Catherine E. Matthews, Ph.D.

University of North Carolina Greensboro, Fall 2015

CURRENT POSITION: Professor, Teacher Education & Higher Education, UNCG, K – 12 Science Education & Environmental Education


Office Address: 406 SOE Building, UNCG

Phone: (336) 334-3444 E-mail:

PRIMARY SPECIALIZATION(S): (teaching and research expertise)

K-12 Science Education and Environmental Education


1990 Ph.D. University of Kansas CUI (Science Education)

1980 M.A. University of Kansas CUI (Science Education)

1973 B.S. Oregon State University General Science


North Carolina – comprehensive secondary sciences & middle school language arts

North Carolina Certified Environmental Educator


06-Present Full Professor, UNCG

98-06 Associate Professor, UNCG

92-98 Assistant Professor, UNCG

89-92 Assistant Professor, Boise State University

84-89 Instructor, Haskell Indian Junior College

Shawnee Country Day School Summer Science Camp, Director, 7 years

Shawnee Country Day School, Math and Science Teacher, 1 year

City High School, Madison, Wisconsin, Science Teacher, 3 years


CUI 370 Elementary Science Methods; TED 428 Advanced Methods in Science & EE

CUI 350, 375 & 400 Inquiry Seminars for Elementary PDS Teams

CUI 461 & 465 Supervising Student Teaching (Elementary Education & Secondary Science)

CUI 519 Science Education in the Elementary School

CUI/TED 559 Secondary Science Methods; CUI/TED 623 K-12 Environmental Education (EE)

CUI 632 Trends and Issues in Secondary Science Education; CUI 654 Models of Teaching

HSS 300 (Honors Program): Think Tank: Ecological SANE (Stoked about our Natural Environments), 2013 - 2014


Dissertations: Doctoral Committee Chair: Andrews, Hildreth, McDuffie, Bennett, Cook, Mebane, Turner, McDonald, Patrick, Kennedy, Tomasek, Allen, Scott, Ash, Huffling & Benavides

Member: Vickers (ELC), Webb, Haun-Frank, Hegedus, Connetta

Clinical Experiences: Extensive work with General Greene School of Science & Technology, Lindley Elementary School and a variety of local High Schools and Middle Schools

Collaborative Research Projects: Inquiry Seminar Projects

Independent Study: offered every semester, typically at least one student is enrolled each semester

Program Advising: Undergraduates: PDS Team Members & A-Licensure Only Students in Secondary Sciences

Secondary Science Education Program Co-Coordinator, 1992 - 2011

Graduate: Master's: TL & CPT students, Science Education Graduate Coordinator, 1992 - 2011


1. Allen, M., Webb, A., & Matthews, C. (revise & resubmit). Adaptive Teaching in STEM: Characteristics for Effectiveness. Theory Into Practice.

2. Ruyani, A., Affiani, E., Sufyerny, F., Suryana, & Matthews, C. (2015). Green Teachers & Brown Rivers: How to Conduct an Environmental Research Project. Green Teacher 106, 27 - 31.

3. Ash, M., Carlone, H., & Matthews, C. (accepted). “Almost a herpetologist” The iterative influence of four Lumbee male high schools students on an informal summer herpetological research field experience.Journal of American Indian Education.

4.  Carlone, H.B., Huffling, L.D., Hegedus, T., Tomasek, T., Matthews, C., Allen, M., & Ash, M. (accepted). “Unthinkable selves”: Identity boundary work in a summer field ecology enrichment program for diverse youth.International Journal of Science Education.

5.  Matthews, C., Kurtts, S., & Allen, M. (2014). Universal Design for Learning with Elementary Science. Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina. Retrieved from

6.  Huffling, L., Tomasek, T., Matthews, C., Benavides, A., Carlone, H. & Hegedus, T. (2014). Using mobile devices in fieldscience. The Science Teacher 81 (7), 35 - 40.

7.  Matthews, C., Huffling, L. & Benavides, A. (2014). The Ins & Outs of Developing a Field-Based Science Project: Learning by Lassoing Lizards. The American Biology Teacher 76 (5), 320 – 326.

8.  Phillips, A., Scott, C. & Matthews, C. (2013). Bat Bonanza: Kindergarteners discover bats without leaving the classroom. Science & Children, 39 - 43.

9.  Benavides, A., Ash, M., Huffling, L. & Matthews, C. (2013). Taking Science Education Outdoors with Herpetology (the Study of Reptiles (turtles, snakes, lizards and alligators) and Amphibians (frogs and salamanders)): Equity in Action. Natura 1, 47 – 56.

10.  Allen, M., Matthews, C., & Parsons, S. (2013). A Second-Grade Teacher’s Adaptive Teaching during an Integrated Science-Literacy Unit. Teaching & Teacher Education.

11.  Matthews, C. & Tomasek, T. (2012). Herpetology for High School Students. Green Teacher 96, 36 – 40.

12.  Scott, C. & Matthews, C. (2012). Slithering Into Summer: Ideas for introducing your students to herpetology, Science & Children, 49 (8), 56 – 61.

13.  Haun-Frank, J., Matthews, C. & Allen, M. (2012). Batteries and Bulbs, Circuits and Conductors: Building Green, Activist-Oriented Student Communities, Science Activities: Classroom Projects and Curriculum Ideas, 49 (2), 54-59.

14.  Matthews, C. & Tomasek, T. (2011). A Home for Herps Is Also a Place for People. Children, Youth and Environments, 21 (1), 228-242.

15.  Matthews, C. Jeronen, E. & Easton, E. (2011). Everyone’s Rights or No One’s Rights? Outlooks on Nature, Nature Study and Ecological Education in Finland, Scotland and North Carolina. Natura, 1 (48), 36-43.

16.  Scott, C. & Matthews, C. (2011). The “Science” behind a Successful Field Trip to the Zoo. Science Activities: Classroom Projects and Curriculum Ideas, 48 (1), 29–38.

17.  Patrick, P., Matthews, C. & Tunnicliffe, S. & Using a Field Trip Inventory to Determine If Listening to Elementary School Students' Conversations, While on a Zoo Field Trip, Enhances Preservice Teachers' Abilities to Plan Zoo Field Trips. Available online: 11 Oct 2011 ( International Journal of Science Education.

18.  Scott, C., Tomasek, T. & Matthews, C. (2010). Thinking like a Ssssscientist. Science & Children, 38-42.

19.  Marten, G. & Matthews, C. (2009). Ecotipping Points: Sharing environmental success stories with students. The Science Teacher, 76 (7), 43–48.

20.  Harris, R. & Matthews, C. (2009). Fitting Curves to Pottery. The Mathematics Teacher, 109 (9), 698-704.

21.  Kurtts, S., Matthews, C. & Smallwood, T. (2009). (Dis)solving the Differences: A physical science lesson using universal design. Intervention in School & Clinic, 44 (3), 151–159.

22.  Richardson, K., Matthews, C. & Thompson, C. (2008). Teacher’s Toolkit: Linking proportionality across the science and mathematics curricula through science literacy maps. Science Scope, 32 (3), 64-71.

23.  Tomasek, T. Matthews, C. (2008). Slide Into Reptile and Amphibian Activities in Your Classroom. Science Activities, 44 (4), 123-128.

24.  Tomasek, T. Matthews, C. Toads give you warts-Not! (2008). Science Activities, 44 (4), 129-132.

25.  Patrick, P.G., Matthews, C.E., Tunnicliffe, S.D. & Ayers, D.F. (2007). Conservation and education: prominent themes in zoo mission statements. The Journal of Environmental Education, 38 (3), 53-60.

26.  Patrick, P.G., Tunnicliffe, S.D., Matthews, C.E., & Ayers, D.F. (2007). Mission statements of AZA-accredited zoos: Do they say what we think they say? International Zoo News, 21 - 29.

27.  Bennett, K. & Matthews, C. (2005). Teachers in North Carolina’s Environmental Education Certification Program. The Journal of Environmental Education, 36 (3), 15 - 21.

28.  Tomasek, T., Matthews, C. & Hall, J. (2005). What’s Slithering around on your School Grounds? The American Biology Teacher, 67 (7), 419-425.

29.  Cooper, J., Ponder, G., Merritt, S. & Matthews, C. (2005). High-Performing High Schools: Patterns of Success. National Association of Secondary School Principals. NASSP Bulletin, 89 (645), 2-23.

30.  Cooper, J. & Matthews, C. (2005). A decade of concern: A review of multicultural science education issues in The Science Teacher. The Science Teacher, 72 (3), 49-52.

31.  Antonek, J., Matthews, C. & Levin B. (2005). A Theme-Based, Cohort Approach to Professional Development Schools: An Analysis of the Benefits and Shortcomings for Teacher Education Faculty. Teacher Education Quarterly, 32 (1), 131–150.

32.  Matthews, C. & Cook, H. (2004). Herpetologist transports Third Graders to Frogland. Science Activities, 41 (3), 26–34.

33.  Matthews, C., Strahan, D., Cooper, J., & Merritt, S. & Ponder, G. (2004). Heralded High Schools in North Carolina. (2004). Snapshots: The Specialist Schools Trust Journal of Innovation in Education (Primary & Secondary editions, UK)

34.  Matthews, C. & Monroe, L. (2004). Hands-on Hydrology. Science Activities, 41 (2), 13 – 22.

35.  Cook, H., Matthews, C., Hildreth, D (2004). Hoeked on Science. Science & Children, 41 (8), 42–46.

36.  Somers, A., Matthews, C., Bennett, K., Seymour, S. & Rucker, J. (2003). Outdoor Adventures: Tracking Eastern Box Turtles. Science Scope, 27 (3), 32–37.

37.  Cook, H., Matthews, C., Hildreth, D. & Couch, E. (2003). Predation on the Shore. Science Activities, 40 (1), 8–15.

38.  Matthews, C. & Bennett, K. (2002). Naturalist Writers and Environmental Sentiments. Science Scope, 26 (3), 22-27.

39.  Matthews, C., Patrick, P. & Vickers, V. (2002). Acorns Alive. Science Scope, 26 (2), 14–17.

40.  Matthews, C. & Connors, J. (2002). Observing Flat Birds and Other Fun Birding Activities for K-12 Students. Science Activities, 39 (2), 13–17.

41.  Appleget, J., Matthews, C., Hildreth, D. & Daniel, M. (2002). Teaching the History of Science to Learning Disabled Students. Intervention in School and Clinic, 37 (5), 102 -116.

42.  Vickers, V. & Matthews, C. (2002). Children & Place: A Natural Connection. Science Activities, 39 (1), 16–24.

43.  Hildreth, D., Matthews, C., Hess, L. & Settle, R. (2001). Lights, Camera, Action...It’s Science! Science Activities, 38 (3), 10–16.

44.  Cummo, E. & Matthews, C. (2001). The Atomic Dating Game. Science Scope, 25 (4), 46–47.

45.  Kirk, M., Matthews, C. & Kurtts, S. (2001). The Science Textbook Dilemma. The Science Teacher, 68 (9), 42–45.

46.  Davidson, C, Matthews, C. & Patrick, P. (2001). Meeting the Standards with Vanishing Frogs. The American Biology Teacher, 63 (5), 352-357.

47.  Matthews, C. (2000). The Cormorant Controversy. Science Scope, 23 (7), 17-21.

48.  King, J. & Matthews, C. (1999). The Northern Mockingbird: An Introduction to Ethology for High School Students. Science Activities, 36 (3), 27–32.

49.  Baize, D. & Matthews, C. (1999). The Not-So-Aloof Luffa. Science Activities, 36 (2), 22-27.

50.  Matthews, C. & Cook, H. (1999). Frances Hamerstrom: Wildlife Biologist. Science & Children, 36 (8), 37- 41.

51.  Matthews, C., McDuffie, K., Campbell, T., Walling, J., & Craig, J. (1999). Planetary Paths. Science Scope, 22 (8), 10-14.

52.  Matthews, C. & Cummo, E. (1999). All Wrapped Up in Kudzu and other Ecological Disasters. The American Biology Teacher, 61 (1), 42-46.

53.  Cook, H. & Matthews, C. (1998). Lessons from a Living Fossil. Science & Children, 36 (3), 16-19.

54.  Barrett, W., & Matthews, C. (1997). Pocket Science. Science Scope, 20 (8), 39-40.

55.  Matthews, C., Binkley, W., Crisp, A., & Gregg, K. (1997). What Gender Gap? Giving Elementary School Students the Tools to Recognize and Reach Beyond the Inequities. Educational Leadership, 55 (4), 54-57.

56.  Hildreth, D., & Matthews, C. (1997). Get a Kick out of Physics: Do Martial Arts in the Science Classroom. The Science Teacher, 64 (9), 34-36.

57.  Matthews, C., & Hildreth, D. (1997). Cicada Studies. The Science Teacher, 64 (6), 34-37.

58.  Harvey, M., & Matthews, C. (1997). Swimming Pool Science. The Science Teacher, 64 (5), 34-37.

59.  Matthews, C., Fargo, D., & Craig, J. (1997). Build An Interplanetary Scale. Science Scope, 20 (4), 24-26.

60.  Levin, B., & Matthews, C. (1997). Using Hypermedia to Educate Preservice Teachers about Gender Equity Issues in Elementary School Classrooms. The Journal of Research on Computing in Education, 29 (3), 226-247.

61.  Baber, C., Cox, B., & Matthews, C. (1996). Teaching and Learning English, Social Studies, and Science Together: An Experiment in Secondary Education at UNC-G. North Carolina Journal of Teacher Education, 8 (2), 80-97.

62.  Bowman, F., & Matthews, C. (1996). Plant or Animal? The Science Teacher, 63 (4), 12-15.

63.  Matthews, C. (1996). Fossil Finds. Science Scope, 19 (7), 13-16.

64.  Matthews, C. (1996). An Illuminating Reaction. The Science Teacher, 63 (5), 30-31.

65.  Matthews, C. & Cook, H. (1996). Oh, Baby, What a Science Lesson! Science & Children, 33 (8), 18-21.

66.  McDuffie, S. & Matthews, C. (1996). Antifreeze Solutions. The Science Teacher, 63 (1), 41-43.

67.  Allen, E. & Matthews, C. (1995). It's a Bird! It's a Plane! It's a ... Stereogram! Science Scope, 18 (7), 22-26.

68.  Matthews, C., Campbell, T., & Craig, J. (1995). Mooning in the Middle School. Science Scope, 18 (7), 40-44.

69.  Charging, C., Drummond, J., Matthews, C., & Smith, W. (1994). American Indian youths' attitudes toward science. GATES, (Greater Access to Technology, Engineering and Science), 1 (1), 14-20, 32.

70.  Matthews, C. & Smith, W. (1994). Native American Related Materials in Elementary Science Instruction. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 31, 363-380.

71.  Matthews, C. (1994). Interactive Video: Reviewing Science, Stereotypes and Society. The Science Teacher, 61 (3), 20-23.

72.  Matthews, C. (1992). Snail Shell Science: A Whelk-ome Activity. The Science Teacher 59 (4), 32-37.

73.  Matthews, C. & Umholtz, J. (1984). Life on a Red Hills Ranch. Kansas Wildlife, p. 13.


1.  Matthews, C. (2006). The Cricket Chronicles, Teacher's Edition Scarecrow Press.

2.  Matthews, C. (2006). The Cricket Chronicles, Student Edition Scarecrow Press.

3.  Somers, A. & Matthews, C. (2006). The Box Turtle Connection: A Guide to the Natural World. Published by the authors and available online at

4.  Campbell, T. & Matthews, C. (authors and editors) (1994, 1993 & 1992 editions). Astronomy Activities: A Course Guide for Institute Participants. (ITEACH). Boise, Idaho: The Discovery Center of Idaho.

5.  McGee, K. & Matthews, C. (co-compiling editors). (1985). The Design of Interactive Computer Displays: A Guide to the Select Literature. Lawrence, KS: The Report Store.

6.  Smith, W., Molitor, L., Nelson, B. & Matthews, C. (1984). COMETS Science. Volume II. Washington, DC: National Science Teachers Association.

Book Chapters:

1.  Tomasek, T., Huffling, L.D., Matthews, C.E., & Carlone, H. (accepted). Unlikely partners: The voucher specimen project and science service learning (Book Chapter). Research in Science Education, Vol. 8.

2.  Matthews, C., Thompson, S. & Payne, S. (under review). Preparing Informal Science Educators in a Formal Science Teacher Education Program: An Oxymoron? An edited book on Informal Science Education.

3.  Ruyani, A. & Matthews, C. (under review). A Comparative Look at Informal Science Education & Environmental Education in Bengkulu Province, Indonesia & North Carolina, USA. An edited book on Informal Science Education.