




Geographic Information— Terminology

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N:\30 - IT\ISO TC 211 sekretariat\Dokumenter\211n816\ISO 19104.2 (E).docSTD Version 1.0

Information géographique— Terminologie


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1 Scope 1

2 Conformance 1

3 Normative references 1

4 Terms and definitions 2

5 Criteria for the selection of concepts 3

6 Structure of the terminological record 4

6.1 Record content 4

6.2 Mandatory data types 4

6.3 Optional data types 4

6.4 Term equivalents - other languages 4

6.5 Order of entries 5

7 Core list of entries 5

7.1 Introduction 5

7.2 Core list of concepts with definitions 5

7.3 Abbreviations 33

8 Index (normative) 37

8.1 Alphabetical index of the core list of entries 37

8.2 Systematic index of the core list of entries 47

Annex A (normative) Principles for developing definitions 48

Annex B (informative) Candidate terms 50


ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.

International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part3.

Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75% of the member bodies casting a vote.

International Standard ISO19104 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC211, Geographic information/Geomatics.

This document contains 2 annexes. Annex A is normative, and annex B is informative.


This International Standard is expected to be a central reference for the shared language between participants and users alike. It defines the criteria for including concepts in the vocabulary, specifies the terminological data to be recorded and introduces an initial set of concepts with definitions.

A core list of entries is provided in clause 7. Clause 7 lists accepted single concepts with accepted single definitions. Candidate terms are listed in Annex B. Annex B lists concepts with multiple definitions or concepts that are not yet stable. This document illustrates the structure of entries, and the types of terminological data that are to be recorded. In addition, it introduces an accurate, homogeneous and concise definition style that is in accordance to ISO 10241 (Standard for preparation and layout of international terminology standards). The structure of a terminological record is given in clause 5.

© ISO 1999– All rights reserved / iii


Geographic Information— Terminology

1  Scope

This International Standard is applicable to international communication in the field of geographic information.

This International Standard defines a core list of concepts with their definitions.

This International Standard explains the rules for writing concepts and definitions within the field of geographic information.

2  Conformance

Any product claiming conformance with this International Standard shall comply with the requirements described in the normative clauses. In particular, Candidate documents shall conform to the concepts in clause 8.2 (Systematic index), and their meanings conform to the definitions in clause 7 (Core list of entries).

Where a new term has been created for an existing concept, or an existing term has been incorrectly applied, the candidate document shall not conform. Concepts and their definitions may be included with the candidate terms until conformance is demonstrated.

3  Normative references

The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this International Standard. For dated references, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. However, parties to agreements based on this International Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies. Members of ISO and IEC maintain registers of currently valid International Standards.

ISO 639-2, Codes for the representation of names of languages-Part 2: Alpha-3 code

ISO 704:1987, Principles and methods of terminology

ISO 1087:1990, Terminology ¾Vocabulary

ISO 2382-41987, Information processing systems ¾Vocabulary ¾Part 04: Organization of data

ISO 3166 (all parts), Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions

ISO 10241:1992, International terminology standards ¾Preparation and layout

ISO 19101, Geographic information — Reference model [1])

ISO 19102, Geographic information — Overview 1)

ISO 19103, Geographic information — Conceptual schema language 1)

ISO 19105, Geographic information — Conformance and testing 1)

ISO 19106, Geographic information — Profiles 1)

ISO 19107, Geographic information — Spatial schema 1)

ISO 19108, Geographic information — Temporal schema1)

ISO 19109, Geographic information — Rules for application schemas 1)

ISO 19110, Geographic information — Feature cataloguing methodology 1)

ISO 19111, Geographic information — Spatial referencing by coordinates 1)

ISO 19112, Geographic information — Spatial referencing by geographic identifiers 1)

ISO 19113, Geographic information — Quality principles 1)

ISO 19114, Geographic information — Quality evaluation procedures 1)

ISO 19115, Geographic information — Metadata 1)

ISO 19116, Geographic information — Positioning services 1)

ISO 19117, Geographic information — Portrayal 1)

ISO 19118, Geographic information — Encoding 1)

ISO 19119, Geographic information — Services 1)

4  Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this International Standard, the following terms and definitions shall apply.


abbreviated term

term resulting from the omission of any part of a term while designating the same concept

[ISO 1087]


admitted term

term accepted as a synonym for a preferred term by an authoritative body

[ISO 1087]


concept system

structured set of concepts established according to the relations between them, each concept being determined by its position in this set

[ISO 1087]


concept harmonization

activity for reducing or eliminating minor differences between two or more concepts that are already closely related to each other


deprecated term

term rejected by an authoritative body

[ISO 1087]


language code

code used to indicate the name of a language

[ISO 1087]


obsolete term

term which is no longer in use

[ISO 1087]


preferred term

term recommended by an authoritative body

[ISO 1087]


term equivalent

translation preceded by a language code


term harmonization

activity leading to the designation of one concept in different languages by terms that reflect the same or similar characteristics or have the same or slightly different forms

[ISO 1087]


terminological record

structured collection of terminological data relevant to one concept

[ISO 1087]

5  Criteria for the selection of concepts

Any concept requiring a definition for the clarity of reading of any of the Geographic information International Standards shall be included in this International Standard within the core list of entries and any other concept of interest to Geographic information may be included subject to the following conditions:

a)  definition of the concept is clear;

b)  appropriate preferred term for the concept is not a trade name, name of research project, or colloquial term (local informal term to describe a formal term e.g. "guy" instead of "man);

c)  concept is not defined in common dictionaries according to the meaning of the concept in the field of geographic information;

d)  only single concepts exist with a single definition;

e)  concept would usefully and broadly apply to Geographic information outside the context of the document in which they occur.

6  Structure of the terminological record

6.1  Record content

The terminological record of an entry may contain the following terminological data types, in the order listed below:

a)  entry number - an arbitrary value implying no structure or hierarchy;

b)  preferred term;

c)  abbreviated term - if preferred, shall precede the full form, otherwise an abbreviated form shall follow the full form;

d)  admitted term(s) - national variants shall be followed by a country code as defined in ISO 3166;

e)  definition - if taken from another normative document, a reference shall be added in square brackets after the definition; or, if referring to another concept in the vocabulary, then that concept shall be named by its preferred term and presented in bold face characters;

f)  deprecated or obsolete terms (in alphabetical order);

g)  references to related entries ;

h)  examples of term usage;

i)  notes - may be used to provide additional information, (if a definition has been adapted from a source, this may be explained in a note).

6.2  Mandatory data types

The terminological record shall include at least the following data types from those defined in subclause 6.1.

a)  entry number;

b)  preferred term;

c)  definition.

6.3  Optional data types

All data types from 6.1 not listed in 6.2.

6.4  Term equivalents - other languages

Term equivalents shall be used to designate equivalents, in other languages than the definition language, of preferred terms and admitted terms, or their abbreviated form. Term equivalents shall be followed by the alphabetic-3 digits language code as defined in ISO 639-2 (e.g. "fra" for French, "deu" for German).

6.5  Order of entries

The concepts entered into the core list of entries (clause 7) are in alphabetical order of their preferred terms, and are numbered sequentially. The alphabetical index (8.1) lists all the terms, including preferred, admitted, deprecated and obsolete terms as well as the permuted form of compound terms. The systematic index (8.2) lists preferred terms organized in broad geographic information categories.

7  Core list of entries

7.1  Introduction

The core list of entries contain single concept with single definitions and abbreviations useful in the field of geographic information and in particular geographic information ISO International Standards. This Core list of entries may be updated on a regular basis to ensure current concepts and definitions or abbreviations are displayed. Other terms that do not qualify to be in the Core list of entries can be found in Annex B Candidate terms.

7.2  Core list of concepts with definitions


absolute accuracy

external accuracy
closeness of reported coordinate values to values accepted as or being true [ISO 19111, ISO 19113]


abstract test case

formal basis for deriving executable test cases

NOTE One or more test purposes are encapsulated in the abstract test case. An abstract test case is independent of both the implementation and the values. It should be complete in the sense that it is sufficient to enable a test verdict to be assigned unambiguously to each potentially observable test outcome (i.e. sequence of test events). [ISO 19105]


abstract test method

method for testing of implementations independent of any particular test procedures [ISO 19105]


abstract test module

set of related abstract test cases

NOTE Abstract test modules may be nested in a hierarchical way. [ISO 19105]



instrument for measurement of acceleration

NOTE In inertial positioning systems, three acceleration components are measured at very small time intervals and numerically integrated to yield travel - distance components relative to an initial known neierence point. [ISO 19116]



closeness of agreement between a test result and the accepted reference value [ISO 3534-1]

NOTE A test result can be observations or measurements. [ISO 19113]


accuracy, position

closeness of coordinate value to the true or accepted value in a specified reference system

NOTE The term absolute accuracy is sometimes used for this concept to distinguish it from relative position accuracy. Where the true coordinate value may not be perfectly known, accuracy is normally tested by comparison to the best available values that can be accepted as true. [ISO 19116]


accuracy, position, relative

closeness of coordinate difference value to the true or accepted value in a specified reference system

NOTE Closely related terms such as local accuracy are employed in various countries, agencies, and application groups. Where such terms are utilized, a description of the term should be provided. [ISO 19116]



form of association that specifies a whole-part relationship between an aggregate (a whole) and a constituents part See also composition [UML] [ISO 19103]



manipulation and processing of data in support of user requirements [ISO 19101, ISO 19103, ISO 19107, ISO 19109]


application model

conceptual model which contains type definitions of instances manipulated by applications

NOTE Type definitions of instances include, but are not limited to, definitions of feature types, definitions of types of feature attributes, definitions of types of spatial objects, data quality elements, and data quality overview elements. These type definitions may be components of conceptual schemas, and they may be included in application schemas. [ISO 19101]