Summer MathRoadTrip–EnteringGrade 6

Canyoufinishthemathroadtripbycompleting each of the following math activities? Activitiesdonotneedtobecompleted in order. Answers can be placed in the box or anotherpieceofpaper.Someactivitiesdonotrequireyoutowritedownyouranswer.Whentheactivityhasbeencompleted, a familymembercanplacehis/herinitialsatthebottomofthebox.

Choose a favoriteprofessionalathlete and researchhis/her annualsalary.Howmuchdoesshe/hemakein a month? A day? / Write a story problem for each one of the operations Then solve each problem. Share these with a family member. / Make a set of flash cards of the multiplication facts with a family member. Practice your facts with a friend or family member. Don’t forget to practice your facts all summer long! / If you dance of the days in each week, how many days would you dance in 19 weeks? / Tryto playa boardgameor cardgameonce a weekwith a familymemberorfriend.After you play,discuss your strategyfor winning.Suggestionsare:Stratego,Battleship, Mancala, Chess,Monopoly, Yahtze
Draw pictures to represent each of the following fractions; then explain them to a family member

/ 75 % isthe answer.What could the questionpossiblybe?
Challenge yourself to think ofmorequestions. / A friend calls and invites you to a movie. The website says the movie is 2 hours and 13 minutes long. It ends at 3:25. What time does it start? / Measuretheperimeter ofaroominyour home.Whatis theperimeter inmeters and centimeters?(Ask afamilymemberforhelp withmeasuring) / Vowels are worth $25 and consonants are worth $50. Can you make a word worth $300?

Lookin magazinesornewspapersto findan example ofa circlegraph,a bargraph, anda linegraph.Explainto anadult thedatathat eachrepresents and howeachis useddifferently. / Roll two dice together andmultiplytofind theproduct.Recordthe products.Do this25 times. Findthemean,median,andmodeof theproducts. / Findthemysterynumber:
It isa commonmultiple of 2,5,and7.Ithas 3 digits. Thesumofthedigitsis10.Thenumberis less than500. / FreeSpace – EnjoytheDay / Measuretheheight of eachfamilymemberusingthestandardunits ofmeasure.Record theheightof eachperson in feet andinches. List theirnames fromshortestto tallest.
Mike goestothegymevery thirdday.Hegoesto thesupermarketeveryfifth day.Hestops at thecleaners everysixthday. Hevisitedall threeplaceson the lastday ofthe previousmonth. Whenis thenextdateonwhichhewillmake allthreestops together? / Take A Break! / If you pick a randomcardfromaregulardeck ofcards,what’sthe probability you’ll get aheart?aking?ared numbercard?Expresseach asafraction. / Decideon a recipe you would liketo cookor bakewith an adult. Howmanyservingsdoestherecipemake?Rewritetherecipedoublingit.Howmanypeopledoesitservenow?
(If possible, maketheoriginalrecipewith an adult.) / Look around your house. Where do you see the following lines: Intersecting, Horizontal, Vertical, Parallel, and Perpendicular. Explain the definitions and your examples to a family member.
Changethefollowingimproperfractionsinto mixednumbers.
41/7 / Howmanycombinationscanyoucreatewith:
3 icecreamflavors2 types ofsauce
and2 kinds of sprinkles?
/ A farmer has chickens and cows. What combinations of animals could total 24 legs? Can you show more than one combination? Share your solutions and strategy with a family member. / Which is larger,or ? How do you know? Prove it.
Explain your thinking to a
family member.
/ You Did It!