Public Transport Victoria

Conversation summary –Warragul and Drouin proposedbus network – your feedback

Table of Contents

Warragul and Drouin proposed bus network – your feedback

Who participated

Consultation process – drop-in information sessions

Online consultation

Chart 1: Where do you live?

Chart 2: What is your age bracket?

The proposed network

Map 1: Drouin new bus network

Map 2: Warragul new bus network

What you told us

What you liked

What you wanted improved

Engagement summary and outcomes

Next steps

Warragul and Drouin proposedbus network – your feedback

The Victorian Government’s Better Bus Networksprogram has committed $100 million to deliverimproved bus services that better meet the travelneeds of metropolitan and regional Victoria.Public Transport Victoria has proposed new busnetworks for Warragul and Drouin that offer bettercoverage and connections to train stations, healthcentres, shops and business districts.We carried out a consultation process in July 2016, togather feedback on the proposed networks and makesure they benefit as many people as possible.This conversation summary highlights feedback wereceived during the consultation.We would like to thank everyone who participated.

Who participated

Consultation process – drop-in information sessions

We carried out an extensive round of consultation, including four drop-in information sessions across Warragul and Drouin, online discussion and surveys, meetings with key community groups and a meeting with the bus operator.

During these drop-in sessions, the benefits of the proposed networks and any necessary ‘trade offs’ were presented to the community prior to discussion. More than 70 people attended sessions and we received 35 written responses.

Online consultation

Nearly 700 people visited the Warragul and Drouin Better Bus Network ‘Get Involved’ page, and we received 35 online and hard copy responses to the survey.

Respondents were of varying ages and from across Warragul and Drouin. Most were between 31-55 years of age.

Chart 1: Where do you live?

Location / Percentage
Warragul / 47.4
Drouin / 39.5
Other / 13.2

Chart 2: What is your age bracket?

Age / Number of participants
12-17 / 3
18-24 / 3
25-30 / 2
31-55 / 15
56-65 / 7
66-75 / 4
76-84 / 2
85+ / 2

The proposed network

Key features included:

greater public transport coverage in growth areas

a new bus service linking Warragul and Drouin

a new bus service in Drouin

better connections with V/Line train services onthe Traralgon line.

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Public Transport Victoria

Map 1: Drouin new bus network

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Public Transport Victoria

Map 2: Warragul new bus network

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Public Transport Victoria

What you told us

New bus networks for Warragul and Drouin receivedpositive support from the majority of those whoparticipated in the engagement program.

There was a great deal of support for coverage beingadded to the networks, in particular the new servicesto Lifestyle Warragul and Lyrebird Village for theAged in Drouin.

Whilst there were some concerns regarding how farapart some bus stops are and the hours of operation,many see the proposed network as an improvement.

What you liked

More services to new areas

Most people saw the new coverage as a big positive.You said:

“Now that there will be buses to the LifestyleVillage, I will have freedom of mobility again andwon’t have to be dependent on someone giving mea lift.”

“It is a big improvement – it covers a reasonablearea of both Warragul and Drouin.”

What you wanted improved

A number of people suggested improvementsto the proposed bus network: You told us:

Not enough bus stops have shelters and seats.

You would like to see more frequent servicesfor longer hours in the day.

Engagement summary and outcomes

We have taken your concerns and feedback intoconsideration and they will feed into the planningof the final network design.

Next steps

We would like to thank everyonewho participated and will keepthe community up-to-date withdevelopments in the comingmonths.

To find out more on the proposed networkplease visit, or call 1800 800 007.

If you have a hearing or speech impairment, contact usthrough the National Relay Service:

TTY users phone 133 677, then ask for 1800 800 007

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