Name: Betsy Baldwin
IRA STANDARD / Artifacts / Rationale1. Foundational Knowledge. Candidates have knowledge of the foundations of reading and writing processes and instruction. As a result, the candidates:
1.1Demonstrate knowledge of psychological, sociological, and linguistic foundations of reading and writing processes and instruction. / RE 5100 Exams
RE 5715 Case Studies
RE 5715 Exam / These artifacts reflect my knowledge of the psychological, sociological, and linguistic foundations of the reading and writing processes. Understanding the reading process helps me plan for instruction that will meet the needs of developing readers in my classroom.
1.2Demonstrate knowledge of reading research and histories of reading. / RE 5100 Exams
RE 5715 Exam / m. These artifacts demonstrate my ability to apply my knowledge of reading research to support best practices in reading instruction in my classroo
1.3Demonstrate knowledge of language development and reading acquisition and the variations related to culture and linguistic diversity. / RE 5100 Exams
RE 5715 Final Exam
RE 5140 Inquiry Project
RE 5539 Responses / These artifacts reveal my continually evolving awareness of the impact of cultural and linguistic diversity upon language development and reading acquisition. These artifacts reflect my continued desire to implement instruction which meets the needs of students of different cultural and linguistic backgrounds.
1.4Demonstrate knowledge of the major components of reading (phonemic awareness, word identification and phonics, vocabulary and background knowledge, fluency, comprehension strategies, and motivation) and how they are integrated in fluent reading. / RE 5100 Exams
RE 5715 Case Studies
RE 5725 Lesson Plans (Practicum Notes) / In these artifacts I demonstrate an awareness of the importance of the different components of reading.These artifacts demonstrate my knowledge of the integration of all components as I plan for instruction that will be appropriate to the needs of the student.
Standard 2. Instructional Strategies and Curriculum Materials. Candidates use a wide range of instructional practices, approaches, methods, and curriculum materials to support reading and writing instruction. As a result, the candidates:
2.1 Use instructional grouping options (individual, small-group, whole-class, and computer based) as appropriate for accomplishing given purposes. / Guided Reading in Classroom 2006-07 based on IRI results
RE 5140 Inquiry Project
CI 5040 Ability Grouping: A Review of the Literature
FDN 5220 Response to NETS (technology lesson plan) / In these artifacts I demonstrate an understanding and working knowledge of appropriate instructional grouping which helps me to provide differentiated instruction within my classroom.
2.2 Use a wide range of instructional practices, approaches, and methods, including technology-based practices, for learners at differing stages of development and from differing cultural and linguistic backgrounds. / RE 5140 Inquiry Project
FDN 5220 Mindtools Project
RE 5130 Multigenre Project / These artifacts employ different instructional methods. I hope that using different approaches will enable me to offer opportunities for students of varying ability levels, and from different cultural and linguistic heritages, to experience success in reading and writing.
2.3 Use a wide range of curriculum materials in effective reading instruction for learners at different stages of reading and writing development and from different cultural and linguistic backgrounds. / RE 5730 Underground Railroad Unit (Thematic Unit)
RE 5130 Multigenre Project
RE 5140 Inquiry Project
RE 5725 Lesson Plans / These artifacts demonstrate my desire to use a variety of curriculum materials in order to engage students at different reading levels as well as students from different cultural and linguistic backgrounds.
Standard 3. Assessment, Diagnosis, and Evaluation. Candidates use a variety of assessment tools and practices to plan and evaluate effective reading instruction. As a result, candidates:
3.1Use a wide range of assessment tools and practices that range from individual and group standardized tests to individual and group informal classroom assessment strategies, including technology-based assessment tools. / RE 5715 IRI
RE 5130 Poetry Project Rubric
RE 5130 Multigenre Project Rubric
RE 5730 Underground Railroad Unit Assessment Plan / These artifacts demonstrate my commitment to use a wide range of assessment tools to evaluate student progress and student needs. This aids me in planning appropriate instruction to meet those needs.
3.2Place students along a developmental continuum and identify students’ proficiencies and difficulties. / RE 5715 IRI
RE 5725 IRI
RE 5725 Letters / These artifacts demonstrate my use of assessment tools to identify student strengths and weaknesses. This then helps in placing the student at an appropriate instructional reading level to allow for student growth and achievement.
3.3Use assessment information to plan, evaluate, and revise effective instruction that meets the needs of all students including those at different developmental stages and those from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds. / RE 5725 IRI
RE 5725 Notebooks and Lesson Plans / Assessment must allow for adaptation of instruction to meet individual needs of the student. These artifacts demonstrate instruction driven by assessment.
3.4Communicate results of assessments to specific individuals, (students, parents, caregivers, colleagues, administrators, policymakers, policy officials, community, etc.). / RE 5725 Letters
RE 5715 Case Studies / These artifacts demonstrate my ability to clearly communicate assessment results and student progress to parents and other educators. Hopefully this communication contributes to a positive relationship that can support the student in his learning.
Standard 4. Creating a Literate Environment. Candidates create a literate environment that fosters reading and writing by integrating foundational knowledge, use of instructional practices, approaches and methods, curriculum materials, and the appropriate use of assessments. As a result, candidates:
4.1 Use students’ interests, reading abilities and backgrounds as foundations for the reading and writing program. / RE 5130 Multigenre Project
RE 5130 Poetry Project
RE 5140 Inquiry Project / These artifacts demonstrate my ability to plan and implement a reading and writing program which allows for diversity of interests and for a range of student abilities.
4.2 Use a large supply of books, technology-based information, and non-print materials representing multiple levels, broad interests, cultures and linguistic backgrounds. / RE 5130 Multigenre Project
RE 5140 Underground Railroad Unit
RE 5140 Reading Logs / These artifacts provide examples of my desire to provide opportunities for students to engage in different texts which allow for a broad range of interests and abilities.
4.3Model reading and writing enthusiastically as valued life-long activities. / Classroom Journals
RE 5130 Invitation to Journal
RE 5130 Memoir / These artifacts demonstrate my ability to interact with students and model for them my enthusiasm for reading and writing.
4.4Motivate learners to be life-long readers. / RE 5130 Multigenre Project
RE 5730 Author Study
Battle of the Books (after school program) / These artifacts reveal my interest in providing nontraditional methods of engaging in the reading and writing processes in order to encourage a life long interest in reading and learning.
Standard 5. Professional Development. Candidates view professional development as a career-long effort and responsibility. As a result, candidates:
5.1Display dispositions related to reading and the teaching of reading. / NCAE membership
Master’s Program / These artifacts demonstrate my commitment to continued professional growth and an ever evolving knowledge of reading to support my teaching.
5.2Continue to pursue the development of professional knowledge and dispositions. / Workshops:
Differentiated Instruction
(Piedmont Triad Ed. Consortium
October 2007)
Writer’s Workshop
(Education Resource Group December 2006)
Comprehension Strategies (Education Resource Grp. September 2006) / These artifacts demonstrate my commitment to remain aware of developments in reading and writing in order to enhance my teaching of reading and writing.
5.3Work with colleagues to observe, evaluate, and provide feedback on each other’s practice. / Collaborative Planning for Writing Instruction at NDMS 2007-08
Collaborative Planning at Cook Elementary, 2006-07
Observations and Evaluations
RE 5539 Responses / These artifacts demonstrate my commitment to collaborating with colleagues in order to provide best possible practices of reading and writing instruction. Frequent observations and evaluations at my school also allow for feedback and professional growth.
5.4Participate in, initiate, implement, and evaluate professional development programs. / Master’s Program
Peer Evaluation and Sharing within the Master’s Program
Collaborative Team Planning at NDMS 2007-08
In Service Conferences and Meetings at NDMS / The enthusiasm and encouragement I have experienced in my Master’s program has inspired me to share insights and ideas with my team members and other colleagues at my school. Together we work to support one another and seek for excellence in our continuing professional education.