DataGrid Plus


The new DataGrid Plus component available in petroWEB’s NAVIGATOR application is based on the Telerik RadGridView control for Silverlight solutions. This control offers the richest and most robust set of features currently available in the industry today.

This document outlines the new features offered by DataGrid Plus. It does not attempt to include all the features supported by the legacy datagrid.

New Features

GENERAL –The new DataGrid Plus features are consistent with other DevKit implementation components.

Embedding –DataGrid Plus can now be embedded as part of a DevKit composite that is launched as an extension. As part of this Dashboard display, DataGrid Plus integrates well with the other existing DevKit components within the dashboard. They are driven by a common data source.

Huge data sets –DataGrid Plus manages huge datasets through a virtual paging mechanism thatsupports navigation through a virtually unlimited number of rows.

Synchronized data selections -Data selections from one DevKit component are reflected in all the other components within the dashboard.

Validation and exception reporting on all forms and ribbon view.

RIBBON VIEW –A new ribbon view replaces the legacy toolbar offering more features along with providing more consistency UI across all DevKit elements.

Menu – replaces the Report, Export and Analysisdropdown buttons.

  • Select All/Clear All – Toggles the selection state of the rows in the current data page.
  • ACustomize Menu form allows the user to toggle the visibility of any menu items found within the ribbon view.
  • The icon column is no longer a gesture target for launching the extension editor. That is now accomplished through the Manage Extensions menu item.

Command buttons –There are new command buttons that offer new or replace existing functionality.

  • Configuration
  • Group expansion toggle
  • Delete layout

Hierarchical grids – No longer is there a toolbar posted on top of every grid within the hierarchy. Rather, the DataGrid Plus ribbon services the grid that is currently active. As a result, each grid will have its own set of layouts and be configured independently of all other grids.


New configuration - All the new configuration settings offered by DataGrid Plus are stored in the layout.

Legacy layouts- Are supported by the new DataGrid Plus.

Delete – a Delete button is now available on the ribbon bar. No longer is the user required to visit the Save form in order to delete a layout.

CONFIGURATION– There is now a new Configuration Form that replaces the legacy Column Settings and Conditional Column Formatting forms. This new form provides 4 tabs of configuration withinDataGrid Plus.

General tab

  • Toggle visibility of horizontal and vertical gridlines
  • Toggle visibility of column grouping bar
  • Toggle visibility of alternate row color
  • Toggle visibility of column headers
  • Toggle visibility of column headers when printing and exporting
  • Toggle visibility of data pager – set the number of records per data page

Columns tab - replaces the legacy Column Settings form

  • Displays column name as well as alias for selection
  • Allows selection of a content type for that column
  • Allows toggling of the “Read-only” attribute for that column
  • Provides the ability to set the text alignment for the data within a cell
  • Provides the ability to define a unit of measurement for the column. The unit type is then displayed on the column header.

Summary Rows tab – Provides the ability to define column aggregates to be displayed for column groups and the entire grid.

  • Count, Total, Minimum, Maximum, Average

Color Coding tab –Replaces the legacy “Conditional Column Formatting” form.

  • Displays column name as well as alias for selection
  • Allows for color coding based on string values

Calculated Columns Tab – provides ability to define one or more calculated columns using expression language. Those columns are then added to DataGrid Plus.

APPLICATION FORMS – all forms have been redesigned to provide a more consistent and intuitive UI. Help panels are included to provide assistance to the user as to how the form functions.

Manage Extensions – No longer is one required to click on the menu item’s icon space to edit the associated extension. All extension management is performed through this form.

Edit Entity Type – New forms


Export to PDF – Selected rows can now be exported to PDF format and viewed by Adobe Reader.

Export to HTML – Selected rows can now be exported to HTML format and viewed by a web browser.

Copy to Clipboard – Selected rows can now be copied to a clipboard.

Print – Selected rows can now be printed.

Screen Captures

DataGrid Plus

General Configuration

Summary row configuration

Color coding configuration

Column configuration

Calculated column configuration