and stereoisomers, chirality, enantiomers, R and S notation, Optical activity, Determination of configuration of geometrical isomers. / Recognize conformational, configurationally and optical isomers.
Recognize and apply configurationally and Z,E, cis tans, isomers in alkene. / Quizze-2 and final examination.
9  / Optical isomerism and optical activity, racemisation ad resolution of racemic
Basic Concepts:
Localised and delolocalised bonding; / Understand structure and bonding in organic compounds, including the concepts of molecular hybridization theory, resonance, inductive and steric effect and / Quizze-2 and final examination.
10 / Inductive effect; resonance, resonance energy and rules of resonance. Resonance effect, steric inhibition of resonance; hyper conjugation; tautomerism; hydrogen bonding. / Understand effects and mechanisms of stability and nature of bonding of aromatic compounds. / Midterm-2 and final examination
11 / Alkyl Halides: Nomenclature, structure, preparation, reactions and properties of alkyl halides
Substitution Reactions: / Understand important properties of alkyl halides. Preparation and reactions of alkyl halides. / Midterm-2 and final examination
12 / Aliphatic Nucleophilic Substitution Reactions: Mechanisms-Study of SN1, SN2, SNi, mechanisms; / Learn the basic reaction mechanisms: substitution and rearrangement. / Midterm-2 and final examination
13 / Intramolecular displacement by neighbouring oxygen, nitrogen, sulphur and halogen and factors effecting nucleophilic substitution. / Apply knowledge of reaction mechanism, including kinetics/thermodynamics to predict/explain reactivity / Midterm-2 and final examination
14 / Elimination reactions their main types, alpha and beta elimination reaction. Elimination versus substitution and, mechanisms of E1 and E1cB types of reactions. / Learn the basic reaction mechanisms: addition, elimination reactions.
Apply knowledge of reaction mechanism, including kinetics/thermodynamics involving functional groups interconversion / Final examination
15 / E1 and E2 mechanisms; Orientation: Zaitsev's and Hofmann's Rules, and factors effecting elimination reactions. / Apply the rules and principles of E2 reactions functional group interconversion. / Final examination
16 / Grignard’s Reagent: Preparation, structure and applications in the synthesis of alcohols and carboxylic acids / Apply the rules proposed by Grignard for the synthesis of compounds. / Final examination
17 /
Final Exam