Economic Research Methods – Case Study 1 Peter Schmidt

Students’ Questionnaire

1. Programme: / 2. Term: / 3. Gender m f (1) m m (0) / 4. Age: / 5. Wish University accommodation?
6. Weight: / 7. Body height: / 8. Marital status: / 9. Number of kids:
10. School degree:
Abitur m (1) Fachabitur m (2) Sonstig. m (3) / 11. Apprenticeship
m yes (1) m no (0)
12. How long did you work before your study?
(… years; 0 = not worked) / 13. If you worked:
m on payroll (1) m self employed (2) m freelancer (3)
14. Place of birth:
m Bremen (1) m non-German (20)
m other ®  Bundesland: ...... (2-15) / 15. Distance (km)
home ® UHSB / 16. Travel time (min)
home ® UHSB
17. Most important means of transportation:
(way to university) (only one) / 18. Further means of transportation:
(only one second means)
19. Current place of Residence:
+ Bremen
- City / Wall /Bhf. / ¼ m (1)
- rechts der Weser
West (Gröpell.-Findorff) m (2)
NO (Schwachh-Horn-Lehe) m (3)
Ost m (4)
- links der Weser m (5)
- Bremen Nord m (6)
+ 50 km umzu m (7)
+ sonstig m (8) / 20. No user of public transport
(i.e. 17. is not public transport):
Reason for non use:
too expensive m (1)
too slow m (2)
accessibility m (3)
distance (to home) m (4)
inconvenient m (5)
other m (6)
namely: ...... / 21. How did you learn / inform yourself about UHSB?:
in School (college) m (1)
guide of studies m (2)
meetings at HSB m (3)
advertisements HSB m (4)
newspaper m (5)
internet (6)
other m (7)
namely: ......
22. Accommodation:
independent (alone m (1)
with partner / family)
common (WG) m (2)
sub tenancy m (3)
with parents m (4)
other m (5) / 23. Computer available at home:
none m (0)
yes m (1)
PC m (1 a)
laptop m (1 b)
other m (2) / 24. Programs available:
Word processor m (1)
Spreadsheet m (2)
Presentation program m (3)
Statistics program m (4)
Internet m (5)
25. Additional occupation
m yes (1) m no (0) / 26. Income
(approx. in 100 €) / 27. Scholarship (e.g. BAFöG)
m yes (1) m no (0)

Knowledge of following programs:

none / beginner ... proficient
28. Word processing
29. Spreadsheet
30. Presentation program
31. Statistical program
32. Application of Internet
33. Internet programming (HTML, Java)
0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
More details to Spread-sheet analysis (Proficiency in following operations)
34. Summing up numbers (columns, rows)
35. Using Formula
36. Formatting table
37. Producing a diagram
38. Add pivot table
39. Using filters
40. Statistical evaluations

41. Your expectations (please use reverse side)

Students’ Questionnaire

1. Programme: / 2. Term: / 3. Gender m f (1) m m (0) / 4. Age: / 5. Wish University accommodation?
6. Weight: / 7. Body height: / 8. Marital status: / 9. Number of kids:
10. School degree:
Abitur m (1) Fachabitur m (2) Sonstig. m (3) / 11. Apprenticeship
m yes (1) m no (0)
12. How long did you work before your study?
(… years; 0 = not worked) / 13. If you worked:
m on payroll (1) m self employed (2) m freelancer (3)
14. Place of birth:
m Bremen (1) m non-German (20)
m other ®  Bundesland: ...... (2-15) / 15. Distance (km)
home ® UHSB / 16. Travel time (min)
home ® UHSB
17. Most important means of transportation:
(way to university) (only one) / 18. Further means of transportation:
(only one second means)
19. Current place of Residence:
+ Bremen
- City / Wall /Bhf. / ¼ m (1)
- rechts der Weser
West (Gröpell.-Findorff) m (2)
NO (Schwachh-Horn-Lehe) m (3)
Ost m (4)
- links der Weser m (5)
- Bremen Nord m (6)
+ 50 km umzu m (7)
+ sonstig m (8) / 20. No user of public transport
(i.e. 17. is not public transport):
Reason for non use:
too expensive m (1)
too slow m (2)
accessibility m (3)
distance (to home) m (4)
inconvenient m (5)
other m (6)
namely: ...... / 21. How did you learn / inform yourself about UHSB?:
in School (college) m (1)
guide of studies m (2)
meetings at HSB m (3)
advertisements HSB m (4)
newspaper m (5)
internet (6)
other m (7)
namely: ......
22. Accommodation:
independent (alone m (1)
with partner / family)
common (WG) m (2)
sub tenancy m (3)
with parents m (4)
other m (5) / 23. Computer available at home:
none m (0)
yes m (1)
PC m (1 a)
laptop m (1 b)
other m (2) / 24. Programs available:
Word processor m (1)
Spreadsheet m (2)
Presentation program m (3)
Statistics program m (4)
Internet m (5)
25. Additional occupation
m yes (1) m no (0) / 26. Income
(approx. in 100 €) / 27. Scholarship (e.g. BAFöG)
m yes (1) m no (0)

Knowledge of following programs:

none / beginner ... proficient
28. Word processing
29. Spreadsheet
30. Presentation program
31. Statistical program
32. Application of Internet
33. Internet programming (HTML, Java)
0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
More details to Spread-sheet analysis (Proficiency in following operations)
34. Summing up numbers (columns, rows)
35. Using Formula
36. Formatting table
37. Producing a diagram
38. Add pivot table
39. Using filters
40. Statistical evaluations

41. Your expectations (please use reverse side)