Location, Climate, and Natural Resources of the UK and Russia


  • Location makes the UK a HUB for trade with 10 major ports along UK’s coast!
  • Location has helped the UK become an international banking & insurance center
  • Has more foreign bank branches than any other country in the world
  • United States (US) is the UK’s number one trading partner


  • Mild climate with rainfall throughout the year
  • The Gulf Stream crosses the Atlantic Ocean and warms the country

Natural Resources

  • Has deposits of coal, petroleum, natural gas & iron ore
  • Used in country’s industry (ex’s: auto production, steel manufacturing, and shipbuilding)
  • Other resources include zinc, lead, gold, tin, limestone, salt, clay, gypsum, polash, sand, and slate
  • Fishing is profitable along the shores of the UK
  • 25% of the land is in the UK is arable land (fertile; good for farming)
  • Manufacturing is declining because the natural resources are being used up and industry is changing to cleaner forms of energy
  • People leaving manufacturing jobs and going to service industries industry jobs which include tourism, health care, education, banking, and insurance

Where People Live

  • About 60 million_ people live in the United Kingdom (UK) and around 90 % of them live in cities or London areas

Location of Russia

  • Spans two continents Europe and Asia
  • Shares a border with 15 countries
  • On the Eastern side of Russia is the Pacific Ocean
  • On the Northern border is the Arctic Ocean
  • At its closest point, Russia and the US are only 3 miles apart across Bering Strait
  • European Russia is mostly landlocked except for the port cities of Murmansk and St. Petersburg

Climate of Russia

  • Russia only has two seasons winter and summer and the average yearly temperature is below freezing
  • Asian Russia (Siberia) has the most extreme climate with lows about 40 ◦ below zero and highs over 90◦

Natural Resources

  • Vast forest for lumber are found in Russia but much of the forest on the European side of Russia have been cleared for cities
  • Russia’s large size, rugged terrain, and cold climate make it difficult for Russians to use their resources

Where People Live

  • Russia is one of the most populous countries in the world with about 145.5 million people
  • Most people live West of the Ural Mountains where the climate is mildest and the land is the most fertile

Comparing UK and Russia

  • Russia is larger than the UK
  • Unlike the UK many of Russia’s ports are frozen throughout much of the year
  • The UK is an island country with a mild climate and unlike Russia has many ports that are accessible year-round
  • Both countries havefossil fuels like coal and oil but these resources are dwindling in the United Kingdom (UK)
  • Much of Russia’s coal and oil is untouchable because of the climate and size of the country