What are the deadlines for submitting paperwork and delivering the programme?

5 weeks before TX: Programme Description

4 weeks before TX: Programme Description (update - if necessary). This version will be

used for marketing purposes

3 weeks before TX: Programme Photo (please speak to the iPlayer Picture Editors before submitting anything)

Programme Delivery for non-topical programmes

Compliance Form

Final version Programme Description update if necessary

Presentation Details

2 weeks after TX: Music Reporting Form

P as B

Do the deadlines above apply if my programme is topical?

For topical programmes, the delivery date for compliance forms should be agreed in advance with the Compliance Editor, Roger Mahony. Presentation Details should be delivered at the same time as the programme (see p.36 of the Working with Radio 4 document). Any other exceptions must be agreed with the Network Manager.

What if I cannot meet the programme delivery deadline?

If the required delivery date cannot be met, a late delivery request must be sent to , including the proposed new delivery date.

Where can I find paperwork templates?

Appendix B of the Working with Radio 4 document.

How do I complete a PasB / MRF?

See Appendix B of the Working with Radio 4 document.

What is my programme number?

This should be on your contract. If in doubt, indies should contact “Indie Contracts” (p.35 of the Working with Radio 4 document). In house suppliers should contact the person in charge of finance for their dept.

What must I refer to the network?

You must alert the network if your programme carries significant reputational risk (e.g. interviews with particularly controversial figures). All strong language must also be approved. Roger Mahony can be consulted on strong language and any other compliance issues, as well as the signposting of challenging content in opening presentation announcements. You should refer or consult at the earliest possible opportunity.

Where can I find contact details for the network?

p.34 of the Working with Radio 4 document.

What do I need to do if I am producing a live programme from an OB?

Outside broadcast producers must provide two numbers (one on-site, and one mobile number) for the Announcer in Continuity. Producers are responsible for booking lines from OBs to London and must give Presentation a standby programme (along with the relevant paperwork) in case of line failure.

How do I submit a programme proposal?

You must be a registered supplier to submit proposals. Proposals are submitted in Proteus, via http://www.bbc.co.uk/commissioning/radio/pitching-ideas/proteus.shtml for independent producers, and via http://proteuslive.radio.bbc.co.uk for BBC producers. Details of commissioning opportunities can be found the Radio 4 commissioning website: http://www.bbc.co.uk/commissioning/radio/what-we-want/radio-4.shtml

How can I check what commissioning brief / year to use when submitting a proposal?

Contact or

What types of programme ideas can be submitted as rolling commissions?

Individual programmes within a batch or output guarantee that your company or department has secured

OR great ideas which can’t wait until the next round (see p.14 of the Working with Radio 4 document).

How does the rolling commissioning process work?

1.  Email the relevant commissioning editor, with a copy to the commissioning assistant.

2.  At the same time, enter a Proteus proposal and submit it to the network (see p.14, as above).

How do I change the title of my programme?

Any title change must be agreed with the Commissioning Editor at least seven weeks before tx.

How long should my programme be?

You will be informed of the required duration when a programme is commissioned. If you are unsure, contact or . All required durations include announcements, whether they are recorded as part of the programme or included on Presentation details.

How many credits can I give?

Programmes should have only two credits. For further details, see p.11 of the Working with Radio 4 document.

Whom do I contact if I wish to alter the scheduling of my programme?


Will my programme be repeated?

Not necessarily. The scheduling team will notify you if your programme is selected for repeat.

How do I request an Action Line / Information Line?

Contact or . NB. For Independent producers, Action Line trails should only be used with the agreement ofthe Compliance Editor, Roger Mahony.

How will my programme be represented on the Radio 4 website?

Every programme will automatically receive a standard programme page. For any extra web content, please apply to the Radio 4 Interactive team by emailing

Do I need to supply an image for my programme?

All programmes require an image. Please contact to discuss whether you need to supply one. There may be a suitable image already on file.

Where do I get Radio 4 branding for events and OBs?

Contact Helen Kennedy

Can I use the Radio 4 logo?

The Radio 4 logo is available to download from the Marketing and Audiences page on Gateway or, for indies, via Helen Kennedy . All plans to use the logo should be passed by Marketing and any logo must be approved by Marketing before going to print.