SEMESTER 2, 2011/2012

Name & Course Code : New Literatures in English (BBL 3211)

Credit : 3 (3 + 0)

Instructor : Rohimmi Noor

Semester : 2 (2011/2012)

Course Objectives : By the end of this course, students are able to:

1.  identify the parameters of new literatures in English (P1);

2.  describe recent literary trends in new literatures in English (C2);

3.  analyse and criticize selected works in a representative variety of literatures by native and non-native English writers (A4); and

4.  identify and analyse complex situational problems by providing justification and evaluation (CTPS1).

Course Synopsis : This course discusses development of recent literary trends in the new literatures in English, analysis of original and translated works in English by Asian, African, Australian, Canadian, Caribbean, and Indian writers.


1 & 2 / New Literatures in English: An Overview
Topic 1 What is New Literatures in English?
Topic 2 Themes and Concerns of New Literatures in English
Topic 3 Approaches to Writing about New Literatures
3 & 4 / Poems & Short Stories from Malaysia & Singapore
Topic 1 Alfian Saat “Bugis”
Topic 2 Wong Phui Nam “Remembering Grandma”
Topic 3 K.S. Maniam “Mala”
5 & 6 / Short Stories from India
Topic 1 Bharati Mukherjee and Quest for Identity “Hindus”
Topic 2 Salman Rushdie “The Courter”, “Good Advice is Rarer than Rubies”
7 / Poems from Africa I
Topic 1 Kofi Awoonor and Images of War “Song of War”
Topic 2 Wole Soyinka and Racial Discrimination “Telephone Conversation”
Mid Semester Examination (All topics in Week 1 to 7)
8 & 9 / Short Stories from Africa II
Topic 1 Ngugi wa Thiongo “Minutes of Glory”
Topic 2 Chinua Achebe “Girls at War”, “Sugar Baby”
10 / Poems from Australia
Topic 1 Kevin Gilbert and Native Displacement “Kiacatoo”
Topic 2 A.D Hope and Australian Landscape “Australia”, “Crossing the Frontier”
11 / Poems & Short Stories from Canada
Topic 1 Margaret Atwood and Voice “Spelling”
Topic 2 Alice Munro and Gender Roles “Boys and Girls”
12 & 13 / Poems & Short Stories from The Caribbean:I
Topic 1 Nancy Morejon “I Love My Master”
Topic 2 Judith O. Cofer “First Love”, “Old Women”
14 / Short Stories from The Caribbean:II
Topic 1 Jamaica Kincaid and Female Roles “Girl”
Topic 2 Jean Rhys and Black Identity “The Day They Burnt the Books”
Submission of Assignment (30%) - due 2 weeks before final examination
Final Semester Examination (All topics in Week 8 to 13)


Mid Semester Exam : 30 %

Assignment : 30 % (due 2 weeks before your final examination)

Final Examination : 40 %


Achebe, Chinua. Girls at War. New York: Doubleday, 1973.

Mukherjee, D., Kirpal Singh, and M.A. Quayum. The Merlion and the Hibiscus: Contemporary Short Stories from Singapore and Malaysia. New Delhi: Penguin Books, 2002.

Ngugi, wa Thiong’O. Secret Lives and Other Stories. Reading: Heinemann, 1975.

Rushdie, Salman. East, West. Reading: Vintage, 1995.

Wong, Phui Nam. Remembering Grandma and Other Rumours. Singapore City: National University of Singapore Press, 1989.


Benson, E. (Ed). (1994). Encyclopedia of Post-Colonial Literatures. (Vols. 1-2) London :


Brumfit, C. and Benron, M. (Ed.). (1993). Teaching Literature : A World Perspective.

London : Macmillan.

Chan, D., J. Weinger, and Sandstrom, D. (1995). Tapestry : Journeys to Cultural

Understandings. Boston : Heinle and Heinle.

Damrosh, D. (2003). What is World Literature? Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Jansohn, C. (2002). Companion to the New Literatures in English. Berlin: Schmidt.

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