Science Inquiry Gold Packet

This packet will guide you through a step-by-step process on how to conduct a successful science inquiry and then how to create the perfect lab report!

I called this packet the Gold pages to remind you that the information in here is as valuable as the precious metal its color represents!

You are looking at one of the most valuable resources you will receive in science, so treat this packet with respect, take good care of it and DON’T lose it! Trust me, you’ll be lost without it.

Continue to Page 2

The next three pages will show you how to format your final report so that it looks professional:

(Use size 22. Choose from the following fonts: Tahoma, Comic Sans, Courier, Times Roman. Center and write your title as follows:)

The Effect of IV on the DV

(Use size 12 Times New Roman font. Center the following Information)



Teacher Name

(For title, use size18,Times New Roman Font. Center.)

Abstract (Own Page)

The Abstract gets its own page. Do not put anything else on this page.

Text should be left justified. Use size 12 Times New Roman font.

Prior Research (Share)

The Prior Research, Problem, Hypothesis, and Methods sections can run on from one, another. They DO NOT need to be typed onto separate pages.

Text should be left justified. Use size 12 Times New Roman font.

Problem (Share)

Text should be left justified. Use size 12 Times New Roman font.

Hypothesis (Share)

Text should be left justified. Use size 12 Times New Roman font.

Methods (Share)

Materials: (both the words “materials and procedure” are size 12, left justified, italicized)

(Remember DETAILS)



2. etc.


Results Table

The tables can share pages. If there is only one table, it gets its own page. Text should be left justified. Use size 12 Times New Roman font.


Each Graph gets its own page

Discussion of Results

This section is placed after the graphs. It can share the page with the Conclusion and the Future Research. Text should be left justified. Use size 12 Times New Roman font.

Conclusion (Share)

Text should be left justified. Use size 12 Times New Roman font.

Future Research (Share)

Text should be left justified. Use size 12 Times New Roman font.

Reference/Works Cited/Bibliography

This section gets its own page. Use MLA format to type in ALL the resources you used to help you research, plan and write this report.

BEHIND the Reference/Workscited/Bibliography section, you can add the appendices that relate to your investigation:

EDD (appendix 1)

Box Plot (appendix 2)

Other (appendix 3)

Experiment Design Diagram (EDD) format

  1. Pick a topic:
  1. Identify DV (Dependent or Responding Variable):
  1. Identify IV (Independent or Manipulated Variable):
  1. Write a scientific question:

How does (IV) ______affect (DV) ______?

  1. Identify 8 CVs (Constant Variables):
  1. Write a title for your experiment:

The effect of (IV)______on the (DV)______.

7. Write a hypothesis for your experiment:

If the (IV) ______is (action word showing how IV is going to be “changed”) ______then the (DV)______will (your prediction). This will happen because (scientific reason based on your research).

  1. Start planning your experiment.
  1. What is your IV? Give units (metric system) if applicable.
  1. Be specific in each case {e.g. IV = temp. (oC). Then each case might be 10oC, 20oC, 30oC etc.}
  1. How many times will you repeat your experiment? (Minimum 3)
  1. Why is it important to repeat your experiment?


IV: Size of meteor (cm)

DV: Diameter of crater


  1. Height meteor is dropped from
  2. Surface the material is dropped on
  3. Container the surface material is in
  4. Method of measurement
  5. Same number of trials/drops
  6. Density of surface
  7. Same location and same day for the experiment
  8. Same angle of drop


The Effect of the Size of Meteor on the Diameter of the Crater


If the size of the meteor is increased then the diameter of the crater will be the largest for the 4cm meteor. This will happen because the 4cm meteor has a greater mass, which allows for a greater force of impact.


  1. Size of an object (cm)
  2. 1.5cm, 2.5cm, 4cm
  3. # of trials: 24
  4. We repeat the trials to insure accurate and consistent results.

A Data Table How-To Guide

Data Tables:

This is what a data table should look like. It needs to be created in Microsoft Excel. Title Goes Here
IV (units) / DV (units)
Trial Number
mean / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3

Step-by-Step Guide to making a Data Table:


Step 1: Draw the rough draft of the data table by hand.

Step 2: Determine the number of cells needed to make the data table

Horizontal = 4 + the number of trials

Vertical = 2 + the number of IV levels


Step 3: Open Microsoft Excel

Step 4: Click on cell A1 and drag mouse until you have made a purple box the number of cells you need both horizontally and vertically.

Format Cells:

Step 5: Making sure that cells are purple, click on “Format” on top bar. Select “Cells” (or you can right click in the box and select “Format Cells”)

Step 6: Go to “Alignment”.

Make Horizontal and Vertical both “Center” AND click on “Wrap Text”

Step 7: Go to “Font” Make size “12”, keep font style “Regular”, and pick the font you want

Step 8: Go to “Border” and pick “outline” and “inside”

Step 9: Click “OK”

Step 10: Now you are ready to begin typing in your data table!!

Merge Cells:

In order to have some cells be longer without having any lines, you must “merge” the cells to make them be one big cell. If you look at the title bar of the data table, you will see it is one long cell without any lines. This is how to do that.

Step 11: Click on cell A1

Step 12: Highlight the cells (drag the mouse) in the top row of your data table

Step 13: Find the button that is a white box with an “a” in the middle of it with two arrows. It looks a little like this:

It may be hidden off the tool bar. You can find it by clicking on the far right hand side of the bar where there are two arrows pointing right and one pointing down. After you find the button, click on it, it will merge the cells into one cell!

Step 14: Now type your title (remember to capitalize!) into cell A1

Step 15: Now you can merge the cells (B2 on) to make the DV cell and then the Trial Number cell. You can also do this vertically and merge cell A2 through A4 to make the IV cell.

Helpful Tips and Suggestions:

How to make cells bigger:

Step 1: Locate the cell you want larger. Keep in mind that this will make all cells in either that column or row get bigger.

Step 2: If you want it wider, put your cursor at the top of the data table in the gray area between the two letters you want wider. Your cursor will turn into a + letting you know that you are in the right place.

Step 3: Click and drag the mouse. This will resize the cells.

Moving throughout Excel:

Arrow keys: moves you from cell to cell

Mouse: You can click on any cell you want to work with

Tab: moves you from left to right one cell

Enter/Return: Moves you down one cell


Spell Check: Highlight the area you want to spell check, otherwise, it only checks individual cells

A cell = one box in excel

A Graph How-To Guide


This is what a graph should look like. It needs to be created in Microsoft Excel.

Step-by-Step Guide to making a Graph:

Step 1: In order to make a graph, you must first make the data table on Excel. (See data table handout to see proper format. If not in that format, you won’t be able to make an appropriate graph!)

Step 2: Hold down the mouse button and highlight the cells you want to graph. This is all the information in columns A and B in the Excel Spreadsheet. Make sure you don’t highlight the IV and the DV.

Step 3: After highlighting the cells, click on the chart wizard button. The chart wizard button looks like a mini bar graph on the tool bar.

Chart Wizard:

Step 4: This is what is should look like. Choose what type of chart you want. Most of your graphs for this class will be column charts (bar graphs). Click next.

Step 5: Look carefully at the graph that it shows you. Make sure that it makes sense. Check the X and Y-axes and the key. Select the “Data Range” Tab and click on the Columns button

Step 6: Notice That Excel automatically tries to graph the temperature bar. They should not be there – all we want to see are the reaction times. Click on the “Series” tab which is next to the “Data Range” tab

Highlight series 1 and click on the remove button. The new screen will look like this: Notice that the Temperature bars are gone.

Step 7: click next.

Step 8: On this screen, you need to type the title. This needs to be the same as your data table title.

Step 9: Label the X-axis. This is the IV WITH your Units

Step 10: Label, the Y-Axis. This is the DV with units.

Step 11: Click Next

Step 12: The last step! Select “as new sheet” option.

Step 13: Click Finish

Step 14: Carefully look over your graph to make sure that you didn’t miss anything.

After you are done with your graph, you can resize it if you want. After you make a few graphs, you will be ready to start experimenting with excel to make other changes to make your graph even better!


Directions: This worksheet will help you write your conclusion.

This where you explain what the results of your experiment mean. It explains what happened, what that means in relation to your hypothesis, and also explains why the results occurred. It does the following things:

Restates the hypothesis

Describes the results that were expected and what they would have shown

Describes the results that were collected and what they do show

Describes possible sources of error and the effects on data

Describes ways in which the results are valid/reliable

Indicate how this lab could be modified to improve the procedures and reduce experimental error

States whether the Hypothesis was supported or refuted

The conclusion is three paragraphs long.

The first paragraph is where you explain what you were testing and the results

Second paragraph is where you explain possible sources of error and explain how you could modify the procedures.

the third paragraph will state if the hypothesis was supported or refuted


1st paragraph:

The problem being studied in this experiment was (restate problem)______

______. It was proposed that if (restate hypothesis) ______

______. Prior research indicated that as the (IV) ______was (describe how you changed your IV) ______the (DV) ______would (Describe how you expected your DV to change) ______.The data showed that (use mean numbers to summarize results)______

______. These results are believed to have occurred because (cite research/scientific reason)______


2nd Paragraph:

The current hypothesis could be refined to reflect the observations made during the investigation to: (restate the hypothesis but add some extra detail) ______

______. Although the experiment was controlled, there were still some possible sources of error. These errors cause the results of the experiment to not be valid or reliable. The errors identified are: (List three sources of error and how to avoid each of them in future)

  1. ______
  2. ______
  3. ______

3rd Paragraph:

The hypothesis was (supported or refuted). (If supported) This happened because copy and paste explanation from hypothesis (If REFUTED) How was your hypothesis incorrect? Add scientific reasons why it was refuted).______


Research Summary Paper

Directions: This worksheet will help you write your research summary. Look at the example given to you to help you in your writing.

The research summary section is where you introduce your project topic. It does the following things:

Helps explain why your experiment is interesting and relevant (by stating facts gained in your prior research)

Explains what you want to accomplish in your experiment

Briefly outlines the variables (IV, DV, C)

AND it gets the attention of the audience so that they will want to read the rest of your project

The research summary section is 2 paragraphs long.

The first paragraph is where you explain what you found in your research

Also explains how the research relates to your experiment.

Needs to be written in a way that makes your topic sound interesting.

Second paragraph is where you explain the purpose behind the experiment


1st paragraph:

Pose an interesting fact.

List 4-5 facts that you found that relates to your topic. (don’t forget to parenthetically cite your sources!!!) End with the research question that you are trying to answer.

Use appropriate transitional words between fact statements.

2nd Paragraph:

The intent of this project is to…(what are you comparing?)______


The variable to be tested and changed is… (list the IV here) ______. Any changes will be noted by… (how are you measuring the DV?)______. The research will show…. (what do you want your experiment to show?) ______


Research Summary Example

Earthworms live in soils all over the world. These very valuable organisms eat their way through the soil breaking up clumps and adding nutrients (Smith 67). In addition, they are an important part of the food chain (Jones 114). Insecticides are absorbed directly from an environment and have been identified as non-selective toxins (Barker 352). Should mankind think twice before using an insecticide as a quick fix?

The intent of this project is to compare the average pulse rate of an earthworm in an ecosystem contaminated with traces of an insecticide to those in an ecosystem without any traces of an insecticide. The variable to be tested and changed is the use of a popular insecticide. Any changes will be noted by counting the number of times an earthworm’s dorsal blood vessel pulses in 15 seconds. The research will show that insecticides not only affect insects, but other creatures as well.

Variables Example

Independent variable: type of insecticide

Dependent Variable: heart rate of earthworms (seconds)

Constants: set amount of earthworms, potting soil, moss, plants, containers, temperature, water, sunlight, researcher



The purpose of this project was to discover/find out how (IV)______affected (DV) ______. The hypothesis was that if (IV) is ( choose one:increased/decreased), then (DV) will ( choose one: increase/decrease). This would happen because (scientific reason why)______

The effect of (IV) ______on (DV) ______was determined by (write summary ofprocedure in past tense) ______


The results collected during this investigation were; (Use numbers to summarize the mean results for each trial. Start with largest/fastest, etc.)______

______. The results showed that the hypothesis was (supported/refuted). (Next sentence Only if Refuted) This happened because

______(Scientific reason why).

To further understanding of this topic, future research could include ______

______(list 3 other questions you would investigate in future experiments to find out more about your topic.)

Experiment – Display Board

Prior Research
Hypothesis / MAIN TITLE
Materials Method/Procedures
Results Table Graph
Make it colorful with neat pictures
This is just a guideline / Conclusion
Future Research