Minutes of the Monthly Meeting


Date: 5th June 2015

Venue: ICRISAT New Conference Centre

Time: 9-11AM

Agenda of the meeting

·  Introducing new staff

·  Brief description of activities conducted since our May meeting

·  Protocols for research activities

·  Use of technology parks

The opening speech was made by Dr Ramadjita TABO Director of WCA/ICRISAT. After the opening speech Dr Birhanu presented the agenda of the meeting.

Introducing new staff

Dr Felix BADOLO was hired as an agro-economist for Africa RISING project. He shares his position with the other Africa RISING project on dissemination of Sorghum and Millet (SMS_ARDT) (50%) and the Global Climate Change (GCC) project (25%). The three projects are funded by USAID.

Brief description of activities conducted since our May meeting


Dr Augustine Ayantunde briefed participants that ILRI continued on the activities presented during the May meeting. There were no new activities started during the reporting period. The work on formalization of the local conventions was continued. The local NGO AMEDD was working with ILRI and conducted a meeting in Dieba, Zanzoni and Sirakele villages to document the local conventions. A signing ceremony of the local convention was held in Dieba village. AMEDD also worked with the three communities to setup monitoring committee for the proposed 10km livestock corridor. Further activities conducted by AMEDD included training committees to manage livestock paths. Communities appreciated the livestock paths and neighboring communities were requesting the same service. Establishment of livestock corridors is monitored every three month to see the success of the work. While presenting the activities Dr. Tabo raised a question. Were policy makers engaged in the process?. Dr. Ayantunde replied that the commune mayor and service technicians were involved during the consultation program. They were involved in the formalization process as well. A report is written and will be shared soon. Presently a manuscript on natural resources institutions and local conventions is near completion and will be submitted in July. In addition draft report is being prepared on transhumance.


Hired the Agro-Economist (in a shared position) and partners contracts have been finalized (waiting for mgt. Approval). Two district level Innovation Platform (IP) meetings were held: May 19 in Koutiala and May 21 in Bougouni. Report was shared to all. This week ICRISAT happenings newsletter will also cover the IP meeting conducted. Two Technology Parks (TPs) were constructed and were nearly completed. IP members in both districts visited the reception of the TPs and made very good remarks on the use of the parks.

For the upcoming agricultural season protocols were prepared and volunteer farmers were identified for agronomic and hydrological field activities. Few protocols were prepared jointly ICRISAT/ICRAF/AVRDC and ICRAF/AVRDC. The two site coordinators are already in place. Two abstracts were accepted for presentation. Mary Ollenburger will make the presentations - at the Farming Systems Design conference in Montpellier September 7-10 (title: Sustainable extensification—breathing new life into Africa's Sleeping Giant), and at the Contested Agronomy conference in Brighton, UK February 23-25 2016, (title: Intensification and extensification in mixed farming systems of Southern Mali).

ICRISAT communication unit is working on a video production on IPs and use of TPs. Similar video production will follow on the construction of contour bunds and nutrition activities. It was highlighted that there is a need to document a video on the formalization of local conventions and development of livestock corridor.


Facilitated district level IP meetings in both Koutiala and Bougouni districts. There is a plan to establish two IPs at village level in the areas of the TPs (i.e Flola village in Bougouni and M’Pessoba village in Koutiala). Nursery technique training was provided in different villages.


Conducted participatory planification meeting in M’Pessoba with the presence of AVRDC, ICRISAT and IER scientists. The meeting helped to learn the best way to implement nutrition activities in the study areas. Issues of whom to train in the nutrition activities were discussed. Another major issue discussed was the provision of seeds. Participants of the meeting the need to get seeds in time. There is a planning workshop in September 2015 to help understand if the nutrition training brings change.

Protocols for research activities

Dr. Birhanu presented protocols for the upcoming agricultural season with inputs from other scientists. The following shows protocols suggested for implementation:

1.  Study the impact of in-field soil and water conservation practices on crops (cereal and vegetables) productivity, agro-forestry and ecosystem services Joint protocol ICRISAT/ICRAF/AVRDC

2.  Effect of 3 types of irrigation on fruit production of tomato and leafy vegetable production of Moringa oleifera and Adansonia digitata. Joint protocol ICRISAT/ICRAF/AVRDC

3.  Testing intercropping combinations for legumes and vegetables to increase productivity and profitability. AVRDC

4.  Testing the effect of grafting on fruit tree growth and production (grafted compared to non-grafted plants of Ziziphus (5 varities), Tamarind (3 varieties), baobab (1 plus tree) and shea (1 plus tree) ICRAF

5.  5. Testing and comparing different organic manures on improved okra varieties for women fields AVRDC

6.  Pepper: Testing improved varieties for women fields AVRDC

7.  Cowpea: Test the effect on grain yields and fodder ICRISAT

8.  Groundnut: Farmer Participatory Varieties selection trials (FPVS) ICRISAT

9.  Sorghum: Demonstration of the process of hybrid seed production, differences between parents and hybrid ICRISAT

10.  Sorghum: Demonstration/test of sorghum hybrid with fertilization ICRISAT

11. Sorghum: Dual purpose sorghum production ICRISAT???

11.  Maize : Combination improved variety/fertilization and organic mineral ICRISAT

12.  Soybeans: Fertilization organic / inoculation of the seed ICRISAT

  1. Essais et démonstrations pour les Parcs Technologiques et Champ Ecole NutritionICRISAT

While an early preparation of clear protocols was appreciated, importance of implementing few, but relevant protocols were suggested. As the program is in its final years of completion, it was suggested to refrain from implementing new protocols and focus on the workplan approved by the steering committee. Dr. Birhanu will discuss with Dr. Ramadjita Tabo and identify implementable protocols for the upcoming growing season. And this will be communicated to all scientists and partners.

Dr. Tabo highlighted the need to have a biometrician/statistician input to implement particularly the agronomic and other biophysical experimentation. Dr. Birhanu was tasked to look for an expert in this case.

Another remark made was the nutrition protocol presented lacks inputs from other participating partners, hence there is a need to discuss with AVRDC and IER. Specific protocols on nutrition studies by AVRDC will be available within a week time.

Dr. Tabo suggested that the protocols need to look at the cost-benefit of implementable technologies and be conducted in gender-disaggregated way.

Use of Technology Parks

Dr. Birhanu Zemadim presented the use of the technology parks, information collected from the advice of the Chief Scientist (Dr. Asamoah Larbi), external reviewers and from literature.

A TP is a community based experimental station consisting of a series of replicated and un-replicated experiments (‘Mother trials’) (Figure 1). Uses of Technology Parks include:

•  Evaluate and demonstrate new technology

•  Provide hands-on training for farmers

•  Facilitate knowledge flow among farmers

•  Train under/graduate students

•  Determine farmer preferences for technologies

Presently two TPs were constructed; Flola Village in Bougouni and M’Pessoba Village in Koutiala district.

A scaling out plan with the use of TPs were presented as well. With the help of local communities it is expected to train 380 farmers from each district. The plan for the scaling out was presented in Table 1.

Figure 1: Technology Park constructed in Flola Village:

Photo Credit: Birhanu Zemadim/Mahamadou Dicko/ICRISAT/2015

Table 1: Scaling out plan with the use of the Technology Parks

District / Villages / Farmers trained in the TP (ToT) / Farmers trained by the ToT in their villages / Total trainee
Bougouni / Flola (TP) / 10 / 15 / 150
Dieba / 5 / 10 / 50
Sibirila / 5 / 10 / 50
Madina / 5 / 10 / 50
Yorobougoula / 5 / 10 / 50
Koutiala / M’Pessoba (TP) / 10 / 15 / 150
Sirakele / 5 / 10 / 50
Zanzoni / 5 / 10 / 50
Namposela / 5 / 10 / 50
N’Golonianasso / 5 / 10 / 50
Subtotal / 60 / 700
Total / 760

The meeting was concluded at 11AM

Annex: List of participants Africa RISING monthly meeting May, 2015

N° / Name / Position / Institution / E-mail
1 / Agathe DIAMA / RIO / ICRISAT /
2 / Karamoko TRAORE / Scientific officer / ICRISAT /
3 / Clarisse UMUTONI / PhD Student / ILRI /
4 / Augustine Ayantunde / Scientist / ILRI /
5 / Caroline SOBGUI / Nutritionist / AVRDC /
6 / Ramadjita TABO / Agronomist / ICRISAT /
7 / Birhanu ZEMADIM / Land & water / ICRISAT /
8 / Dekoro DEMBELE / Scientific officer / ICRISAT /
9 / Adama DIAKITE / Socio economist / ICRAF /
10 / Felix BADOLO / Agro economist / ICRISAT /
11 / Sidi TOURE / Research technician / ICRISAT /
12 / Marc TRAORE / Admin Assist / ICRISAT /
13 / Mary Ollenburger / PhD Student / ICRISAT /