Big Sky Special Needs Cooperative

Board Minutes

September 3, 2015

MEMBERS PRESENT:Matt Genger, Loren Dunk, Tim Tharp, Elliott Crump, Chuck Gameon, Jackie Christiaens,

Don Mathis, D.K. Brooks, Wade Johnson and Cathy Sessions.

MEMBERS ABSENT:Darryl Omsberg, Lynn Utterback, Greg Hirst, Les Meyer, Katrina Chaney and Charlotte Hanson.

OTHERS PRESENT:Director Kris Magruder and Secretary Kimberly Dyrud.

CALL TO ORDER:Board Chairperson Matt Genger at the Dutton/Brady called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.


BOARD MINUTES:After reading the June 4, 2015 Board Minutes the following motion was made:

Dunk moved and Crump seconded the motion approving the June 4, 2015 Board Minutes as

written. Pros: Genger, Dunk, Tharp, Crump, Gameon, Christiaens, Mathis, Brooks, Johnson

and Sessions. Motion passed.

WARRANTS:AP (Account Payable) Warrants and Payroll Warrants were provided to the board for viewing,

AP/PAYROLLquestions and approval.

Dunk moved and Crump seconded the motion approving summer 2015 AP Warrant Numbers 95245 through 95258 and Payroll Warrant Numbers 99412 through 99466. Pros: Genger, Dunk,

Tharp, Crump, Gameon, Christiaens, Mathis, Brooks, Johnson and Sessions. Motion passed.

Tharp moved and Dunk seconded the motion approving fall 2015-16 AP Warrant Numbers 95259 through 95284 and Payroll Warrant Numbers 99467 through 99522. Pros: Genger, Dunk, Tharp, Crump, Gameon, Christiaens, Mathis, Brooks, Johnson and Sessions. Motion passed.

MATCH MONIES:Director Magruder reminded the board that in previous years the match monies were returned

to the districts to help defray part of their resource teacher’s salary. The cooperative will need the match monies.

Tharp moved and Brooks seconded the motion allowing the cooperative to keep all the match

monies. Pros: Genger, Dunk, Tharp, Crump, Gameon, Christiaens, Mathis, Brooks, Johnson and

Sessions. Motion passed.

PERSONNEL:The cooperative is not recruiting at this time. The cooperative is fully staffed.

New staff training in August was successful. Attendance was up.

September 18 in Shelby OPI will have a workshop on Child Count. Ann Rainey from OPI will be

conducting the workshop.

VEHICLES:The cooperative is in need of 2 new vehicles. The money for these purchases will come from

Medicaid monies.

Johnson moved and Crump seconded the motion allowing the cooperative to purchase 2 new

vehicles. Pros: Genger, Dunk, Tharp, Crump, Gameon, Christiaens, Mathis, Brooks, Johnson and

Sessions. Motion passed.

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Board Minutes

September 3, 2015


PRESIDENT:A motion was made to elect Matt Genger as the 2015-16 Board Chairperson for the Big Sky

Special Needs Cooperative.

Johnson moved and Dunk seconded the motion electing Matt Genger as the 2015-16 Board

Chairperson for the Big Sky Special Needs Cooperative.

PUBLIC COMMENT:No public comment was submitted.


MEETING:The October Board Meeting will be Thursday, October 8, 2015 at the Dutton/Brady School.

ADJOURNMENT:The board meeting was adjourned at 10:40 a.m.


Kimberly Dyrud, Secretary Matt Genger, Board Chairperson