Entry Criteria

  1. Product(s)entered must belong to an ASMI member company. Non-Member agencies can enter these awards; however, the product(s) involved must belong to a Member company for which ASMI subscriptions are paid.You can check the latest ASMI membership list at:
  2. Entry must be for a product currently sold and distributed in Australia (not export).
  3. The product and program must be compliant with both the Therapeutic Goods Advertising Code (TGAC) and the ASMI Code of Practice. All entries will be reviewed by ASMI prior to the judging process and ASMI reserves the right to withhold an entry from the judging panel based on concerns around code compliance. The product/program need not be subject to a complaint.
  4. Whether a product or program is currently subject to a complaint (or appeal) through the Complaints Resolution Panel (CRP) or through the ASMI ComplaintsPanel will be relevant in assessing an entry against the judging criteria.
  5. The campaign, to be eligible,must havebeen run in the 18 months prior to the date of entry close (14 September 2012).
  6. The product launch, to be eligible,must have shipped to retailers in the 18 months prior to the date of entry close (14 September 2012).

Contact Details

Company name:

Contact person:






Campaign Details

Product/brand name:

Campaign title:

Award Category

(You may select more than one or complete a separate entry form for each category)

Best Launch of a Consumer Healthcare Product1

Best Marketing Campaign of a Consumer Healthcare Product – Large Budget (>$500,000)2

Best Marketing Campaign of a Consumer Healthcare Product – Small Budget (<$500,000)3

Best Self Care Program4

Best Customer Marketing Initiative5

Best PR Initiative6

Best Digital Campaign7

Best Healthcare Professional Initiative8

1Best Launch of a Consumer Healthcare Product

This category includes launches, switches (Rx to OTC; S3 to S2; S2 to unscheduled)and relaunches. All entries for new product introductions/promotions or switches,to be eligible, must have shipped to retailers in the 18 months prior to the date of entry close (14 September 2012).

2Best Marketing Campaign of a Consumer Healthcare Product – Large Budget (>$500,000)

This category covers all forms of marketing campaigns for existing products with a budget of greater than $500,000 run in the18 months prior to the date of entry close (14 September 2012).

3Best Marketing Campaign of a Consumer Healthcare Product – Small Budget (<$500,000)

This category covers all forms of marketing campaigns for existing products with a budget of less than $500,000 run in the 18 months prior to the date of entry close (14 September 2012).

4Best Self CareProgram

ASMI advocates the concept of ‘self care’, defined as activities that individuals can undertake with the intention of enhancing health, preventing disease, limiting illness and restoring health. Self care is enhanced by the provision of information and support to help consumers make informed choices about their healthcare in support of the Quality Use of Medicines (QUM). Ideally, this process should provide enough information to assist consumers to make their own decisions about treatment but should always include the option/instruction to talk to a healthcare professional for further information.

The Best Self Care Program Award will be awarded to the consumer oriented educational program that best demonstrates a commitment to enhancing the knowledge, skills and health literacy of consumers with the view to making them better informed about their own health and treatment options.

Programs that should be considered for the Best Self Care Program Category are Patient Support Programs, Disease Awareness Campaigns, Consumer Education Programs or any other program that increases consumer health literacy. The programs may be for any type of condition including minor ailments, chronic conditions or for preventative health.

Programs eligible for this category must have run in the 18 months prior to the date of entry close (14 September 2012).

5Best Customer Marketing Initiative

The objective of this category is to acknowledge initiatives in partnership with customers (whether a single retailer or a franchise/chain/banner) which demonstrates exceptional understanding of shopper insights, category management and customer marketing to deliver in-store excellence.This category also looks to reward efforts that go beyond purely commercial results – delivering increased value to consumers, customers and healthcare professionals by promoting theQuality Use of Medicines (QUM)in-store as well as increasing the overall perception of the industry.

Programs eligible for this category must have run in the18 months prior to the date of entry close (14 September 2012).

6Best PR Initiative

For these awards, the definition of PR is activity that delivers increased coverage and value for a brand or company to its desired target audience. This should be predominantly via traditional PR activities but may include supporting integrated advertising/advertorial, promotional or sales activities. The campaign should be led by the PR Agency in collaboration with the client.

Programs eligible for this category must have run in the18 months prior to the date of entry close (14 September 2012).

7 Best DigitalCampaign

A newly introduced category in response to the significant role digital media is playing within the healthcare arena. Campaigns in this category are to demonstrate a great understanding of digital and/or social media, and effectively engage with their consumers in the media based on application of consumer insights for the particular brands/category/business.

Programs eligible for this category must have run in the18 months prior to the date of entry close (14 September 2012).

8 Best Healthcare Professional Campaign

For many categories, the healthcare professional plays a very influential role in the consumer’s purchase decisions around health. Therefore, they are a critical element of the healthcare marketing mix program. This category aims to acknowledge best practice in HCP/professional marketing campaigns. Successful entries will demonstrate a thorough understanding of the targeted profession, their drivers and effective engagement strategies.

Programs eligible for this category must have run in the18 months prior to the date of entry close (14 September 2012).

Judging Criteria

The judging criteria (with scores in brackets) are:

1)Campaign Challenge (15) – define the critical issues facing the brand at the time of the campaign

2)Objectives (5) – should flow from the challenge, must be SMART

3)Strategy Development(20) –innovation process that led to the insight into the consumer need and how that lead to the idea that underpins the campaign

4)Execution(20) – how did the excellence and creativity of your execution contribute to your results?

5)Health Literacy (20) – how does the campaign help consumers make better decisions about their health?

6)Results (20) – vs objectives – Sales/Market Share/QUM outcomes - hard endpoints preferred

In assessing an entry against the above criteria, the judges will need to consider the ability of the promotion to withstand public scrutiny and the impact of the promotion on the reputation of the industry, on ASMI and on its Members. One factor in this consideration will be whether a complaint about the product has been finalised or is pending or in progress.

Submission Declaration

All materials submitted in support of this entry are a correct and true reflection of the campaign, can be substantiated and meet the entry criteria listed on Page 1.

To the best of our knowledge, all advertising materials comply with the ASMI Code of Practice and, where relevant, the Therapeutic Goods Advertising Code (TGAC).

Please complete one of the following:

At the time of submission there is no complaint about the product (whether pending, in progress or finalised) for consideration by the Complaints Resolution Panel (CRP) or the ASMI Complaints Panel. If a complaint is made about the product prior to the awards ceremony, we will contact ASMI and, to the extent possible, discuss the details of the complaint.

At the time of submission the following complaint about the product has been, is or will be considered by the Complaints Resolution Panel (CRP) or the ASMI Complaints Panel:

Name (please print):



Campaign Budget (Please tick one)

Less than $25,000

$25,000 - $100,000

$100,000 - $500,000

More than $500,000

Media Type (Tickall that apply)

Print Media / Event
Radio / Point of Sale
Television / Direct to Consumer/Healthcare Professional
Internet / Other (Please Specify)

Campaign Duration

Start Date:

End Date (please indicate if ongoing):

AdvertisingAgency Name:

  1. Campaign Situation and Market Challenge (15% weighting)

Outline the significant challenges that faced the brand/company at the time of the campaign. This could include the following

  • Internal Challenges: profitability drive, loss of global support, resources being moved away from a brand, launch into a unknown market, product development issues
  • Market Challenges: general market conditions like reduction of disposable income due to environmental factors, new competitor entries, number and type of competitor, entrenched nature of consumer belief about a brand, etc
  • Product Challenges: Loss of Exclusivity, major brand crisis/issues management, loss of relevance to consumers

Provide a brief Situational Analysis of your brand in the market listing the top 3-5 challenges that needed to be addressed by the campaign in question.

  1. Campaign Objectives (5% weighting)

The objectives from the campaign should fall directly out of the Category Challenge and need to be SMART. These should be used as the measure for any Campaign Results outlined below.

  1. Target Audience

Describe the target audience of your campaign. Were they consumers or healthcare professionals? Were any specific attributes (income, age, medical conditions) identified or was any research used to determine which audience to target? Was the campaign state-specific or national?

  1. Strategy Development (20% Weighting)

Outline the insights discovered about the needs of your target consumers and then show how these insights lead to the innovative ideas that underpin the strategy/campaign.

  • There is no need to outline the processes used to discover the insights, nor the processes linking the insights to the ideas generation, just an explanation of the insights, the ideas and the strategy that eventuated.
  1. Execution(20% Weighting)

How were the insights and ideas translated into execution? Describe how the success of the campaign was based on the creativity and the excellence of the campaign’s execution:

  • How well was the campaign integrated across healthcare professionals & consumers?
  • What was done to ensure that all stakeholders were aware of the campaign and receiving the appropriate message?

Please provide evidence of collateral materials and messages to support your entry.

  1. Health Literacy (20% Weighting)

"The degree to which individuals have the capacity to obtain, process, and understand basic health information and services needed to make appropriate health decisions"

Campaigns should demonstrate how they aided:

  • Increasing understanding of the relative role of over-the-counter medicine therapy, as well as natural and non-medicine therapies in treating illness and maintaining health;
  • Encouraging the appropriate choice of medicine and dosage regimen when they are needed and providing people with the knowledge, skills and encouragement to use medicines wisely and safely.

Please outline how your campaign supported these principles. e.g. packaging, consumer-focussed labelling, education, consumer/healthcare professional information?

  1. Results & Achievements (20% Weighting)

What results can you report on with regards to sales performance, market share or consumer perception? These should be closely aligned to Campaign Objectives.

Preferred Results:

  • Hard data (eg. Sales data, market share, distribution figures, etc)
  • Qualitative measures (eg market research results, relevant media value measures for PR, etc)
  • Return on Investment (ROI) measures would also be extremely useful, especially in differentiating between campaigns of similar magnitude.
  1. Other Comments/Considerations

Why should you win an ASMI Sales & Marketing Award? Please include in the space below any other important information you feel may support your entry.

ASMI supports the Quality Use of Medicines (QUM). Please consider the degree towhich your entry promotes QUM. According to the Australian National Medicines Policy: Australia has an established and well-accepted national policy on Quality Use of Medicines built around the following principles:

  • Selecting management options wisely;
  • Choosing suitable medicines if a medicine is considered necessary; and
  • Using medicines safely and effectively

Talking to the principles of QUM through your entry will be highly regarded.

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Creative & Supporting Material

Please include with your entry some (soft copy) examples of the creative used during your campaign or other materials to support your entry in a common format that is easily viewed on a PC. For large items, such as shelf talkers or displays, please provide photographs or PowerPoint slides showing these items as they appeared during the campaign – please DO NOT provide physical examples of these items.

Please also provide a paragraph summarising your entry to be used at the Awards Dinner if your entry has won an award.

Judging Panel

Awards entries will be judged by a Judging Panel made up of independent experts. The judges will sign a confidentiality agreement given the commercially sensitive nature of the entries. A judge with a conflict of interest will not participate in the assessment of the entry in relation to which the conflict exists. The panel will comprise of 6 judges to ensure that there are at least 4 non-conflicted judges for each category. A seventh judge, a digital expert, will participate in the assessment of the entries in the Best Digital Campaign Category only. The ASMI Secretariat will not be represented on the Judging Panel but will facilitate the judging process.

Judging Process

Decisions on award winners will be made based on an aggregating of a standard scoring system employed by each Judge. Each judge will populate a scorecard (depicted below) for each submission and these will be discussed and aggregated during a judging day facilitated by the ASMI Secretariat at the ASMI offices to be held week commencing 22 October 2012.

Winners of each category will be announced at the ASMI 2012 Conference Awards Dinner on Tuesday 13 November 2012 at the Waterview Convention Centre, Bicentennial Park, Homebush, Sydney.

Entries Close COB Friday 14September 2012

Please return the completed Entry Form and any accompanying files on a USB Stick or CD/DVD ONLYaddressed to:

ASMI 2012 Sales & Marketing Awards Entry

Attn: Deidre Cox


PO Box 764

North Sydney NSW 2059

Entries will NOT be accepted via email or printed hard copy. USB Sticks/DVDs/CDs can be returned to you after 13 November 2012, if requested.

You will receive written confirmation of receipt of your entry via email. If you have not received this confirmation by COBTuesday 18September 2012, please contact or call 02 9923 9403 to ensure your entry has been received.

Queries regarding entries can be directed to or 02 9923 9403.


More information at:

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