1. CR/DIR Number: AMS-02 / DEGMPW-008 / 2. Page 1 of 2
3. Change Title: Baseline AMS-02 Experiment/Payload Integration Hardware Interfaces (C-ICD Part I), Rev. A
4. Evaluation Due Date: 01/03/2005 / 5. Return To: Donna Cox / LMSO
6. Evaluator/Organization/Phone No.: Winston J. Reid/OZ2/281-226-4809
7. Signature: ______
8. Recommendation:
Approved - As Written
Disapproved – Reasons as stated below
Approve with comments defined below
No Comment/Recommendation
9. Evaluation Of Technical Description/Impact/Remarks:
1) Page iii - specify JSC prior to Space & Life Science and Engineering Directorates
2) Page iv - the ISS mission designation is now UF-4 per the proposed ISS Assy Sequence Revision G, CR 8937, Revision A.
3) Page iv - do not mention the specific Shuttle mission number as that flight assignment may vary more than the ISS mission designation.
4) Section 3.2, Page 5 - last sentence - after (CSR) add the following: "and the ISS Management Center (IMC)."
5) Section 3.2, Page 6 - add to the meeting list: "m. Increment Management Team (IMT) meetings"
6) Section 3.2, Page 5, inside 4th paragaraph add: "The APO is also responsible for satisfying the verification requirements levied by the ISS Program on attached (AMS-02) and EXPRESS Rack (ACOP) payloads."
****** Evaluation comments continued on Page 2 of 2 *****
10. Evaluation Of Nonincorporation:
11. Change Proposer’s Disposition Of Evaluation:


1. CRN: AMS-02 / DEGMPW-008 / 2. Page 2 of 2
3. Title: Baseline AMS-02 Experiment/Payload Integration Hardware Interfaces (C-ICD Part I), Rev. A
4. Enter the item number from page 1 that is being continued, then the information applicable to that item.
7) Section 4.3.1, Page 8 - add: Collaboration-provided hardware requiring installation in the Mobile Launch Platform (MLP) to support LCC or pre-launch data flow requires compliance with NSTS 07700 Volume 10.