³Minutes of Meeting´

Meeting Title / : / Labor- Management Partnership Committee (LMPC)
Date / : / February 29, 2012
Time / : / 1 pm
Place / : / DDS, 1125 15th St NW, Washington DC. 20005
Chair Person / : / Gria Hernandez, Human Capital Administrator
In Attendance / : / Laura L. Nuss, Director
Deborah Bonsack, Chief of Staff
Cathy Anderson, Deputy Director, DDA
Catherine Yadamec, Program Manager, Quality
Dr. Martin Jones, Program Manager, DDD
Matthew Bachand, Deputy Director, RSA
Gria Hernandez, Human Capital Administrator
Kehinde Asuelimen, Labor Liaison
Timothy Traylor, AFGE Local 383, Acting President
Edward J. Smith, ESQ. DCNA, Staff Attorney
Ronald Kenney, AFSCME Local 2401, Union Steward
Absent / : / Sabrina Brown, AFSCME Local 2401, President
Stephen G. White, AFSCME District Council 20, Staff Representative
Vanessa Dixon, Doctors Council of D.C., Labor Representative
Agenda / : / Implementation of the LMPC Agreement
Next Meeting / : / Date: April 11, 2012
Time: 1 pm
Place: DDS, 1125 15th St NW, Washington DC. 20005


# / Decision
Implementation of the LMPC agreement
2.  / Labor to ask members for project topics, the result of which would be incorporated into a survey to determine which topics would be feasible.

Action Items:

# / Action Item / Owner / Status / Due Date / Comments
Project Topics / Labor / - / ASAP / -
2.  / Survey / Management / - / TBC / -




Director Nuss explained that the forming of the LMPC with all the labor organizations in the Agency is something that she has wanted to do for a very long time. Director Nuss thanked all participates for their efforts in making this LMPC possible. Director Nuss hopes that the collaboration of management and labor will address the mission of the Agency, and make the agency the very best it can be. Director Nuss is looking forward to a good long relationship with union leaderships.


DCNA advised that this was the first Agency under Mayor Gray to set up a LMPC. It is hoped that this new committee can be a model for other agencies within the District. Labor advised that they were hopeful of the creation of a number of projects that would oust the need for I & E bargaining. Every effort would be made to get both parties to work for the good of the Agency.

AFGE Local 383 is happy to be a part of the partnership, and advised the LMPC of the loss of their President who recently resigned. Timothy Traylor will be Acting President of AFGE Local 383, until their election occurs in April 2012.

AFSCME also welcomed the collaboration and looked forward to working in partnership with all parties.

Review of the LMPC Agreement

Signing of the Agreement & Pictures

Discussion held on future possible topics for projects. It was mutually agreed that labor would ask their members for input and ideas, and provide feedback to the Labor Liaison as soon as possible. As a result, a survey would be conducted to decide which projects would be feasible.

Discussion held on the next meeting. It was agreed that Dr. Martin Jones will be the chairperson for the next meeting. The next meeting would be held on April 11, 2012 at 1pm at DDS.

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