Date Received
Summer 2018 Enrollment Time Received
I want to sign my child up for summer G.A.P. I am aware that the program is designed for the elementary aged child and enrollments are accepted on a first come, first served basis.
I have enclosed $______as a deposit, which will go into my child’s petty cash fund. •If received or postmarked by March 24th, amount due is $20. •If received or postmarked between March 25th and April 14th, amount due is $40. •If received after April 14th, amount due is $60. $20 will be put into your child’s petty cash fund, and any additional deposit amount will be put into the scholarship fund.
I participate in the ACH payment option, and the amount withdrawn should be $______.
2 I would like my child to attend the Methodist Church Site (open from 7:30 AM – 6 PM, pre-K, K, 1st gd. only)
I would like my child to attend the Hillcrest Site (open 7:30 AM – 6 PM for 1st to 3rd graders in 2018-19)
I would like my child to attend the Medary Site (open from 6:00 AM – 6 PM or when parents need care - for 1st to 3rd graders in 2018-19)
I would like my child to attend the Camelot Site (open from 7:30 AM – 6 PM for 4th to 6th graders in 2018-19)
3. I have circled the days my child will be attending, arriving at approx. AM.
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
My work schedule is variable and I’d like a call from the coordinator.
4. If you have any concerns about your child at the pool please share your concerns here.
5. I would like my child to have a G.A.P. t-shirt. Cost for shirts will depend on the number ordered (orders of 24 - 72 shirts = $9.50/shirt; over 72 shirts = $8.50/shirt). Orders must be placed by April 8th. Some shirts are available through the office if you miss the deadline (692-8066). Colors can be seen at
Circle size needed:
Color desired: Size: Xsm Sm Med Lg XLg AdSz
2-4 6-8 10-12 14-16 18-20
If your child is attending the kindergarten or Medary site, you have the option of them attending swimming lessons 6/4-6/21 at the high school pool from 9:20-9:50. To do this, they must be signed up for summer G.A.P. by March 31st. During lesson time your child must be at G.A.P. by 8:50 to ride the bus or walk to lessons. G.A.P. will enroll your child in these lessons, and parent cost is $34.40, payable to G.A.P. Payment must be received to hold their spot. Class size is limited to 35 and fills up quickly. (Payment can be included with deposit and if class is filled, applied to your family’s fees.)
____ Check here if you would like your child in these swimming lessons.
Child’s name
Parent’s name
Email Contact (write clearlyJ)
Mailing address
G.A.P. Received by
1330 Main Ave S. Check #
Brookings, SD 57006 Amount