Algeria (country code +213)
- Communication of 17.XII.2007:

The Autorité de Régulation de la Poste et des Télécommunications (ARPT), Alger, announces that the new telephone numbering plan for Algeria will be introduced on 22 February 2008 at 0000hours UTC.

·  New numbering plan for Algeria

ARPT, the national post and telecommunication regulatory authority for Algeria, has approved the new telephone numbering plan.

ARPT, in order to facilitate the important development of mobile networks in Algeria, has defined a new ten-digit numbering plan. The new numbering plan is intended to replace the current nine-digit plan, which is unable to absorb the desired evolution. ARPT takes the opportunity of the new numbering plan to adopt a plan structure that should facilitate the understanding of tariffs and the handling of telephone networks by users in Algeria.

·  Implementation date for the new numbering plan

The change from the old to the new numbering plan will be carried out on Friday 22 February 2008 at 0000 hours UTC (midnight from Thursday to Friday).

·  Changes to be applied for international calls

The change to the new numbering plan consists in adding one new digit “N” at the beginning of a telephone number for mobile, VSAT and non-geographical numbers used by VoIP interfaces, as indicated in the table below.

The numbers allocated to Value-Added Services (VAS) will also have ten digits. For these numbers, the added digit is positioned after the four digits identifying the type of service (0800, 0801, 0802, etc.). Usually, these numbers are not the object of international calls. Moreover, VAS numbers are reorganized according to the tariff applied to the call.

Given the technical difficulties to migrate the fixed network in a timely manner, the geographical numbers will remain with nine digits until 2009.

For the international calls, the numbering will be modified as follows:

Note: The country code allocated to Algeria by ITU is +213.

Before: 9 digits / ® / After: 10 digits
+213 5 BPQMCDU / Mobiles / +213 55 BPQMCDU
+213 6 BPQMCDU
+213 6 19QMCDU / Mobiles
VSAT / +213 66 BPQMCDU
+213 96 19QMCDU
+213 7 BPQMCDU / Mobiles / +213 77 BPQMCDU
+213 9 0PQMCDU
+213 9 1PQMCDU
+213 9 2PQMCDU
+213 9 3PQMCDU
+213 9 4PQMCDU
+213 9 5PQMCDU
+213 9 6PQMCDU / Mobiles / +213 79 0PQMCDU
+213 79 1PQMCDU
+213 79 2PQMCDU
+213 79 3PQMCDU
+213 79 4PQMCDU
+213 79 5PQMCDU
+213 79 6PQMCDU
+213 9 7PQMCDU
+213 9 8PQMCDU
+213 9 9PQMCDU / Mobiles / +213 69 7PQMCDU
+213 69 8PQMCDU
+213 69 9PQMCDU
+213 8 2PQMCDU
+213 8 3PQMCDU / Non-geographical numbers
VoIP / +213 98 2PQMCDU
+213 98 3PQMCDU

The geographical numbers remain unchanged after 22 February 2008.

Before: 9 digits / ® / After: 9 digits
+213 1 BPQMCDU
+213 2 BPQMCDU
+213 3 BPQMCDU
+213 4 BPQMCDU / Geographical numbers / +213 1 BPQMCDU
+213 2 BPQMCDU
+213 3 BPQMCDU
+213 4 BPQMCDU

This part of the numbering plan shall migrate to ten digits in 2009.

·  The numbering plan at 22 February 2008

From 22 February 2008 at 0000 hours UTC (midnight from Thursday to Friday), the following will be valid with regard to the numbering plan of Algeria:

– The international prefix to be dialled inside Algeria to access the international automatic network remains “00“.

– The national prefix is “0”.

– Geographical numbers will remain with only nine digits.

Z / A / B / P / Q / M / C / D / U
0 / 1 / B / P / Q / M / C / D / U / Fixed network – Consortium Algérien des Télécommunications (Lacom)
0 / 2 / B / P / Q / M / C / D / U / Fixed network – Algérie Télécom
0 / 3 / B / P / Q / M / C / D / U / Fixed network – Algérie Télécom
0 / 4 / B / P / Q / M / C / D / U / Fixed network – Algérie Télécom

– Mobile numbers, Value-Added Services numbers, VSAT numbers and non-geographical numbers for VoIP will have ten digits.

Z / N / A / B / P / Q / M / C / D / U /
0 / 5 / 5 / B / P / Q / M / C / D / U / Mobile – Wataniya Télécom Algérie (Nedjma)
0 / 6 / 6 / B / P / Q / M / C / D / U / Mobile – Algérie Télécom Mobile (Mobilis)
0 / 6 / 9 / 7/9 / P / Q / M / C / D / U / Mobile – Algérie Télécom Mobile (Mobilis)
0 / 7 / 7 / B / P / Q / M / C / D / U / Mobile – Orascom Télécom Algérie (Djezzy)
0 / 7 / 9 / 0/6 / P / Q / M / C / D / U / Mobile – Orascom Télécom Algérie (Djezzy)
0 / 8 / 0 / 0 / 1 / Q / M / C / D / U / Freephone services
0 / 8 / 0 / 1 / 1 / Q / M / C / D / U / Value-Added Services (VAS) rate 5Da
0 / 8 / 0 / 2 / 1 / Q / M / C / D / U / Value-Added Services (VAS) rate 20Da
0 / 8 / 0 / 3 / 1 / Q / M / C / D / U / Value-Added Services (VAS) rate 50Da
0 / 8 / 0 / 4 / 1 / Q / M / C / D / U / Value-Added Services (VAS) rate 70Da
0 / 8 / 0 / 5 / 1 / Q / M / C / D / U / Value-Added Services (VAS) rate 90Da
0 / 8 / 0 / 6 / 1 / Q / M / C / D / U / Value-Added Services (VAS) rate 120Da
0 / 8 / 0 / 7 / P / Q / M / C / D / U / Not allocated
0 / 8 / 0 / 8 / 1 / Q / M / C / D / U / VAS for games & competitions rate 60 Da
0 / 8 / 0 / 9 / 1 / Q / M / C / D / U / VAS for games & competitions rate 120 Da
0 / 9 / 6 / 1 / 9 / 0 / M / C / D / U / Numbers for VSAT (Algérie Télécom)
0 / 9 / 6 / 1 / 9 / 1 / M / C / D / U / Numbers for VSAT (Orascom Télécom Algérie)
0 / 9 / 6 / 1 / 9 / 2 / M / C / D / U / Numbers for VSAT (Divona)
0 / 9 / 8 / 2 / P / Q / M / C / D / U / Non-geographical numbers (VoIP)
0 / 9 / 8 / 3 / 0 / Q / M / C / D / U / Non-geographical numbers (VoIP- Algérie Télécom)


Autorité de Régulation de la Poste et des Télécommunications (ARPT)
1, rue Kaddour Rahim – Hussein Dey
ALGER 16008
Tel: +213 21 470 205
Fax: +213 21 470 183

- Communication of 1.IV.2006:

The Autorité de Régulation de la Poste et des Télécommunications (ARPT), Alger, announces the introduction of new number series in the National Numbering Plan (NNP) of Algeria:

Operator / Service / Number series
CAT (Consortium Algérien de Télécommunications) / Fixed (Lacom) / +213 1X XXX XXX
Alphabetic listing of Wilayas (departments) of operator Algérie Télécom
Wilayas or departments / International number format /
Fixed (WLL) Central region / +213 20 XXX XXX
Alger / +213 21 XXX XXX
Boumerdes – Tipaza / +213 24 XXX XXX
Blida – Medea / +213 25 XXX XXX
Tizi Ouzou – Bouira / +213 26 XXX XXX
Chlef – Ain Defla – Djelfa / +213 27 XXX XXX
Ouargla – laghouat – Ghardaia – Tamenrasset – Illizi / +213 29 XXX XXX
Fixed (WLL) Eastern region / +213 30 XXX XXX
Constantine – Mila / +213 31 XXX XXX
Oum El Bouaghi – Khenchela – El Oued / +213 32 XXX XXX
Batna – Biskra / +213 33 XXX XXX
Bejaia – Jijel / +213 34 XXX XXX
M’sila – Bordj Bou Arreridj / +213 35 XXX XXX
Setif / +213 36 XXX XXX
Guelma – Tebessa – Souk Ahras / +213 37 XXX XXX
Annaba – Skikda – El Tarf / +213 38 XXX XXX
Fixed (WLL) Western region / +213 40 XXX XXX
Oran / +213 41 XXX XXX
Tlemcen – Ain Temouchent / +213 43 XXX XXX
Mascara – Mostaganem / +213 45 XXX XXX
Tiaret – tissemsilt – Relizane / +213 46 XXX XXX
Sidi Bel Abbes – Saida / +213 48 XXX XXX
Bechar – Adrar – El Bayadh – Naama – Tindouf / +213 49 XXX XXX


Autorité de Régulation de la Poste et des Télécommunications (ARPT)
1, rue Kaddour Rahim – Hussein Dey
ALGER 16008
Tel: +213 21 470 205
Fax: +213 21 470 183