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October 17, 2016

I. Roll Call

Martha Houck called the meeting to order at 7:35am.

II. Minutes

Minutes from September 19, 2016 were read and approved with a motion from Melissa Martin and seconded from Carmen Rodriguez.

III. Funding Requests

• We have a SAC balance of $578.00

• No Funding Requests at this time.

IV. Old Business

•No old business to discuss at this time

V. Administrator’s Report - given by Mrs. Good (Principal)

• Pre School Readiness Goal -

• Middle School Readiness Goal -

• ACCESS Self Assessment – the assessment was completed by Martha Houck, Bree Miron, and Brian Kenney on October 1, 2015.

• SAC Accreditation

• School Improvement Plan / Title I

• Accreditation Self-Assessment Monitoring

Mrs. Good met with the SMART Committee. The first phase should be done by December 2016. Coconut Creek Elementary will become a Digital 4 School. Which every 4th Grade student will receive a laptop. We are hopeful to also become a Digital 3 school. With becoming a D4 school all computers already in 4th Grade classrooms will be disbursed to primary grades.

Along with the technology SMART Bond money, every teacher will have to go through technology upgrade. All teachers will be turning in their Apple computers in the near future and receiving a Lenova laptop. With the laptop change it is necessary to train all staff members on the new platform.

CCES is in the midst of completing the first window of BAS testing assessments.

VI. School Improvement / Title I

Bylaws were presented to SAC. A motion from Collington Farquharsonand second fromGayle Pritchard to approve the bylaws.

VII. New Business

No New Business at this time.

VIII. Open Discussion

Discussing on problems with the Lenovo laptops that impede our use of them. They have trust issues.

IX. Parent Involvement Plan

No new information at this time

X. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 AM by a motion from Carmen Rodriguezand second fromAndrea Hahn.

Our next meeting will be December19th at 7:30 am.

Minutes respectfully submitted by: Brian Kenney