2014 Convention Script
1: This material was shared during the 2014 convention in Ft. Worth, Texas.
2: Each year the ladies of WNAC contribute to the Cleo Pursell Foreign Student Scholarship Fund. These funds are given to international students studying in their own country.
3: Nicolas received this scholarship years ago when he was a student at our Bible Institute in Bouna, Cote d’Ivoire. He is seeking now to complete his masters in theology. He received $500.
4. Myriam Le Louarn received these funds last year. She is pursuing a degree in Christian Counseling so that she can assist in the French ministry to 18-25 year-olds with her sister, Lydie and Joel Teague. She received $885.91.
5: Dr. Mary R. Wisehart Student Scholarship Fund gives a $1000 scholarship to each of our stateside FWB colleges. The young ladies apply in their college’s financial aid office. These young ladies are the 2013-14 recipients.
6: Abby Greenwood (TN) is pursuing a degree in early childhood education at Welch College. Both of her parents are alumni of Welch.
7. Leah Batten (CO) is pursuing a degree in Christian Education at Southeastern. She is a member of one of our home missions church. You gave so the missionaries could go…..now Leah is serving the Lord.
8. Jerra Henthorn is pursuing a degree in liberal studies at Hillsdale. She is a leader on and off campus with her servant’s heart.
9. The Steward Provision Closet is a ministry to both our home and international missionaries. Ladies contribute gift cards, cash, and household items which are stored in the WNAC storage area. This ministry is such a blessing to the missionaries and their children. I wish you could be present when they come to “shop.” They are always so appreciative of your generosity.
$ 6,129.00 Gift cards
3,973.18 Cash
32,644.07 Non-cash gifts (household items)
$42,746.25 Total for 2013
10: This is a list of items we purchased with the cash given to the provision closet. Missionaries will send a specific request if they cannot come by the office. We seek to meet those needs.
11: Our sisters studying at Cedars of Lebanon Institute in Cuba do not have a functioning laundry room. They walk 2 miles down hill to wash and return up hill 2 miles with their clean clothes. We donated $2000 to purchase the washer, dryer, and an industrial sink for hand or pre-washing with a folding table. (This project is not complete due to the difficulty of getting products.) We also sent in some sheets for the beds in the institute’s dorms.
12: March 31 – April 12th seven of WNAC’s leaders went to Central Asia. We held conferences to train our sisters in women’s ministry. The picture on the left is of the entire group in Tajikistan. On the right you see a picture of the lady who opened her home and prepared a meal for us.
Each lady received a gift bag containing pens, pencils, highlighters, WNAC mini-journal, lip balm, hand lotion, hand sanitizer, cocoa, 4x6 frame, and two head scarves. Later each lady was allowed to visit the “fitting rooms” and select two bras.
Illinois WAC ladies provided money to help purchase items for the gift bags. Kentucky WAC purchased the head scarves. North Carolina and South Carolina collected 1100 bras which we took in our luggage. Extras were distributed to the ladies to share with those women to which they were ministering.
13: On the left you see the entire group in Kazakhstan. The lady on the right is the one who challenged the KZ ladies to begin their own provision closet ministry.
14. During both conferences the “team” fielded questions specifically related to our personal ministries.
15/16/17. While we were in both countries, we participated in social ministries. In Tajikistan one group participated in eyeglass distribution with tea time. Another group ministered to ladies in a prostitution rehab house. The third group delivered groceries to widows indeed. While in Kazakhstan, one group visited an orphanage and made American cheeseburgers, French fries, and brownies. The second group painted one of the classrooms as one of the houses of prayer.
18. During both conferences we taught the Central Asian sisters how to make banana bread and brownies. We took the cocoa with us and each lady received her own portion in her gift bags.
19: There were also craft classes during both conferences. Ladies were taught to make chocolate scrub, cards, fork flowers, and butterflies. They were able to decorate a 4x6 acrylic frame as a memento from the conference.
[There are articles covering this conference in the 2014 fall issue of Treasure and the October/November issue of ONE Magazine.]
20: June 28, 2014 we welcomed our newest sister! The David Marks Heritage Association which is comprised of five home missions churches in Pennsylvania and New York. The organizational meeting was held at the Flagship FWB Church in Erie, PA. This is a full circle story. You gave so the missionaries could go to the northeast. They won these ladies to the Lord and now they are ready to organize and serve the Lord in women’s ministry.
21: These are the inaugural officers.
22: These are the home missionary wives who were present at the meeting. Pam Jones (Greensburg, PA)---third church plant; Jenna Altom (Greensburg, PA); Sylvia Martin (Rochester, NY); Michelle Grimes (Erie, PA); Marie Drakulic (Erie, PA); and Joy Alvis (Erie, PA).
23: Our theme for the coming year is “Faithful Through the Seasons.” We will be covering topics that are relevant to our time and this culture. These are not easy but each of us needs to be aware and prepared to minister where God has placed us.
24: Our text is Ecclesiastes 3:1-11. Suggested songs include: “Great Is Thy Faithfulness; In His Time; Never Once.”
25: God is at work in WNAC…..and He has been faithful!
$298,218.29 Given directly to various missions/ministry causes
203,827.93 Channeled through the WNAC office
32,644.07 Non-cash gifts to the Provision Closet
$534,690.29 GRAND TOTAL given during 2013
This is an increase of $30,385.03…..to God be the glory!
26: WNAC is a viable FWB partner. During last year WNAC contributed:
$131,268.41 State programs (Acts 1:8; TSP; Show Me; Shares; etc)
102,628.91 International missions
65,931.13 Home missions
9,578.96 Colleges
42,746.25 Steward Provision Closet
$352,153.66 Total for 2013
27: But we neglect ourselves. Giving to the WNAC office increased only $112.36 for 2013. What is the next step?
The WNAC and NAFWB delegates voted unanimously to accept the proposal that WNAC become a national department. With this decision, WNAC will be a recipient of a portion of the Together Way Plan (cooperative giving) funds. Pray that we will be wise stewards of these funds entrusted to us. During these days of transition we are seeking the Lord’s wisdom and guidance. Please be in prayer for the office staff and newly elected board members.