JULY 31, 2006


Every year, thousands of workers suffer from health related illnesses. Though prevention is simple and the human body's lack of sufficient warning signals for proper fluid intake can easily overtake veteran firefighter's, we must prepare ourselves for the extreme hot and humid conditions predicted for the next week. Carbohydrate and electrolyte replacement is extremely important for firefighters. Although there are many commercial beverages on the market which contain high concentration of glucose polymers to sustain energy output, as well as potassium and sodium to replace electrolytes, water is the main ingredient and replaces lost fluids. Remember, approximately 60% of the total body weight is fluids; but as fluids are lost the body's physiological response can turn life threatening. Electrolytes such as sodium and potassium permit the heart to pump oxygenated blood through the cardiovascular network. However, when these valuable cations are diminished, potential arrhythmia's can be produced. Additionally, as firefighters work in hot environments with protective clothing we sweat; this causes our PPE barriers and liners to become wet. This wetness will prevent members from venting their heat, as humidity within the PPE reaches 100%. For this reason fluid replacement is a prime consideration in hot, hazy, humid weather.

Chief and Company Officers should be conscious of the well being of all members operating at incidents where full protective clothing is necessary or where extreme environmental conditions exist. Just as officers are accountable for subordinates, each member is responsible for their own personal safety and wellness. As the dangerous conditions approach, we should foster the following information on heat related health issues.

HEAT RASH: "Prickly heat occurs in hot, humid weather when sweat can't evaporate from the skin. Red papules appear on the skin, and may become infected. The cure: rest in a cool location, bath regularly, and dry the skin.

HEAT SYNCOPE: Fainting occurs when workers stand in the heat for prolonged periods. Blood pools in the lower parts of the body and skin, rather than returning to the cardiovascular system and brain. After a syncopal episode recovery occurs when the victim lies flat.

HEAT CRAMPS: When salt is lost due to excessive sweating cramps can occur in tired muscles, especially in the arms and legs. To relieve cramps members should drink large amounts of fluid or electrolyte solutions.

HEAT EXHAUSTION: This occurs when we don't replace fluids and continue to overheat. As we continue to sweat we get fatigued, weak, experience dizziness, nausea and headaches. The skin is wet, cool and pale or flushed; body temperature is normal or becomes slightly elevated. Care includes moving to a cool place and replacing fluids.

HEAT STROKE: This condition exists when members fail to replace lost fluids and the heat regulation system fails. Symptoms include hot, dry red skin, weak pulse, lack of sweating and hypotension. This condition is a true emergency and requires immediate treatment. Failure to due so may result in death. Medical care includes moving victims to a cool place, loosen clothing, cool body with wet soaks and replace fluids.

Additionally, first responders should observe patients who may be at risk of suffering from heat related illnesses, such as the elderly population. Positive reassurance and encouraging residents to maintain hydration can create a positive image for the Department and demonstrate your commitment and concern to the community. Finally, members of the Department should seriously consider the following information about fluid replacement during hot weather. Authorities who have studied physical and environmental stressors of firefighting recommend that members should consume approximately one quart of water per hour for hydration. Finally, drinking water should be available on each apparatus for consumption during these conditions,; it is your responsibility to be prepared and monitor your well being.