To be eligible to apply for Phase 1 of the third competition of the Canada Excellence Research Chairs Program, submit this completed form by February 1, 2017, to the Tri-agency Institutional Programs Secretariat (TIPS) by email at .

Name of institution

How many Phase 1 applications will your institution submit?

Institution Contact Person (fill out details below)

This person should be a senior institutional representative, who will be the main point of contact with the Tri-agency Institutional Programs Secretariat and CERC program staff regarding any updates on the competition (i.e., updates to application instructions and forms).

Surname or family name:
Given name and initials:
Title or position:
Email Address:

For each Phase 1 application your institution intends to submit:

  • Fill out the details in the following pages, as applicable. Refer to Allocation of Chairs for more information on priority research areas and sub-areas.
  • Include an initial list of suggested reviewers using the suggested reviewers form.

To request that TIPS not invite an individual/individuals to review a Chair application, send an email to , with a clear subject line referencing the applicant institution.

Phase 1 – Application 1 Details

In what language will the application be submitted?

What is the primary thematic research area?

What are the secondary themes or research thrusts (if any)?

List of keywords:

The Chair will primarily align with which priority research area and/or sub-area (identify only one)?

Will the Chair align with additional priority research areas and/or sub-areas (identify as many as apply)?

With which agency’smandate do you anticipate the application will primarily align (select one):

Canadian Institutes of Health Research☐

Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council☐

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council☐



Phase 1 – Application 2 Details(if applicable)

In what language will the application be submitted?

What is the primary thematic research area?

What are the secondary themes or research thrusts (if any)?

List of keywords:

The Chair will primarily align with which priority research area and/or sub-area(identify only one)?

Will the Chair align with additional priority research areas and/or sub-areas (identify as many as apply)?

With which agency’smandate do you anticipate the application will primarily align (select one):

Canadian Institutes of Health Research☐

Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council☐

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council☐



Phase 1 – Application 3 Details(if applicable)

In what language will the application be submitted?

What is the primary thematic research area?

What are the secondary themes or research thrusts (if any)?

List of keywords:

The Chair will primarily align with which priority research area and/or sub-area (identify only one)?

Will the Chair align with additional priority research areas and/or sub-areas (identify as many as apply)?

With which agency’smandate do you anticipate the application will primarily align (select one):

Canadian Institutes of Health Research☐

Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council☐

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council☐