Job Title:Operational Manager

Responsible To:Development Director

Salary:£24,241 to £28,130 (pro rata)

Working Hours:30 hours per week

Special Conditions:This is a two year investment until September 2014 as part of a programme of developing more sustainable funding and income generating programmes. Funding beyond this date is conditional on external funding being sourced.

Job Summary: As Operational Manager you will have overall responsibility to ensure that the programme and office of IVS GB is delivered successfully and that it maintains its high profile as an established GB wide international volunteering agency with a high value basis of building peace and intercultural understanding through volunteering.

Job Purpose: To manage the IVSGB programme, office and office staff.


Key Tasks

Project and programme management

  • To lead the overall management and delivery of a GB wide programme of short and long term international voluntary projects, currently approximately 30 projects per year, including incoming volunteers to the British programme at around 100 volunteers and outgoing British volunteers to the global programme also ataround 100. There are currently around 1000 projects world-wide.
  • Tohave overall responsibility for identifying and investigating potential new British projects, liaising with project hosts, and recruiting and selecting volunteers for projects.

Office,staffand volunteermanagement

  • To have overall responsibility for the management of IVS office staff, currently one part-time administrator, at least one fixed term contract, office volunteers and interns, including appropriate recruitment, induction, supervision, training & development and appraisal.
  • To takeoverall responsibility for volunteers participating in the IVS working groups such as fundraising, PR and marketing.
  • To run the office, including day to day management of resources and finances.
  • To oversee, develop and maintain organisational policies and administrative systems andoffice practices.

Communicationand networking

  • To oversee, develop and maintain the IVS membership, project and funder database.
  • To oversee website design, maintenance and development.
  • To oversee, develop and maintain social networking sites – facebook and twitter and alert the Development Director of potential new sites to engage with.
  • To act as an ambassador for IVS-GB by creating and maintaining effective relationships with internal and external stakeholders
  • To oversee development and maintenance of effective channels of administrative communication with IVS-GBs membership.
  • To work with other GB volunteering organisations and networks, and to liaise with the wider SCI network.

Strategic planning and development

  • To work closely with the DD on development of a new IVS-GB strategic plan
  • With the DD, to buildeffectivepartnerships with other organisations in order todeliverthis plan.
  • Where relevant provide operational support to the DD for the delivery of the strategic plan.

Marketing and publicity

  • With the support of the DD, interns, and the Publicity and Marketing groupof the Board,

to develop publicity and information material to ensure current numbers of outgoing volunteers are maintained, including publicity for international voluntary projects, recruitment posters and leaflets, website, newspaper and magazine advertising.

Finance and Funding

  • With the DD, liaise with book-keeper and treasurer to ensure monthly reports are completed, analysed and sent to the finance committee
  • Monitor cash flow and bank accounts and alert the DD when necessary


International Voluntary ServiceVolunteering for Peace and Social Justice

Thorn House, 5 Rose Street, Edinburgh EH2 2PR
t:0131 243 2745 e:
Registered Charity no.275424 England & Wales; Charity Registered in Scotland SCO39585 Company Limited by Guarantee