To:Faculty Senate

From:Joel Sipress, Chair of the Faculty

Date:April 6, 2010

Re:Student Retention and Enrollment Committee Review

At the request of Faculty Senate Executive Committee, the Provost has asked Faculty Senate to review the composition and charge of the Student Retention and Enrollment Committee. Following the consultation with current and former faculty members of the committee, Executive Committee offers the attached revision of the faculty committee and charge.

The proposed changes address the following issues identified by committee members:

  • The need for greater representation from faculty and teaching academic staff
  • The need to clarify that the committee elects its own chair
  • The need for charge that more clearly distinguishes the role of a committee from the role of an administrative staff meeting
  • The difficulty of scheduling meetings around the very full schedules of three student members
  • Technical updates in response to changes in administrative positions and job titles

Student Retention & Enrollment Committee

Current Charge and Composition

Develop and implement a coordinated program of activities with campus-wide impact which will attract and retain a maximum number of qualified students who are integral to the vitality and maintenance of the University, renew recruitment plans for the new first year students, undergraduate transfer students, extended degree students, develop and assist in implementing plans and activities that increase UW-Superior's persistence rate and graduation rate.

The SR& E Committee will submit a final report at the end of each academic year to the Chancellor for circulation among the Cabinet.

Members consist of two (2) faculty, two (2) academic staff, the Director of Academic and Career Advising, the Director of Continuing Education/Distance Learning, the Vice Chancellor Enrollment Management, the VC Student Life and Dean of Students, and the Provost

Faculty (2)
Academic Staff (2):
Director, Academic and Career Advising
Director, Continuing Education/Distance Learning
Vice Chancellor ÂEnrollment Management:
Vice Chancellor Student Life and Dean of Students
Provost and Dean of Faculties:
Students (3)

Student Retention & Enrollment Committee

Proposed Charge and Composition

The committee shall develop, review, and annually update campus strategies for recruitment and retention of students and work with campus constituencies to implement these plans. The committee shall submit an updated a student recruitment and retention plan annually to the Chancellor for circulation among the Cabinet and to governance bodies for review. The committee elects its chair annually.

Members consist of three (3) faculty, two (2) teaching academic staff, two (2) students, the Director of Academic Advising, the Director of Continuing Education/Distance Learning, the Vice Chancellor Enrollment Management, the VC Student Life and Dean of Students, the Director of Admissions, and the Director of Institutional Research (ex officio)

Faculty (3)
Teaching Academic Staff (2)

Students (2)

Director, Academic Advising
Director, Continuing Education/Distance Learning
Vice Chancellor ÂEnrollment Management:
Vice Chancellor Student Life and Dean of Students
Director of Admissions

Director of Institutional Research (ex offico)