British Forces – Akrioti, Greece

·  Griffin Fighter Squadron (84 Squadron RAF)

·  MoD announced possible Typhoon and Tornado arrivals to the base


Ventiseri-Solenzara -- Base aerienne 126 -- base 40km north-northeast of
Porto-Vecchio, Corsica

·  Mirage 2000N squadron

Istres-Le Tube -- Base aerienne 125 -- base near Istres, near Marseille

·  Mirage 2000N squadron

Salon-de Provence -- Base aerienne 701 -- located 4m south of Salon-de-Provence in southern France.

·  The total civilian and military Air Base School, included as one of the air base 701, "General Pineau"than that of the Schools of Officers of the Air Force.

Nice Air Base -- Base Aerienne 843 Nice "Capitaine Auber" -- Mont Agel
near Nice

·  Nancy Air Base is the home of 3 squadrons Mirage 2000D multirole fighters (60 aircraft).

Orange-Caritat Air Base - Base aerienne 115 Orange-Caritat "Capitaine de Seyne" -- 5km east of Orange in Vaucluse

·  Mirage 200B/C squadron


4 Stormo Amedeo d'Aosta (4th Wing) in Grosseto

o  9 Gruppo ADX (9th Fighter Squadron) operating Eurofighter Typhoon

o  20 Gruppo OCU ADX (20th Fighter Training Squadron) operating Eurofighter Typhoon (Twin-seat variant)

§  Gruppo Difesa (Air Defence and Security Squadron) operating Spada Air-defence system

§  604 Squadriglia Collegamenti (604th SAR and Communication Flight)

5 Stormo Giuseppe Cenni (5th Wing) in Cervia

o  23 Gruppo ADX (23rd Fighter Squadron) operating 10 F-16ADF Fighting Falcon

6 Stormo Alfredo Fusco (6th Wing) in Ghedi

o  102Gruppo OCU (102nd Training Squadron) operating Tornado IDS

o  154 Gruppo FBX-STRIKE-RECCE (154th Fighter-Bomber Reconnaissance & SEAD Squadron) operating Tornado IDS

o  156 Gruppo FBX (156th Fighter-Bomber Squadron) operating Tornado IDS

32 Stormo Armando Boetto (32nd Wing) in Amendola

o  13 Gruppo FBA (13th Ground Attack Squadron) operating AMX

o  28 Gruppo UAV (28th Unmanned Ariel Vehicle) operating 5 RQ-1A Predator

o  101 Gruppo OCU (101st Training Squadron) operating 26 AMX-T

36 Stormo Riccardo Helmut Seidl (36th Wing) in Giola Del Colle

o  12 Gruppo ADX (12th Fighter Squadron) operating Eurofighter Typhoon

37 Stormo Cesare Toschi (37th Wing) in Trapani

o  10 Gruppo ADX (10th Fighter Squadron) operating 10 F-16ADF Fighting Falcon

o  18 Gruppo ADX (18th Fighter Squadron) operating 10 F-16ADF Fighting Falcon

50 Stormo Giorgio Graffer (50th Wing) in Piacenza

o  155 Gruppo ETS (155th Electronic Warfare and Tactical Suppression Squadron) operating 16 Tornado ECR

51 Stormo Ferruccio Serafini (51st Wing) in Istrana

§  103 Gruppo FBA (103rd Ground Attack Squadron) operating AMX

§  132 Gruppo FBA/RECCE (132nd Ground Attack Reconnaissance Squadron) operating AMX

1 Brigata Aerea Operazioni Speciali Vezio Mezzetti (1st Special Air Brigade) in Padua

9 Stormo Francesco Baracca (9th CSAR Wing) in Grazzanise

o  21 Gruppo (21st Squadron) operating AB212 helicopters

§  16 Stormo (16th Force Protection Wing) in Martina Franca

46 Brigata Aerea Silvio Angelucci (46th Air Brigade) in Pisa

o  2 Gruppo (2nd Squadron) 12 C-130J Super Hercules

o  50 Gruppo (50th Squadron) 10 C-130J-30

o  98 Gruppo (98th Squadron) 12 C-27J Spartan

14 Stormo Sergio Sartoff (14th Wing) in Pratica di Mare

o  8 Gruppo I Cavalieri (8th Squadron) operating 4 Boeing KC-767, 4 Alenia G.222RM, 2 Alenia G.222VS

o  71 Gruppo I Persei (71st Electronic Warfare Squadron) operating P180 Avanti, P.166DL3 APH, MB-339A RM

o  Gruppo Efficienza Aeromobili (Maintenance Squadron)

o  Centro Addestramento Equipaggi (Crew Training Center)

15 Stormo Stefano Cagna (15th Wing) in Pratica di Mare

31 Stormo Carmelo Raiti (31st Wing) in Ciampino

o  93 Gruppo (93rd Squadron) operating 3 Airbus A319CJ & 4 Falcon 50

o  306 Gruppo (306th Squadron) operating 2 Falcon 900EX, 3 Falcon 900EASy, 2 Sikorsky SH 3D-TS

41 Stormo Athos Ammannato (41st Wing) in Sigonella

§  88 Gruppo A/S (88th Anti Submarine Squadron) operating 12 Breguet Atlantic (blogger I'm thinking of emailing him questions)

Main article: French Air Force

The French Air Force was organized into Escadres (Wings),but this level was disbanded in the 90's. It is now composed of Escadrons (Squadrons). In turn, each escadron is made up of several Escadrilles (Flights). The designations of many escadrilles can be traced back to their World War I heritage. Escadrilles with the BR. designation flew Breguet aircraft, C. flew Caudrons, N. the Nieuport fighters, SAL. Salmson, and SPA. the SPAD fighters.

This list is incomplete

Escadron / Escadrille / Aircraft / Callsign / Base
EC 01.002 Cigogne / SPA.3 Cigogne de Georges Guynemer
SPA.103 Cigogne de René Fonck
SPA.26 Cigogne dite "Saint Galmier" / Mirage 2000-5F / 102-Ex / Dijon/Longvic
EE 02.002 Côte d'Or / SPA.65 Chimère d'argent
SPA.57 Mouette passant au naturel / Alpha Jet E / 102-Fx / Dijon/Longvic
EC 01.003 Navarre / SPA.95 Oriflamme chargé d'un Martinet
SPA.153 Gypaète
SPA.62 Coq de Combat / Mirage 2000D / 133-Ix / Nancy/Ochey
EC 02.003 Champagne / SPA.67 Cigogne de Navarre
SPA.75 Charognard
SPA.102 Soleil de Rhodes / Mirage 2000D / 133-Jx / Nancy/Ochey
EC 03.003 Ardennes / 1° Esc GC III/3 Hure Barre bleue
2° Esc GC III/3 Hure Barre rouge
BR.44 Sanglier assis ou Hure Barre verte / Mirage 2000D / 133-Xx / Nancy/Ochey
EC 02.004 Lafayette / N.124 Tete de Sioux
SPA.167 Cigogne
SPA.160 Diable rouge / Mirage 2000N / 116-Bx / Luxeuil/St. Sauveur
EC 03.004 Limousin / 1° Esc GC I/9 Aigle
2° Esc GC I/9 Fennec
SPA.96 Le Gaulois / Mirage 2000N / 125-Cx / Istres/Le Tubé
EC 02.005 Ile de France / 1° Esc Paris
2° Esc Versailles
SPA.124 Jeanne d'Arc / Mirage 2000B/C / 115-Ox / Orange/Caritat
EC 01.007 Provence / SPA.15 Heaume d'argent
SPA.77 Croix de Jérusalem
SPA.91 Aigle empiétant une tête de mort / Rafale B/C / 113-Hx / Saint Dizier-Robinson
EC 01.091 Gascogne / SAL.28 Elephant
SPA.79 Tete de Loup
BR.66 Faucon Egyptien / Rafale B/C / 113-Ix / Saint Dizier-Robinson
ETO 01.008 Saintonge / 1° Esc 3C2 Trident Ailé
2° Esc 4C1 Lion bondissant / Alpha Jet E / 120-Mx / Cazaux
ETO 02.008 Nice / SPA.73 Cigogne dite japonaise
SPA.78 Panthére noire / Alpha Jet E / 120-Nx / Cazaux
EC 01.012 Cambrésis / SPA.162 Tête de tigre
SPA.89 Guêpe
SPA.166 Aigle de sable et d'argent / Mirage 2000B/C / 103-Yx / Cambrai/Epinoy
ER 02.033 Savoie / SAL.6 Mouette Rhénane
BR.11 "C53"
SPA.53 Cocotte de gueule / Mirage F1B/CR/CT / 112-Nx / Reims/Champagne
EC 03.030 Lorraine / SPA.38 Chardon de Lorraine
SAL.56 Scarabée Egyptien / Mirage 2000-5/Rafale / 104-xx / Al Dhafra, UAE
EC 03.011 Corse / SPA.88 Serpent
SPA.69 Chat / Mirage 2000C/D / 188-Lx / Djibouti
EDCA 01.036 / SAL.58
BR.43 / E-3F Sentry / 36-CA/CB / Avord
EDCA 02.036 / SAL.253 Tete de dogue
SAL.257 Masse d'armes / E-3F Sentry / 36-CC/CD / Avord
ETM 01.040 Moselle / Esc Valmy
Esc Verdun / AS.555N, TBM.700 / X / Metz/Frescaty
ETE 02.040 Médoc / TBM.700, AS.355F1 / X, U / Bordeaux/Mérignac
ETE 03.062 Ventoux / CASA CN-235, DHC-6-300 / C, 62-I / Mont-de-Marsan


·  CIEH Centre d'instruction des équipages d'hélicoptères (helicopter crew training center)

·  CIT Centre d'instruction tactique (tactical instruction center)

·  EAC Ecole de l'aviation de chasse (fighter aviation school)

·  EAT Ecole de l'aviation de transport (transport aviation school)

·  EC Escadron de chasse (fighter wing)

·  ECN Escadrille de chasse de nuit (night fighter squadron)

·  EDCA Escadron de détection et de contrôle aéroporté (detection and aircraft control wing)

·  EE Escadron d'Entrainement (training squadron)

·  EPEAA Ecole de pilotage élémentaire de l'armée de l'air (air force basic flight school)

·  ER Escadron de reconnaissance (reconnaissance wing)

·  ERS Escadron de reconnaissance stratégique (strategic reconnaissance wing)

·  ERV Escadron de ravitaillement en vol (flight refueling wing)

·  ET Escadron de transport (transport wing)

·  ETE Escadron de transport et entraînement (transport and training wing)

·  ETM Escadron de transport mixte (mixed transport wing)

·  EIV Escadron d’instruction en vol (flight instruction wing)

·  ETO Escadron de transition opérationnelle (operational transition wing)

·  GAO Groupe Aériens d'Observation (airborne observation group -- army co-operation squadrons)

·  GC Groupe de chasse (fighter group)

·  GE Groupement école (school group)

·  GR Groupe de reconnaissance (reconnaissance group)

La Base Aérienne 126 Ventiseri-Solenzara
Ventiseri-Solenzara Air Base is a NATO facility tactical training center.

Akrotiri – Cyprus (

·  No. 84 Squadron RAF (

·  Griffin Fighters (

Used for general-handling flying, underslung-load carrying, night-vision goggle training, procedural instrument flying, formation flying, low-flying navigation and an introduction to tactical employment.

§  Engines: Two Pratt & Whitney PT6T- 3D turboshafts

§  Thrust: 900shp each

§  Max speed: 140kts

§  Length: 17.11m

§  Max altitude: 20,000ft

§  Span: 14.02m

§  Aircrew: 4

o  Typhoon F2 (

§  Engines: 2 Eurojet EJ200 turbojets

§  Thrust: 20,000lbs each

§  Max speed: 2Mach

§  Length: 15.96m

§  Max altitude: 65,000ft

§  Span: 11.09m

§  Aircrew: 1

§  Armament: AMRAAM, ASRAAM, Brimstone, Enhanced Paveway, Paveway IV

o  Tornado G4 (

§  Engines: Two RB199 turbofans

§  Thrust: 16,000lbs each

§  Max speed: 1.3Mach

§  Length: 16.72m

§  Max altitude: 50,000ft

§  Span: 8.6m

§  Aircrew: 2

§  Armament: Storm Shadow, Brimstone, ALARM, AIM-9 Sidewinder, Paveway II, Paveway III, Enhanced Paveway, General Purpose Bombs, Mauser 27mm

3 Platoon,Cyprus Joint Police Unit CJPU – Akrotiri

·  HQ, British Forces Cyprus

·  62 (Cyprus) Support Squadron RE

· 62 (Cyprus) Support Squadron is based in Dhekelia Station, which is in the Eastern Sovereign Base Area (ESBA) on Cyprus. The unit continues to provide construction, maritime and dive support to the British Forces on the island as well as conducting Community Relations tasks, which benefit the local Cypriot communities. Recently the Sqn has deployed Search Teams to Iraq and several personnel to Afghanistan. The unit is organised into Squadron Headquarters, Field Troop, Support Troop, Resources Cell, Echelon and Workshops. Unfortunately, the closure of 62 (Cyprus) Sp Sqn was announced in 2009, and the Sqn has seen a gradual reduction in numbers and capabilities since then. It has been announced that the Sqn will stop providing support to British Forces Cyprus on 01 Sep 2010, and will eventually disband on 31 Mar 2011.

·  Cyprus Communications Unit
EC Escadron de chasse (fighter wing)
Ventiseri-Solenzara -- Base aerienne 126 -- base 40km north-northeast of
Porto-Vecchio, Corsica
Istres-Le Tube -- Base aerienne 125 -- base near Istres, near Marseille

EC 03.004 Limousin / 1° Esc GC I/9 Aigle
2° Esc GC I/9 Fennec
SPA.96 Le Gaulois / Mirage 2000N / 125-Cx / Istres/Le Tubé
Istres-Le Tubé Air Base (Base Aérienne or BA 125) is a large multi-role airbase located near Istres. ICAO airport code: LFMI. The base hosts many operational; supporting and independent units; a large repair and several special training facilities; test facilities for DGA, Dassault Aviation, SNECMA, Thales and some aeronautical units of the French Navy. More than 5000 personnel work on the base! USAF units use the base frequently; during Allied operations engaging USAF and FAF. During Operation Allied Force, USAF KC-135s and U-2s operated from Istres airbase. Istres was the homebase of U-2 detachment OL-FR (Operating Location-FRance) before it was transferred to Sicily. Istres is also utilized by NASA as a contingency landing site for the Space Shuttle in the case of a Transoceanic Abort Landing (TAL).
Current operational units:
- Attack sqn 3/4 'Limousin' (Mirage 2000-N) primary nuclear tasked (ASMP) secondary conventional tasked.
- Air refuelling sqn 0/93 'Bretagne' (KC-135 Stratotanker).
- Helicopter sqn 5/67 'Alpilles' (Super Puma) SAR tasking and (Fennec) active airborne security tasking.
- Special equipment maintenace sqn (ESTS)
- AD missile sqn 1/950 'Crau'.
- Military Airlift Coordination Center
- Southern Military Airtraffic Control
Supporting units:
- CBRN school and safety detachment 1E/125
- SISCOM sqn
- Birdhit prevention unit
- Gendarmerie Air Brigade
- Force protection; specially trained Escadron de Protection FUSilliers COmmandos de l'air responsible for base security/ground defence.
- Flightsafety and Salvage sqn
- Technical equipment maninance sqn
- Interservice Airlift Instruction Center
- Logistic support unit
Independent units:
- ASMP-A developing and certifying unit
- DAMS 11/.004 (Special Ammunition Storage) which is currently non-ops is subject to complete refurbishment and renovation.
- Rafale test and certifying unit
- Inflight refuelling developing and certifying unit
- 25th air engineer regiment, a technical base repair unit.
- Interservice fueldepot
Off BA 125 website:
Off Escadron de Protection:
Dassault Mirage 2000N web:
Boeing KC-135 web:
Aerospatiale Super Puma web:
Salon-de Provence -- Base aerienne 701 -- located 4m south of Salon-de-Provence in southern France.
The total civilian and military Air Base School, included as one of the air base 701, "General Pineau"than that of the Schools of Officers of the Air Force.
- 6 external sites linked,
- 90 aircraft (7 types)
- 55 000 aircraft movements,
- 166 vehicles
- 450 hectares, 10 km of fencing, 30 km of roads, parking 100000m ², 183 buildings,
- 1800 Computer workstations,
- Accommodation on base (excluding students): 442 rooms for 690 beds,
- School Accommodation: 358 rooms individual students,
- Military Housing: 676 housing units,
- 2300 people:
- 280 officers, 800 NCOs, 380 MDRE, 600 students, 50 sailors and 180 civilian staff,
- Feminization: 50% 25% civilian and military personnel (excluding students).

D140 mousquetaire

Nice Air Base -- Base Aerienne 843 Nice "Capitaine Auber" -- Mont Agel
near Nice
Nancy Air Base is the home of 3 squadrons of Dassault Mirage 2000D multirole fighters (60 aircraft).