Hartford Public Library

www.hplct.org 860-695-6295

Help for Ex-offenders





Food/Clothing/Financial Assistance





More Resources


·  Cities and Towns that eliminate question about convictions on their employment applications:

o  Bridgeport

o  Hartford

o  New Haven

o  Norwich

·  State of Connecticut will soon eliminate the question about convictions on their employment applications (new law will take effect October 1, 2010)

·  Bonding – insurance for the employer for acts of dishonesty in the workplace; helps employers feel more comfortable hiring ex-offenders

o  CT Works administers this Federal program (www.ctdol.state.ct.us/busservices/bonding.htm, 860-263-6735; www.bonds4jobs.com)

·  Tax Credit incentive for employers to hire ex-offenders

o  CT Works administers Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) program (www.ctdol.state.ct.us/progsupt/taxcredits/wotc.htm)

·  Pardons (full or provisional erasure of criminal record)

o  Connecticut Pardon Team (www.connecticutpardonteam.org, 1-866-251-3810)

o  Connecticut Board of Pardons and Paroles, Department of Correction (www.ct.gov/doc, 860-692-7480)

·  Work for yourself/Entrepreneurship

o  Hartford Public Library small business resources and workshops (www.hplct.org/Business/default.shtm, 860-695-6295)

o  Small Business Administration (www.sba.gov/localresources/district/ct/index.html, 860-240-4700)

·  Volunteer

o  United Way (www.volunteerct.org)

·  Services that help you learn about job searching, resume and cover letter writing, interviewing, and career searching:

o  CT Works free workshops (www.ctdol.state.ct.us/ContactInfo/CTWorks/HTFD_Info.htm, 860-256-3700)

o  Hartford Public Library Job & Career Center free workshops and resources (www.hplct.org/job_and_career_center, 860-695-6295)

o  Urban League (www.ulgh.org, 860-527-0147)

·  Programs that include pre-job guidance:

o  SAND/STRIVE (860-278-8460)

o  Community Partners in Action (CPA) (www.cpa-ct.org, 860-882-1423)

o  Chrysalis Center (www.chrysaliscenterct.org, 860-527-4847)

o  H.I.R.E. Network (www.hirenetwork.org)

·  Job training programs:

o  Capitol Region Education Council (CREC) – Direct Care Training Program (www.crec.org, 860-509-3639)

o  Community Renewal Team (CRT) – SNAP/Food stamps employment and job training (www.crtct.org/StraEmployment.htm, 860-560-5765)

o  Capital Workforce Partners – Jobs Funnel job training (www.capitalworkforce.org/adult_jobs/jobs_funnel.shtml, 860-524-8859)

o  YouthBuild Construction jobs training - 2 programs: CRT (860-347-4465), Co-Opportunity (860-236-3617)

o  Project FEAST (Food, Education, and Service Training) – House of Bread (www.hobread.org, 860-549-4188)

Reentry/Support Programs

·  Community Partners in Action (CPA) (www.cpa-ct.org, 860-882-1423)

·  Goodworks, Inc. (www.goodworksct.com, 860-290-8329)


·  Community Solutions (CSI) (www.csi-online.org, 860-683-7100) – has several housing options available for ex-offenders

·  Hands on Hartford/Peters Retreat (www.handsonhartford.org/about-programs.php, 860-728-3201) – housing for people with HIV/AIDS

·  Community Partners in Action (CPA) (www.cpa-ct.org, 860-543-8929)

·  House of Bread shelters – (www.hobread.org, 860-549-4188)

·  Shelters – (www.hartfordinfo.org/issues/wsd/homelessness/HartfordShelters.pdf)


·  Workforce Investment Act (WIA) (www.ctdol.state.ct.us/wia/wia.htm) – provides money to enter educational training programs

·  Individual Development Account (IDA) www.ctdol.state.ct.us/ida/idahome.htm - provides money for education

·  Hartford Public Library (www.hplct.org, 860-695-6295) – GED preparation self-study program, math tutoring, computer classes, and English as a Second Language classes

·  Hartford Adult Education (www.hartfordschools.org, 860-695-5840)

·  Literacy Volunteers (www.lvgh.org, 860-233-3853)

Food/Clothing/Financial Assistance

·  CT Department of Social Services – a list of several programs (www.ct.gov/dss/cwp/view.asp?a=2345&Q=304930&dssNav=|)

·  Food Pantries – a list www.hartfordinfo.org/issues/wsd/homelessness/HartfordSoupKitchens.pdf


·  Families in Crisis (www.familiesincrisis.org, 860-727-5800

·  Nutmeg Big Brothers, Big Sisters (www.nutmegbigbrothersbigsisters.com, 1-800-237-KIDS)

·  Fatherhood Initiative (www.fatherhoodinitiative.state.ct.us)

·  Hartford Public Library (www.hplct.org, 860-695-6330) – books, workshops, and resources available

·  Family and Corrections Network (http://fcnetwork.org/)


·  Chrysalis Center (www.chrysaliscenterct.org, 860-527-4847)

·  Charter Oak Health Center Bus at Hartford Public Library, Wednesdays, 8:30-11:00 a.m.

·  CT Dept. of Mental Health and Addiction Services – List of providers: www.ct.gov/dmhas/cwp/view.asp?a=2902&q=335254


·  Greater Hartford Legal Aid (www.ghla.org, 860-541-5000)

·  Connecticut Innocence Project (860-275-6140)

·  Legal Assistance Resource Center of CT (www.larcc.org)

·  Statewide Legal Services (www.connlegalservices.org, 860-344-0380)

·  Pardons (full or provisional)

o  Connecticut Pardon Team (www.connecticutpardonteam.org, 1-866-251-3810)

o  Connecticut Board of Pardons and Paroles, Department of Correction (www.ct.gov/doc, 860-692-7480)


·  Clean Slate Committee – ex-offenders and other individuals work on many criminal justice issues

·  A Better Way Foundation Connecticut – works on criminal justice reform (www.abwf-ct.org, 860-270-9586)

For local articles and documents on reentry, please go to www.hartfordinfo.org, and click on Prisoner Re-entry.

For more local resources, call 211.

Compiled by Hartford Public Library, July 2010